Biography of Dr. W. S. Brown

W. S. Brown was born in Preble county, Ohio, September 16, 1824. His parents, Solomon and Lydia Brown, were both natives of New York, and when the subject of this sketch was but an infant they moved to Henry county, Indiana, where he was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools. In the spring of 1847 he came to Missouri and settled in Harrison county on the 7th of May of the same year. He was appointed and served as the first postmaster at Bethany. While living in Bethany he engaged in mercantile business. In 1848 he … Read more

Biography of Clarence W. Winbigler, M. D.

Clarence W. Winbigler, M. D. It was nearly thirty-five years ago that Doctor Winbigler began practice at Harper, Kansas. That county was then well out toward the frontier, and with one other physician of Harper he shared the honors of pioneer practice. In early years Doctor Winbigler practiced when there were no telephones, when there were few good roads, and his work necessitated riding night and day through the bare prairies in all kinds of weather. As a physician and surgeon he ranks among the leaders of his profession in this section of the state. Doctor Winbigler was born at … Read more

Biography of Shepard Keene Linscott

Shepard Keene Linscott. The late Shepard Keene Linscott, who was born March 6, 1887, and died December 11, 1905, represented in the best sense the highest type of American manhood. A farm near Chesterville, Maine, was the place of his nativity and he was the only son of Shepard and Esther (Keene) Linscott. The house in which he was born was built by his grandfather, Samuel Linscott, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age, Shepard Keene Linscott left the parental roof and became a pioneer farmer of Henry County, Indiana. Realizing the importance … Read more

Biography of Albert Henley

Albert Henley has been a resident of Lawrence for thirty-nine years. In all that time he had been actively and conspicuously identified with the material growth and commercial development of the state. Mr. Henley was a pioneer manufacturer of barbed wire in Kansas. Barbed wire is now accepted as a commonplace product of American industry. Only the old timers recall with what prejudice this wire was introduced into general use and also the crude forms in which it was at first manufactured. Mr. Henley’s early attempts at the manufacture were on a very small scale. He began at Lawrence under … Read more

Biography of George O. Lines

George O. Lines. The real estate and insurance business established by George O. Lines in 1911 had gone hand in hand with the development of Neodesha during the past five years, and undoubtedly had contributed as largely during this time toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable placing of insurance as any concern of the kind in Wilson County. Mr. Lines is one of Neodesha’s foremost and most substantial citizens, and while his name necessarily is associated with one of the early and influential families of the county, his success had been self-attained, and in its usefulness and … Read more

Butler, Horace John – Obituary

Wallowa County, Oregon Horace John Butler was born in Louisville, Henry County, Indiana May 28, 1850, and died at his home near Fruita, Oregon, September 16, 1926, aged 76 years, 3 months and 19 days. For several years Mr. Butler had been suffering from the ills usual to old age. His oldest son was drowned December 5, 1923, after which time he failed rapidly, the shock and grief undoubtedly shortening his life. Born of Quaker parentage he united with that denomination early in life. At the age of 19, he began teaching school, following that occupation for four years. When … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Walker

About five miles southwest from Ontario is the farm and home of the subject of this article. It is a place of eighty acres well improved, skillfully tilled, has line buildings, good orchards and a vine-yard, and in connection with the care of this estate, Mr. Walter is operating a dairy and manufacturing a good quality of butter, which is readily sold in the markets. In person Mr. Walter is a man of sound principles, stands well among his fellows, possesses good ability, and has made a success of his labor, starting with his bare hands and now has a … Read more

Biography of Nathan L. Hollowell

Nathan L. Hollowell is grand keeper of records and seals for the Knights of Pythias of the State of Kansas. He had his offices in the Husted Building at Kansas City, Kansas, and had been a resident of that city for several years. The office is an elective one and for an annual term. Mr. Hollowell became grand keeper May 15, 1910, and had been re-elected every year since then. He had long been prominent in the Knights of Pythias order and became active in the fraternity while living in Indiana. In that state he was a member of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses Brown, Jr.

Moses Brown, Jr., was born near New Castle, Henry County, Indiana, June 22, 1831, where he lived eight years, when his parents, Joshua and Sarah S. Brown, removed to Missouri and settled on a farm about six miles northeast of Gallatin. Upon this farm both his parents died, his mother in 1856, and his father in 1871. When sixteen years of age, in 1847, he purchased a tract of land and began farming for himself; improving the wild land and erecting a house in which he lived until 1852. In that year he removed to Harrison County, where he entered … Read more