Biography of T. J. Jones

On the roll of Idaho’s distinguished lawyers is the name of T. J. Jones, of Boise. Faithfulness to duty and strict adherence to a fixed purpose in life will do more to advance a man’s interests than wealth or adventitious circumstances. The successful men of the day arc they who have planned their own advancement and have accomplished it in spite of many obstacles and with a certainty that could have been attained only through their own efforts. This class of men has a worthy representative in T. J. Jones, who began life amid unfavoring circumstances in the coal mines … Read more

Biography of Homer C. Bidwell

HOMER C. BIDWELL. – The well known and enterprising businessman, of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is one of the substantial citizens of Union, & has by dint of hard effort, wise management and considerate treatment of patrons built up a fine business in the livery and transportation line. Having as fine stables and his rigs are among the most comfortable and well kept to be secured anywhere. Homer C. was born in Galesburg, Wisconsin on January 25, 1871, being the son of Charles C. & Mary A. (Gilbert) Bidwell. The father was one of those brave … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses, W. H.

Moses, W. H. of the firm Lawson & Moses, dealers in a general line of dry goods, gents’ furnishing goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, groceries, queensware and crockery. They opened business October 28, 1877. They occupy rooms 26×100 feet and 16×26 feet, and carry an average stock of $15,000. They first opened with a stock of $4,000. Mr. Moses was born in McHenry County, Ill., in 1852. He went to Republican City, Neb., in 1870, and embarked in merchandising, following it three years; he then went into the stock business a few months; he then returned to … Read more