Biographical Sketch of Phillip James Pickett

Pickett, Phillip James; plumbing business; born, Buffalo, June 18, 1866; son of Michael and B. Elizabeth Rogers Pickett; educated, Cleveland public schools and St. Joseph’s College; at the age of 17, left college to learn the plumber’s trade; served four years as an apprentice; traveled through the United States, working as a journeyman plumber; at the end of eight years, returned to Cleveland; eighteen years ago, started his own business; has been very successful and credit it to perseverance, honesty and good workmanship; member of the Knights of Columbus; member Master Plumber’s Club. Recreations: All Outdoor Sports, and Reading along … Read more

Biography of H. Y. Thompson

H. Y. Thompson was born at Senecaville, Guernsey county, Ohio, June 4, 1845. He was favored with a liberal education in the public and high schools of his native town. With the hope of improving his health, which had become impaired, in 1862, he undertook a trip across the plains and during the winter of 1862-3 was engaged in mining in Auburn, Baker County, Oregon. In the spring of 1863 he went to Idaho City and for three years carried on his mining operations at that place. His health not improving, he determined to try the climate of the valley … Read more

Biography of William Ross Phillips

William Ross Phillips. During a residence in Shawnee County of more than forty-five years, William Ross Phillips had proved himself one of the ablest and most resourceful farmers in the Kaw Valley. Hard work and a sober industrious life have had their rewards in this case. There is an interesting evidence of his prosperity in the shape of tax receipts. His first tax receipt in Kansas was for five dollars. In 1915 he paid in taxes on his lands $236. His farm comprises fifty acres in the home place, and 160 acres in Menoken Township, of rich bottom lands in … Read more

Biography of Stephen R. Magee, M. D.

Stephen R. Magee, M. D. Among the representative orange groves and vineyards of Arlington in Riverside, mention should be made of that owned by D. Magee. The improvements on this place were commenced by Mrs. Magee in August, 1875. It was then a wild and barren plain. Mrs. Magee in that year preceded the Doctor to California and located on a forty-acre tract, on what is now the corner of Center and Palm avenues. She caused a small cottage to be erected, in which herself and children were domiciled, and then at once commenced the planting of ornamental trees and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Boyd

Boyd, William H.; lawyer; born, Londonderry, Guernsey County, O., Aug. 11, 1864; educated, district schools in native county and public school in Fairview, O.; took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1890; married, Sept. 7, 1892, Miss Anna Maud Judkins, of Flushing, O.; Mrs. Boyd died in September, 1908; member firm of Westenhaver, Boyd, Rudolph & Brooks; in street car war, one of the lawyers for the Municipal Traction Co.; Republican; clerk of Flushing Township, in Belmont County; corporation clerk of Flushing, 1888, 1890, 1891; police prosecutor during absence of Mr. Fielder; asst. director … Read more

Records of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1829-1894

Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, 1953

This is a copy of a record book of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio. The front portion of this manuscript contains the history of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, which we provide here, and biographies of their pastors up to 1953. Starting on page 18 you will find the Membership Record for the church beginning in 1829 and through January of 1894.

Biography of Hon. Albert Briggs

HON. ALBERT BRIGGS. – Ever green in the memory of the pioneer of the Pacific coast remain the trials and hardships they endured while establishing civilization in the far west. These pioneers, constituted no ordinary class; they were hardy, brave and energetic men; and thousands to-day are reaping the benefits which have accrued from the trials and hardships endured by the early pioneer. None among them deserve more tribute than the subject of this sketch, an excellent portrait of whom is placed in this history, from a photograph taken when he was in his seventy-fifth year. Mr. Briggs was born … Read more

Biography of G. Leroy Ramsey

G. Leroy Ramsey. Among the men who are marking their names indelibly upon the stockraising history of Southeastern Kansas, one who had been more than ordinarily active in this field of endeavor and whose operations have assumed large proportions is G. LeRoy Ramsey, who owned and operates 1,760 acres six miles north of El Dorado and 560 acres northeast of that city, all in Butler County. Mr. Ramsey not only raises and ships cattle extensively, but of recent years had been interested in oil leases. He was born at Belle Center, Ohio, December 22, 1872, and is a son of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Orlof T. Brown

