Biography of Uriah Wilkins

Uriah Wilkins, born at Amherst, N. H., married Nancy Kitridge, of that town, and at an early day immigrated to Stowe, where he reared a family of eight children, as follows : Uriah, Nancy, George, Fanny K., Charles A., Elizabeth W., Ingalls, and Mary E. Uriah resides in Stowe, a retired farmer. Nancy died of consumption. George is a practicing attorney of this town. Fanny K. is the wife of Nathaniel Robinson. Charles A. resides in Milford, N. H. Elizabeth W. is the widow of John B. Seaver, and resides in Cambridge village. Ingalls died in California. Mary E. died … Read more

Biography of George Cook, M.D.

George Cook, M.D., a prominent physician of Concord, was born at Dover, this State, November 16, 1848, son of Solomon and Susan Ann (Hayes) Cook. His early education was obtained in the Concord High School and in Franklin Academy. In 1865 he began to read medicine with Drs. Charles P. Gage and Granville P. Conn, of Concord. Also he attended a course of lectures on medicine at Burlington, Vt., and two courses at the School of Medicine of Dartmouth College. After graduating from the last-named school in 1869, he immediately began the practice of his profession in Henniker, N.H., where … Read more

Biography of Hon. Isaac Darwin Merrill

Hon. Isaac Darwin Merrill, a well-known public man of Contoocook, is a son of Isaac and Mary (Wyman) Merrill, born October 1, 1814, in Hopkinton village, N.H. The father, a native of Hollis, Hillsborough County, born June 15, 1784, was a cooper by trade, and worked in Boston, Portland, and Troy, N.Y. When Isaac D. was about a year old, the family moved from Hopkinton to Hillsborough Bridge, where his father was employed at his trade. Later, more than sixty years ago, he settled in Contoocook, built the house where the subject of this sketch now resides, worked at his … Read more

Biography of Rev. Henry Harrison Hartwell

Rev. Henry Harrison Hartwell is an esteemed resident of Allenstown, where he has served for a long time as Superintendent of Schools and in other important town offices. He was born in Hillsborough, N.H., October 18, 1819, son of William and Betsey (Wilkins) Hartwell. His grandfather, John Hartwell, was a typical New Hampshire man, strong in mind and body, and respected by all who knew him. John Hartwell taught school in early life. In 1724 he was Highway Surveyor; and in 1757 he was Selectman of Concord, N.H. A member of the State militia, he was Ensign some time previous … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain Cummings Pierce

Captain Cummings Pierce was born in Hillsborough, N.H., May 22, 1803, a son of Nathan and Phebe (Cummings) Pierce. He was a first cousin of the late President Pierce. His parents removed from Hillsborough to Bradford in 1821, and bought the Pierce homestead, now occupied by Freeman H. Gillingham. Cummings Pierce succeeded to the ownership of the home farm, and continued the improvement of the land, clearing a large part of it, and soon after his marriage erected the present residence. He belonged for some years to an artillery company in the old State militia, serving as Captain the most … Read more