Biographical Sketch of Albert Mark Allen

Allen, Albert Mark; consulting engineer; born, Akron, O., Aug. 26, 1877; son of Minor J. and Frances DeWolf Allen; educated, Hiram College; Steven’s Institute of Technology, M. E. Degree; married, Union Hill, N. J., April 6, 1900, Christine M. Pellinger; issue, two children; member firm Albert M. Allen & Co.; director Banker’s Guarantee Title & Trust Co., member American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers; member Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, Chamber of Commerce, University and Athletic Clubs.

Biography of John Harrison

John Harrison, senior partner of the grocery firm of Harrison & Pace, was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, November 21, 1845, and is the youngest of three sons of Parker and Mrs. Agnes Harrison, Nee McMurray. He was educated in New York City, and at an early age became associated with an elder brother in the grocery business. On March 4, 1880, he married Miss Emma M. Bangerter, a native of New York, who was born on the day Abraham Lincoln was first elected President, in November 1860. They came to California on their wedding tour and remained. Before coming … Read more