Brown, Orlof T.; insurance; born, Cambridge, O., Aug. 16, 1870; son of Joshua and Annie E. Tingle Brown; common school education; married, Columbus, O., Aug. 16, 1904, Alberta E. Fowler; one son and one daughter; observer United States Weather Bureau; state examiner, Ohio; chief deputy State fire marshal, Ohio; examiner city of Cleveland; bookkeeper Ohio National Bank, Washington, D. C.; sec’y Cleveland National Fire Insurance Co.; member Loyal Legion, Sons of Veterans, Modern Woodmen of America, Loyal Order of Moose, Woodmen of the World, Brooklyn Lodge, No. 454, F. & A. M.; member Tippecanoe Club.

Roll Of Capt. Cyrus Beatty’s Company

(From Guernsey County) Served from October 23, 1812, until February 22, 1813. Capt. Cyrus Beatty Lieut. David Burt Ensign, Nicholas Stoner Sergt. William Martain Sergt. Joseph Pollock Sergt. Samuel Beymer Sergt. William Van Horn Corp. John Meek Corp. Isaac Stiers Corp. Andrew Anderson Corp. Elijah Williams Drummer, Jacob Wirick Privates Addy, Loid Anderson. William Cochran, William Conner, John Feticuck, Michael Gibson, William Havens James Henderson, John Hutchins, David Johnston, George Johnston, John Kirkpatrick, Alexander Loury, Robert Martain John S. McKee, John Meek, Samuel Nance, Samuel C Ogle, George Reamey, Robert Reasoner, Ganett Reasoner, William Reynolds, Joseph Ross, Daniel Shatto, Nicholas … Read more

Biography of Prof. C. N. Andrews

Prof. C. N. Andrews, of Redlands, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1852. His father, Robert Andrews, crossed the plains to California with an ox team in 1857. They were on the plains at the time of the Mountain Meadow massacre, and were five months and ten days from Boonville to Sacramento. He purchased a farm in Sonoma County, in 1859, and is still living on it. He had a family of four sons and one daughter. The subject of this sketch received his early training in the common schools of Sonoma County, is a graduate of several prominent … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Simon Beyner’s Company

(From Guernsey County) Served from August 20, until November 12, 1812 Capt. Simon Beyner Lieut. Stewart Speer Ensign, Henry Beyner Sergt. David Slater Sergt. George Wine Sergt. Andrew Dougherty Sergt. Robert Ewings Corp. Nicholas Bumgavance Corp. William Beyner Corp. William Inglehag Corp. Alexander Barton Drummer, Frederick Beyner Fifer, David Moor Privates Argo, Morris Barnes, Ford Bates, Ezekial Bates, William Beach, Charles Beaham, John Brannan, Thomas Chance, William Clark, Joshua Cook, William Dilly, Abraham Dilly, Ichabod Doughty, David Dye, George Evans, Elisha Findlay, Collins Frye, Peter Hawkins, James Lancing, Robert Larde, James Levi, Lewis Llewellyn, Henry Lynn, Joseph McConnell, James McGowan, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Wellington Mercer

Mercer, George Wellington; florist and decorator; born, Toronto, Canada, 1872; son of Albert and Eliza Bye Mercer; educated in public schools of Ontario, Canada; come to United States in 1888; three years with J. F. Sullivan, florist, Detroit; two years with J. H. Rebstock, florist, Buffalo; then came to Cleveland; two years with J. M. Gassers Co.; two years with F. R. Williams Co.; organized own business 1898; married, Cleveland, May 24, 1898, Jessie Withycombe; issue, two children; member Pilgrim Congregational Church.

