Slave Narrative of Celia Henderson

Interviewer: Miriam Logan Person Interviewed: Celia Henderson Location: Ohio Place of Birth: Hardin County, Kentucky Date of Birth: 1849 Age: 88 Miriam Logan Lebanon, Ohio MRS. CELIA HENDERSON, aged 88 Born Hardin County, Kentucky in 1849 (drawing of Celia Henderson) [TR: no drawing found] “Mah mammy were Julia Dittoe, an pappy, he were name Willis Dittoe. Dey live at Louieville till mammy were sold fo’ her marster’s debt. She were a powerful good cook, mammy were-an she were sol’ fo to pay dat debt.” “She tuk us four chillen ‘long wid her, an pappy an th’ others staid back in … Read more

Hardin County, Kentucky Census Records

1790 Hardin County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1790 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1800 Hardin County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1800 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Census Guide 1800 U.S. Census Guide 1810 Hardin County, Kentucky Census Records Free 1810 Census Form for your Research Hosted at – 14 Days Free Hosted at Hardin County USGenWeb Archives Project Census Index Transcribers Notes Census Enumerations Part 1 Census Enumerations Part 2 Census Enumerations Part 3 Census … Read more

Biography of D.W. Dinges

D. W. Dinges, a notary public, and a leading business man of Alexandria, was born in 1836, in Warren County, Va., the youngest of five children of Wm. M. and Clara P. E. (Lincoln) Dinges, both natives of Virginia. The father was born about 1810, of Scotch- Dutch decent, a son of Mortica Dinges. He was a blacksmith, and spent his entire life in his native State, where he died in 1837. His wife was born about 1814, and is living in White County. She moved to Tennessee soon after her husband’s death. She has been three times married; is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Ardinger

The dry goods merchant prince of Bonham, is a native of Berkely County, Virginia, and has been a merchant all his life. He left Virginia at the age of fourteen, for Elizabethtown, Ky., from this place a little later, he moved to Greensboro of the same state, and from there to Missouri. In 1869-70, he was in the wholesale dry goods business at Chicago, but was fortunate enough to sell out his interest there, just before that city was burned in 1871. In 1875, he removed to Bonham, and opened a dry goods business, with a $1 0.000 stock of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Brandenburg

James Brandenburg, farmer; P. O. Diona; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., April 20, 1820; when he was about 3 years of age, his parents moved to Clay Co., Ind., and from there, in the year 1829, came to this county. Mr. Brandenburg lived at home, working in the neighborhood, until he was 18 years of age, when he went to Wisconsin and was engaged in teaming for two years; in 1844, he settled southeast of Salisbury, in this township, and lived there for twelve or thirteen years, when he purchased a farm on Sec. 32, and after being there … Read more

Kentucky Vital Records, 1884-1928

This microfilm is a copy of the original records located at the Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort and microfilmed in 1975. It is an incomplete copy of the set of records for each county but can provide the information for the specific counties and years as denoted in the list.

Slave Narrative of William M. Quinn

Interviewer: Henry Jackson Person Interviewed: William M. Quinn Location: Indianapolis, Indiana Place of Birth: Hardin County, Kentucky Place of Residence: 431 Bright Street, Indianapolis, Indiana Federal Writers’ Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Harry Jackson WILLIAM M. QUINN (EX-SLAVE) 431 Bright Street, Indianapolis, Ind. William M. Quinn, 431 Bright street, was a slave up to ten years of age-“when the soldiers come back home, and the war was over, and we wasn’t slaves anymore”. Mr. Quinn was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, on a farm belonging to Steve Stone. He and a brother and his mother were slaves … Read more

Hardin County, Kentucky Cemetery Records

Hardin County Hardin County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Hardin County USGenWeb Archives Project Bush Cemetery Duncan Cemetery Fort Duffield Memorial Cemetery  Known Burials in Ft. Knox Cemeteries Known Burials in Ft. Hardin County Cemeteries Surnames A-G Surnames H-N Surnames O-Z Gray Cemetery Miller-Thomas Cemetery Richardson Cemetery Robinson & Dinwiddie Surname Extracts St James Catholic Cemetery Big Springs Cemetery Upton-Brashear Family Cemetery Young  Family Cemetery Hardin County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Fort Duffield Cemetery Red Mills Cemetery Hardin County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Hosted at Tombstone Transcription Project Big Springs Cemetery  

Biography of Peter J. Holohan

The gentleman whose name appears above claims distinction as having been one of the first settlers at Wallace, Idaho, and as a member of the firm of Holohan & McKinlay, dealers in tobacco and cigars, he is recognized as one of the prominent business men of that city. He is a native of Hardin county, Kentucky, and is a son of Michael and Ann (Welsh) Holohan, natives of Ireland, who came early in life to the United States and met and married here, settling in Kentucky about 1850. Michael Holohan died in Idaho, in 1880, aged about fifty years, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of the Brown Brothers, Richard and Daniel

