Biographical Sketch of Ambrose Swasey

Swasey, Ambrose; manufacturer; born, Exeter, N. H., Dec. 19, 1846; son of Nathaniel and Abigail Chesley (Peavey) Swasey; early education in schools of Exeter; degree of engineering Case School of Applied Science, 1905; Sc. D. Denison University, Granville, O., 1910; married, Hampton, N. IL, Oct. 24, 1871, Lavinia D. Marston, daughter of David and Sarah Ann (Dearborn) Marston; entered into partnership with W. R. Warner (Warner & Swasey), 1880, mfrs. machine tools and astronomical instruments; the 36-inch Lick telescope, the 26-inch of Naval observatory, Washington, the 40-inch Yerkes telescope, as well as a new and exceptionally accurate dividing engine, are … Read more

Biography of Albert M. Beal, M. D.

The technical education of the doctor of medicine avails him but little unless he has laid a foundation for it of broad general knowledge and made a careful study of human nature. When he took up the practice of medicine Doctor Albert M. Beal brought to the profession a mental equipment such as few men acquire in a lifetime. For years he had been an educator, teaching the common branches in the public schools and later specializing in college. Having as a student earned the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, he later found opportunity to perfect … Read more

Biography of Samuel Heagy

Dozen years ago no man perhaps was better known throughout Rock Island County than Samuel Heagy, the subject of this sketch, for years one of the county’s influential and respected citizens. He was born in Taneytown, Maryland, April 20, 1838, and died January 28, 1896. He was the son of a widowed mother, his father having died shortly before his birth. Six years later his mother also passed away, leaving the lad alone in the world. The little boy was taken into the home of a man and his wife in the neighborhood, and with this couple he made his … Read more