Biography of Robert Lawrence Mitchell

Robert Lawrence Mitchell. Menoken Township, Shawnee County, in 1870 was mainly raw prairie land and the hardy pioneers who came here as home-seekers had weary tasks before them. Agricultural riches lay beneath the sod but it was toilsome labor to break up this sod, to plough and seed the land and then await the harvest. In the above year many of the eastern states contributed to the citizenship of Kansas and among those who came from Ohio was George J. Mitchell. He was a prosperous and intelligent farmer in Ohio. After sending his three sons to Oberlin College he thought … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Kimball

William C. Kimball, of the firm of Austin, Brown & Kimball, dealers in hardware, lumber, furniture and undertaking, Ashmore; has been a resident of Ashmore since 1867; he was born in Cambridge, Guernsey Co., Ohio, June 14, 1838; was educated at the Cambridge Union Schools, and, in 1857, began teaching school; he continued in that profession in Ohio till March, 1863, when he enlisted in Co. H, 122d O. V. I., and served in the 6th Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac until Jan. 1, 1864; he was then detailed as a clerk in the office of the … Read more

Biography of Edward Morrish, M.D.

Dr. Edward Morrish, a physician and surgeon of St. Louis, was born in Devonshire, England, September 2, 1872. His father, the late William Morrish, was also a native of England, where he followed agricultural pursuits. He married Elizabeth Cudmore, who was likewise born in Devonshire, and there both passed away, the father at the age of sixty-seven years and the mother in 1916, when seventy-three years of age. They had a family of twin sons and a daughter, the latter being Lucy, now the wife of J. Pennington, while Edmond, the twin of Edward, is now residing in England. Dr. … Read more

Biography of Elmer E. Liggett, M. D.

Dr. Elmer E. Liggett (b. 1861, Marysville, Ohio) was a prominent physician and surgeon in Labette County, Kansas, where he practiced for over thirty years. Born into a family of Scottish descent, Liggett moved to Kansas as a child and pursued his medical education at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keokuk, Iowa, graduating in 1884. He further specialized in surgery at Bellevue Hospital Medical College and the New York Post-Graduate School. Dr. Liggett was highly regarded for his medical expertise and community involvement in Oswego, Kansas. He married Mary Parsons Maynard in 1887, with whom he had one daughter, Ruth Ellsworth.

Biographical Sketch of William C. Scott

Scott, William C.; Lake Ford agt. Can. Pac. Ry.; born, Carroll County, O., May 3, 1869; son of Thomas and Susanna Gant Scott; in common schools until 13 years old, then entered coal mines; has picked up education since, as duties would permit; married, Cambridge, O., May 6, 1896, Sophia Hollenbeck; issue, two sons; Independent, politically; 1897-1899, National organizer U. M. U. A.; 1899-1901, editor Miners Journal; since 1901, in fuel department of Canadian Pacific R. R.; looking after mine loading, lake and rail forwarding of all American fuel purchased by the Canadian Pacific R. R.; three million tons annually; … Read more

Biography of William M. Sleeth, Maj.

Maj. William M. Sleeth was one of the founders of the modern civic and industrial community of Arkansas City. He was secretary and treasurer of the original townsite company. He was a keen and resourceful business man, but his practical energies were equalled by his splendid public spirit and his readiness to sacrifice his own interests in behalf of some enterprise that would bring benefit to many. Major Sleeth justly earned the honor and esteem of his community during his life, and his death at Arkansas City, September 26, 1906, was felt as a distinct loss to the community, though … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Absalom Martin’s Company

(From Guernsey or Belmont County) Served from August 26, until November 12, 1812. Capt. Absalom Martin Lieut. Wyatt Hutchison Ensign, James Shuman Sergt. John Broton Sergt. George Scadan Sergt. Thomas Mullen Sergt. William Israel Corp. Christopher Donouer Corp. James Edwards Corp. Edward Davis Corp. Henry Wolford Drummer, Thomas DeBatnon Fifer, Edward Milner Privates Atkinson, Michael Beard, Moses Beard, Thomas Bell, Joseph Berry, Thomas Bowers, Joseph Brown, David Burys, David Carnes, William Carroll, Henry Cogle, Joseph Davis, Henry Delong, Darel Everett, James Fink, William Hanna, William Hart, Jacob Heage, Aaron Hill, Henry Lambert, Lewis Launtz, George Maple, William McGiffin, John McGiffin, … Read more