Biography of Judge John T. Morgan

The gentleman whose name heads this review has been a conspicuous figure in the legislative and judicial history of two states. Probably the public life of no other illustrious citizen of Idaho has extended over as long a period as his, and certainly the life of none has been more varied in service, more constant in honor, more fearless in conduct and more stainless in reputation. His career has been one of activity, full of incidents and results. In every sphere of life in which he has been called upon to move he has made an indelible impression, and by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Eldridge Bourne

Bourne, Henry Eldridge; college professor; born, E. Hamburg, N. Y., April 13, 1862; son of James R. and Isabella G. Staples Bourne; A. B., Yale University, 1883, B. D. 1887 (Hooker fellow, 1887-1888); (L. H. D., Marietta College, Ohio, 1910); married; associate editor The Congregationalist, Boston, 1888-1889; teacher history and psychology, Norwich (Conn.), Free Academy, 1889-1892; prof. history, since 1892; registrar, 1893-1901; College for Women, Western Reserve University. Author: The Teaching of History and Civics, 1902; Medieval and Modern History, 1905. Editor: Lecky’s French Revolution, 1904. Contributor to reviews.

History of Erie County New York

View of Buffalo Harbor, 1826

“History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County” by Henry Perry Smith, published in 1884, offers an extensive and detailed account of the development of Buffalo and Erie County. This two-volume work, enriched with illustrations and biographical sketches, serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the historical progression of the region from its earliest days through the 19th century. Volume I focuses on the history of Erie County, New York, and its townships, excluding Buffalo. For the detailed history of Buffalo, readers should refer to Volume II.