Slave Narrative of Adah I. Suggs

Interviewer: Lauana Creel Person Interviewed: Adah Isabelle Suggs Location: Evansville, Indiana Date of Birth: 1862 Stories from Ex-Slaves 5th District Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel 1415 S. Barker Avenue, Evansville, Indiana ESCAPE FROM BONDAGE OF ADAH ISABELLE SUGGS Among the interesting stories connected with former slaves one of the most outstanding ones is the life story of Adah Isabelle Suggs, indeed her escape from slavery planned and executed by her anxious mother, Harriott McClain, bears the earmarks of fiction, but the truth of all related occurences has been established by the aged negro woman and her daughter Mrs. Harriott Holloway, both … Read more

Slave Narrative of Anna Smith

Interviewer: Geo. H. Conn Person Interviewed: Anna Smith Location: Ohio Place of Birth: Henderson Kentucky Date of Birth: May 1833 Age: 100+ Place of Residence: 518 Bishop Street Writer Wilbur C. Ammon, Editor C.R. McLean, District Supervisor June 11, 1937 Folklore Summit County, District #5 In a little old rocking chair, sits an old colored “mammy” known to her friends as “Grandma” Smith, spending the remaining days with her grandchildren. Small of stature, tipping the scales at about 100 lbs. but alert to the wishes and cares of her children, this old lady keeps posted on current events from those … Read more

Slave Narrative of Betty Jones

Interviewer: Lauana Creel Person Interviewed: Elizabeth Jones Location: 429 Oak Street, Evansville, Indiana Ex-Slave Stories District No. 5 Vanderburgh County Lauana Creel THE STORY OF BETTY JONES 429 Oak Street, Evansville, Ind. From an Interview with Elizabeth Jones at 429 Oak Street, Evansville, Ind. “Yes Honey, I was a slave, I was born at Henderson, Kentucky and my mother was born there. We belonged to old Mars John Alvis. Our home was on Alvis’s Hill and a long plank walk had been built from the bank of the Ohio river to the Alvis home. We all liked the long plank … Read more

Hohimer, Roy Dean – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Roy Dean Hohimer, 79, of Baker City died July 5, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. At his request, there will be no funeral. Disposition was by cremation. Coles Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Mr. Hohimer was born on Dec. 24, 1923, at Reed, Ky. He was a son of Bud and Alma Hohimer. He was raised and educated at Reed, Ky. He was drafted into the U.S. Army during World War II and served in the European Theater, Italy and North Africa. He received two purple hearts and was decorated with the Silver Star … Read more

Biography of Henry Dixon Green

HENRY DIXON GREEN. The American bar offers the finest opportunities for preferment of any country upon the face of the earth, its members being privileged, if the talent is not wanting, to attain not only the grandest distinction in the profession, but it is the easiest way of approach to the highest official places in the land. What is more, the American bar can show an array of eminent talent, of profound erudition and of judicial ability equal to that of England, France or Germany. The Howell County bar has, during the past half century, been greatly distinguished for the … Read more

Biography of Relf Bledsoe

The days of chivalry and knighthood in Europe cannot furnish more interesting or romantic tales than our own western history. Into the wild mountain fastnesses of the unexplored west went brave men, whose courage was often called forth in encounters with hostile savages. The land was rich in all natural resources, in gold and silver, in agricultural and commercial possibilities, and awaited the demands of man to yield up its treasures, but its mountain heights were hard to climb, its forests difficult to penetrate, and the magnificent trees, the dense bushes or the jagged rocks often sheltered the skulking foe, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Wesley Porter

John Wesley Porter, a successful young practitioner of law in Muskogee, where he has followed his profession through the past three years, was born in Henderson county, Kentucky, on the 1st of December, 1886, his parents being John Wesley and Lucy Jane (Moss) Porter, the former a tobacco merchant. In the acquirement of an education he attended public and private schools and also studied under a private tutor. His professional training was received in the law department of the Washington and Lee University at Lexington, Virginia, from which he was graduated in June, 1909. He first located for practice at … Read more

Henderson County, Kentucky Census Records

1790 Henderson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1790 Henderson County, Kentucky Census Records Hosted at Henderson County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Census Index Hosted at Kentucky American History and Genealogy Project 1799 Tax List 1800 Henderson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Henderson County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days … Read more

Biography of General Joseph Lane

GENERAL JOSEPH LANE. – Joseph Lane first saw the light of day in North Carolina, December 14, 1801. He was reared in Henderson county, Kentucky. At the early age of twenty he was married to Miss Polly Hart, soon afterwards settling in Vanderburg county, Indiana, where he followed the humble life of a farmer for twenty-five years. While in the pursuit of this occupation, he was prominent as a leader in all matter of enterprise in the county. He soon drifted into politics, and was chosen to represent the county in the state legislature. He was continued in the same … Read more

Henderson County, Kentucky Cemetery Records

Henderson County Henderson County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Henderson County USGenWeb Archives Project Alderson Family Cemetery Plots Cash Creek Cemetery Gish Cemetery Pleasant Valley Cemetery Ridgewood Cemetery Partial Henderson County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Henderson County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Agnew Family Cemetery Cairo, Kentucky Henderson County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Hosted at Rose Family Genealogy Smith Mills Cemetery Surnames A-C Surnames D-G Surnames H-K Surnames L-O Surnames P-S Surnames T-Z  

Biography of Benjamin F. Beckham

Benjamin F. Beckham, a prominent farmer of Madrid Bend, is the son of Alexander F. and Mary (Watson) Beckham. The father was born in Virginia in 1828, moved when young to Gibson County, Tennessee, and then to Hickman, Kentucky, then to Mills Point. He married Miss Watson in 1848. They had eight children, only three now living. Mrs. Beckham belongs to the Methodist Church. Mr. Beckham was a merchant and farmed also upon an extensive scale. In politics he was a democrat. Mr. Beckham was the victim of one of the greatest outrages ever perpetrated. It was known that he … Read more

Slave Narrative of Morris Hillyer

Person Interviewed: Morris Hillyer Location: Alderson, Oklahoma Age: 84 My father was Gabe Hillyer and my mother was Clarisay Hillyer, and our home was in Rose, Georgia. Our owner was Judge Hillyer. He was de last United States senator to Washington, D. C., before de war. My mother died when I was only a few days old and the only mother I ever knew was Judge Hillyer’s wife, Miss Jane. Her nine children were all older than I was and when mother died Miss Jane said mother had raised her children and she would raise here. So she took us … Read more