Brown Bros., Richard and Daniel, farming, stock and road grading and ditching; P. O. Humbolt; are natives of Nelson and Hardin Cos., Ky.; they were born Dec. 22, 1826, and July 22, 1832, respectively. They were born on the farm, and have always followed farming; they lived in Kentucky until the fall of 1854, when they came to Illinois, and settled about ten miles south of Charleston, where they lived about three months; they then moved on the Springfield road, in Douglas Co., where they lived one year, when, in 1856, they came to the present place, and have lived … Read more

Biography of W. W. Moore

W. W. MOORE. He who is careful of small things, and who earns a reputation for honesty and reliability by observing the promises he has made, is already on the high road to a consummation of his hopes. Such an one is W. W. Moore, who is a prominent general merchant of Protem, Missouri He was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, in 1844, a son of Henry and Nancy (Litsey) Moore, who were born in Kentucky, in which State the father spent his life in the occupation of farming, his death occurring in 1867. His father, George Moore, was a … Read more

Biography of Job Francis Dye

Among the figures who stand prominently forth on the pages of western history is the gentleman whose name introduces this review. His was a marvelous record of long connection with the events which go to make up the annals of the Pacific coast. He was one of those honored pioneers who blazed a path for future cavalcades to follow; who bravely turned their faces from the cities of the east, with all the advantages of wealth and civilization, and cast their fortunes with the western frontier, in all its wildness and primitive modes of life; who, rather than enjoy the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elisha Linder

Elisha Linder, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Aug. 16, 1807; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education was such as the schools of those days afforded; when less than seven years of age, He lost his father, and being the oldest of the family, he soon became the head; his father was a man of energy and thrift, and left the family well provided for; in 1829, young Linder came West, to Illinois, and prospected the county; remaining two months, he returned to Kentucky, and in January, 1831, came again to … Read more

Biography of Timothy S. Givan

Timothy S. Givan, editor and proprietor of the Tullahoma Messenger, one of the prominent weekly papers of Middle Tennessee, was born in Hardin County, October 8, 1845. He is the son of James M. and Mellona (Needham) Givan, both of whom were born in Kentucky, the former November 4, 1811, and the latter September 19, 1819. The parents, married October 9, 1834, had ten children born to them, six of whom were boys, and of these our subject is the youngest. The mother died April 4, 1854, and in 1856 the father married Rachael Clark. He died October 5, 1859. … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Post

Charles D. Post on, whose name is thoroughly identified with the early history of Arizona, and to whom we have had occasion to refer to heretofore, and will, in future volumes record his further activities, was born in Hardin county, Kentucky, April 20th, 1825. He was left motherless when twelve years of age, and soon thereafter was placed in the County Clerk’s office, where he served an apprenticeship of seven years. He was in the office of the Supreme Court of Tennessee, at Nashville, for the next three years, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Upon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin D. Hamblen

Benjamin D. Hamblen, farmer; P. O. Etna; is the son of Francis and Martha B. Hamblen; was born in Mt. Pleasant, Hardin Co., Ky., March 17, 1840; moved with his parents Dec. 24, 1852, to Moultrie Co., and then to Coles Co., March 13, 1868; is the owner of 120 acres of land, valued at or near $5,000; was Justice of the Peace five years; also School Director and Road Overseer. Was married to Sarah M. Newport, the daughter of Benjamin and Ellen Newport, of Coles Co., Ill.; names of children – boys, Henry F. (born Oct. 3, 1870); girls, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas N. Cofer

Thomas N. Cofer, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Hardin Co., Ky., July 20, 1839. He married Miss Rachel E. Combs Nov. 23, 1870; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., July 29, 1851; they have three children, viz., Thomas N., Jr., William E. and John C. He lived in Kentucky until the spring of 1854, when, with his parents he came to Illinois and settled in Coles (now Douglas) Co., at Rural Retreat, where they lived about three years; he then moved to a farm near by, where he remained until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hart

Thomas Hart, farmer; P. O. Paradise is the son of Miles H. and Catharine C. Hart, of Coles Co.; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Sept. 5, 1824; moved to Coles Co. with his parents March 12, 1826; was Assessor, School Trustee, Overseer of the Poor and Road Overseer. Was married to Vianna Sexson, of Coles Co., March 2, 1851; names of children: Mary E., Hallie B.; deceased-Annie Hart. His father, Miles Hart, was born in North Carolina July 24, 1796; was married to Catharine C. Yocum, of Kentucky, and moved to Wayne Co., Ill., and then to Coles Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert B. Mitchell, Gen.

Gen. Robert B. Mitchell was a soldier of the Mexican war from Ohio, a leading figure of Kansas territorial days, one of the ablest officers of the Oivil war representing the Union army of the state, and finally governor of the Territory of New Mexico. He was born in Richland County, Ohio, April 4, 1823; educated at Washington College in Pennsylvania, after which he studied law; was admitted to the bar, and practiced at Mansfield, Ohio, from 1844 to 1846. He then entered the army as a first lientenant in an Ohio regiment and served through the Mexican war, resuming … Read more