The Baptist Church of Harrisville, New Hampshire

The Baptist church and society, located at Pottersville, was organized by Elder Ballou and his son, Maturin, at the house of John Muzzey, December 7, 1785, with thirty members, the Rev. Maturin Ballou being the first pastor. In 1829 the church was re-organized and now has about seventy members. The church building was originally built in 1997, was re-modeled in 1830, and was removed and again re-modeled in 1844. It will seat 175 persons and is valued at $2,500.00. The Sabbath-school has sixty scholars, with C. Albert Seaver, superintendent.

Biographical Sketch of Erastus Harris

Erastus Harris, from Medway, Mass., located in the southeastern part of Nelson, (now in Harrisville), at an early date. He was a carpenter, owned a large farm, and died in 1798, aged eighty-four years. His son, Bethuel, born in 1769, came on about 16 years later, and located at the village. His house was located just on the line between the two towns, though he voted in Nelson. He married Deborah Twitchell, reared ten children, and died in July, 1851. The part he took in the manufactures of the town. has already been spoken of. He was a major of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abner Smith

Abner Smith, from Needham, Mass., came to Dublin, now Harrisville, soon after the Revolution, and lived here until his death, in 1833. His son, Aaron, was born in 1791, and died in 1840. During his life he was engaged in the manufacture of earthen ware, at Pottersville. Aaron, Jr., was born in 1822, and during his early life was engaged with his father in the pottery business. He was one of the selectmen thirteen years, town representative of Dublin seven years, and was county commissioner four years. He occupies the homestead, on road 32.