Brown, Mrs. M.E. – Obituary

Eagle Valley, Oregon As the noon hour approached Wednesday, Mrs. Eula M. Brown, widow of Geo. M. Brown, deceased, who died last February, died at the protestant hospital in this city after an illness of several months. Eula Perry was born July 10, 1884 at Windsor, Missouri. She came with her parents to Oregon as a baby and spent her entire life in Baker county, first in Eagle Valley, later in Baker where she had lived for about 30 years. She is survived by a son, Ray, and a daughter, Cornelia Brown, and three brothers, Charles Perry, postmaster of Richland, … Read more

Genealogy of Belfield Kirtley Austin

Belfield Austin, son of John H. Austin and Louisa J. Broyles, continued living in Henry County, Missouri where on 28 October 1883 he married Gertrude Wilma Rhodus. While in Missouri they had five children: two of which died by 1890 of cholera. During the summer of 1898 the family moved to Shelby County, Illinois where Henry, Belfield’s brother, was already living with his wife near Lakewood, Illinois. In November of that same year, Belfield and Gertrude had another son Herbert. Unfortunately on 29 Feb. 1899, “Mrs. Belfield Austin died at her home northeast of town (Lakewood)… and the remains were interred … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Morrison, Hon.

Hon. Joseph L. Morrison. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the northern part of Neosho County than is Hon. Joseph L. Morrison, mayor of the City of Chanute, who had been an important factor in business affairs and whose success in his undertaking had been so marked that his methods are of interest to the commercial world. He is energetic, prompt and notably reliable, and tireless energy, keen perception, honesty of purpose, and a genius for devising and executing the right thing at the right time are his chief characteristics. As the chief executive of Chanute … Read more

Biography of Cyrus F. Blanke

Cyrus F. Blanke, president of the C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Company of St. Louis, was born October 24, 1862, in Marine, Illinois, a son of Fred G. and Caroline (Ortgis) Blanke. The father was born in Germany and came to America in 1847. He carried on general merchandising at Marine, Illinois, for a number of years, but his marriage was celebrated in St. Louis. To him and his wife were born ten children, seven sons and three daughters, of whom Cyrus F. is the fifth in order of birth. Four children, three sons and a daughter, have passed … Read more

Biography of J. H. Gorden

J. H. Gorden, a representative citizen and successful agriculturist of northeastern Oklahoma, where he has made his home for more than two decades, is busily engaged in the cultivation of a farm of fifty acres situated one mile north and four miles east of Dewey. His birth occurred in Henry county, Missouri, in 1861, his parents being J. B. and Anna (Parks) Gorden. The father is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-five years, and now resides at Wagoner, Oklahoma. The mother passed away in 1904. They reared a family of three sons, namely: J. H., of this … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin Strong, M. D.

Benjamin Franklin Strong, M. D. Now engaged in practice as a physician and surgeon at Chautauqua, Doctor Strong had a wide acquaintance in the two states of Kansas and Missouri, had practiced medicine in both states and had also a successful business record to his credit prior to his entrance into the medical profession. He was born in Sabula, Iowa, June 4, 1861. He represents an old American family. His first American ancestor was Elder John Strong, who was the founder of Northampton, Massachusetts. The Strong family originated in Scotland but this branch of it came from England. Many generations … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Grover C. Odle

(See Ward)-Caroline Jane Gwatney, born Nov. 23, 1884, educated at Pryor and Female Seminary. Married March 18, 1906, Grover Cleveland, son of John and Mary Odle, born March 29, 1879 in Henry County, Mo. They are the parents of: Burdette, born November 8, 1906; John Edward, born August 4, 1911; Ruth, born June 20, 1914 and Mary Odle, born October 31, 1916. Mr. Odle is a farmer near Pryor. Edward Gwaltney, born in Indiana March 16, 1860. Married December 29, 1881 Susie, daughter of John S. and Jane (Loveless) Ward, born July 29, 1865. She died Jan. 21, 1898. They … Read more

Missouri Cemetery Records Grundy to Jackson Counties

Missouri Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Missouri county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Grundy County Directions to cemeteries within Grundy County Cemetery Directions Following cemeteries hosted at Grundy County MOGenWeb Alpha Cemetery Anderson Family Cemetery Antioch Cemetery Atteberry Cemetery Austin Farm Cemetery Barnes Cemetery Barr Cemetery Berry Cemetery Bethel Cemetery Black Oak Cemetery Bolser Cemetery Boswell Cemetery Boyers Cemetery Brainard Cemetery Brassfield Cemetery Bratton Cemetery Brooks Cemetery Brummit (Coy-Brummit) Cemetery Embry (Gee) … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Childers

