Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Shope

Robert S. Shope is superintendent of the city schools of Bigelow, Kansas. While not a native of the state, his life had been spent largely within the borders of Kansas, and he is a product of its schools and his work had becn chiefly as a teacher. He belongs to the colonial branch of the Shope family, which originally came out of Germany. His grandfather, William Shope, spent his life in Kentucky, and was a carpenter by trade. His father is David W. Shope, for many years a resident of Maraball County, Kansas. He was born in Kentucky in 1867 … Read more

Biography of Charles Edwin Westlake

Charles E. Westlake. There is a type of business man who had apparently a peculiar genius for doing a number of things well and efficiently. Such a man had the commercial instinct highly developed. Charles E. Westlake of Sedan illustrates the type. He had been a farmer and rancher, had merchandised in several different lines, had been an oil producer, and is now engaged in the undertaking business at Sedan, and one of the livest and most energetic citizens of that town. Both he and his family have been identified with Kansas a great many years. The Westlakes originated in … Read more