Biography of Luther L. Mason

Luther L. Mason, a prominent farmer and dairyman of Hill, Merrimack County, N.H., was born in this town, on the place where he now resides, July 28, 1850, son of Milton and Judith J. (Young) Mason. His great-grandfather, Josiah, who was born in Rowley, Mass., came to Hill from Salisbury at an early date, when this section was still a wilderness. He, Josiah, was accompanied by his two sons: Ebenezer, grandfather of Luther L.; and Josiah, second. Selecting this location, together they built a log cabin on a part of the farm now used as a pasture. Later, after some … Read more

Biography of George H. Adams

George H. Adams, of Hill, the senior proprietor of the Hill Needle Factory, was born at Haverhill, Mass., son of the late Harrison Adams, the founder of the needle industry in this place. The first of the Adams family in this country was Enoch Adams, the great-grandfather of George H. He came to America from England, and settled, first in Newbury, and afterward in Salisbury, N.H. His last years were spent in the western part of the latter town, near Kearsarge Mountain. His son, Russel, after his marriage with Susanna Fifield, moved to Hill, where a family of eight children … Read more

Biography of George A. Sumner

George A. Sumner, a popular storekeeper and real estate owner of Hill, was born on the place where he now resides, June 27, 1839, son of George W. and Hannah (Abrams) Sumner. [For the full genealogy of the Sumner family the reader is referred to the account of Governor Increase Sumner, to be found in the General Register.] George Sumner is a direct descendant of Edward Sumner, a Revolutionary patriot, who for a long time would not allow tea to be served on his table, and who was one of the Boston Tea Party. Edward’s son, Nathaniel, by his wife … Read more

Biography of John Parker Johnson

John Parker Johnson deserves to be remembered as one of the aggressive men who supplied substance and vitality to the early commercial affairs of Arkansas City. He was a banker and business man, helped promote industrial affairs, and was a citizen of the highest standing. His associates were the most prominent men of Arkansas City from the early days. Mr. Johnson died at Arkansas City, February 18, 1903. Many of his interests have since been continued by Mrs. Lola B. Johnson, who had also been a leader among the influential women of this section of the state. The late Mr. … Read more

Biography of John H. Hunt

John H. Hunt, a prominent farmer and a well-known veteran of Hill, was born in Dorchester, N.H., January 8, 1826, son of Jonathan and Eliza (Holmes) Hunt. His grandfather, who was born in Lexington, Mass., kept a tavern at the time Washington took command of the Continental army. Jonathan Hunt was a carriage-builder, and also kept a lumber wharf at East Cambridge, Mass., until the Lowell railroad was built. He died at Hopkinton, N.H., at the age of eighty-four years. He first married Hannah Larkin, of Lexington, Mass. His second wife, in maidenhood Eliza B. Holmes, was the mother of … Read more