Obituary of Kate Wallace

Mrs. Kate Wallace, 84 resident of the Modale community for 82 years, died at her home there at 3:30 a.m. Monday. She was born 20 August 1865 at Hamburg, Iowa. Her husband William Wallace, died 5 June 1914. Mrs. Wallace is survived by three daughters, Mrs. James Yutesler of Modale, Iowa; Mrs. K. L. Vittitoe of Mondamin, Iowa and Mrs. Aaron Strain of Modale, Iowa; a sister Mrs. Belle Darmel of Little Sioux, Iowa; two brothers, William Davis of Modale and Albert Davis of Bronson, Iowa; 13 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The body is at the Hardy-Yutesler funeral home in … Read more

Obituary of Albert Davis

Funeral services for Albert Davis, 90 of Bronson, who died Tuesday at a hospital after a long illness, will be at 1:20 p.p. Thursday at Elliott Creek Presbyterian church at Bronson. Rev. Walter Smith will officiate. Burial will be in Logan Park Cemetery in Sioux City under direction of the W. Harry Christy Morningside funeral home. He was born 1 May 1867 in Hamburg, Iowa. He married Rhoda Smith in 1892 in Blair, Nebraska. The couple resided in Walhill, Nebraska before coming here in 1921. They resided most recently in Bronson. Mr. Davis was a member of Elliott Creek Presbyterian … Read more

Obituary of Susan Little Davis

Susan Little Davis was born June 5, 1848, in Nelson County, Kentucky, and passed away 3 February 1926, aged 77 years, 7 months and 28 days. When she was eight years of age she came with her parents to Hamburg, Iowa, where she lived until her marriage to Richard Davis on 5 October 1863. They lived at Hamburg six years, when they moved to Monona County, which place was their home for ten years. They left Monona County in 1879 and came to Harrison County. This is where this obituary ends.

Biography of Thomas J. Crain

Thomas J. Crain was born near the Ohio river, in Fleming county, Kentucky, September 4, 1830. He was reared and educated in his native place, and continued to reside there until 1855, when he migrated to Missouri and entered land in Holt county, improving the same and living upon it until 1864, in February of which year he rented his farm and went to Nebraska City, Nebraska. Here he was engaged in freighting to Denver, Colorado, for one year, when he opened a feeding stable, and carried on that business until the spring of 1866, then went to Hamburg, Iowa, … Read more

Biography of Morillo Abial Spalding

Morillo Abial Spalding. In Morillo Abial Spalding the thriving community of Dearing, Montgomery County, has a citizen who has contributed to its upbuilding a conservative and reliable general mercantile business, who formerly, for eight years, carried on the drug business, and whose long experience in a commercial way has been a decided factor in helping his city to better things. Mr. Spalding was born at Morrisville, Vermont, February 13, 1856, a son of A. W. and Mary (Tenney) Spalding, a grandson of Warren Spalding, a Vermont farmer who spent his life there, and a member of a family, which originating … Read more