One of the representative citizens of Nowata county is Charles W. Childers, who is residing on the old family homestead eight miles southeast of Lenapah. He was born in Henry county, Missouri, on the 18th of May, 1867, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary Susan (Webster) Childers, the former a native of Henry county and the latter of North Carolina. In the acquirement of his education Charles W. Childers attended the schools of El Dorado, Kansas, and came to Indian Territory with his parents in 1884. They located at Coodys Bluff in Nowata county, where they lived for one … Read more

Biography of Judson Wheeler Mitchell

Judson Wheeler Mitchell, manager of The Emporia Ice & Cold Storage Company, had been a Kansas business man for a quarter of a century. He was born at West Damascus, Pennsylvania, July 2, 1863, and was the son of Harvey Wheeler and Mary E. (Avery) Mitchell. The Mitchells were originally a Scotch family, one branch of which settled in England in the seventeenth century. Matthew Mitchell came to America in 1635, making the voyage in “The Good Ship James,” which was accompanied by an armed vessel, “The Angel Gabriel.” He landed at Boston, and later settled at Stamford, Connecticut, where … Read more

Biography of Thomas F. Morrison

Thomas F. Morrison. One of the prominent members of the Neosho County bar is Thomas F. Morrison, who as a practitioner at Chanute since 1903 had been connected with much of the important litigation tried in the courts of this district. He is also a leading member of the democratic party of this portion of the state, where his influence had been widely felt in political as well as professional circles, and had represented his community in the Kansas Legislature, as a member of which body he was the author of some exceedingly beneficial legislation. Mr. Morrison was born June … Read more

Genealogy of John H. Austin

The first born son of Willis and Jane Austin lived for a time in Madison Co., Virginia. He worked as a wheelwright. Around 1854/55 he married Louisa J. Broyles, daughter of Garriott and Eunice Broyles. Later the Austin family moved to Missouri along with the Broyles family to Henry County, Missouri. There in 1857 John H. Austin bought one half acre for $38.00. His cabin was used for a post office until 1860. John H. Austin died 1862/3 but his widow Louisa continued the post office until 1864. After 1883-4 Louisa Austin and some of her children moved to Shelby … Read more

Biography of John S. Stover

John S. Stover. During an unusually busy life many important interests have claimed the attention of John S. Stover, one of Lincoln’s representative and substantial citizens, these including financial, agricultural, mercantile and political, and few men are better known in Lincoln County or more generally trusted and esteemed. He comes of old Pennsylvania stock and in that state the name of Stover is yet well and honorably represented. John S. Stover was born at Boalsburg, Center County, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1870. His parents were David and Elvina (Sechler) Stover. David Stover was born in Center County, Pennsylvania, in 1838, and … Read more

Biography of William Henry Hite

William Henry Hite. In some individuals the business sense is remarkably developed and this proves the medium through which they may attain an eminence not to be gained by those who try to control affairs for which they have no aptitude. It is now generally recognized that no one reaches unusual success who works against his natural inclinations, and when competition is so keen men need every assistance that developed talent can give in order to take profitable advantage of offered opportunities and to be able to develop legitimate business chances. Especially is this true in communities where strong and … Read more

Biography of Isaac W. Pfost

The Virginians have given to nearly every state in the union much of the good blood and good citizenship, for, wherever his lot is cast, the Virginian is patriotic and does honor to his environments. Idaho has many well known citizens of Virginian birth, but not one who is more highly regarded for integrity and perseverance and all the other qualities which make for real success than Isaac W. Pfost, of Boise, who, having been born in Virginia prior to its division, is literally a native of the Old Dominion. Isaac W. Pfost, proprietor of the Bancroft Hotel, Boise, Idaho, … Read more

Biography of William Lenley Goheen

William Lenley Goheen is publisher of the Holyrood Banner and also the Galatia Register, two papers of extensive circulation and large influence in Ellsworth and Barton counties. Mr. Goheen is a veteran of the printing trade and it is doubtful if any Kansas printer or newspaper man had had a more varied and eventful experience. Much of his life had been spent in the service of that typical American institution, the traveling circus, and as a press agent he had covered nearly every town and city of the United States. Mr. Goheen, who was born at Moweaqua, Illinois, July 25, … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.