Biography of Armon P. Vaughn

Armon P. Vaughn. The condition and the high standards of the public schools of Rosedale reflect the power and efficiency of Armon P. Vaughn as an educator and an educational leader. Mr. Vaughn for the past four years had been city superintendent of schools there, and had two more years to serve in his present term. He came to Rosedale in 1907 and for four years was principal of the Columbian School and for two years was principal of the high school before his election to his present office. The enrollment in the public schools of Rosedale is 1,725 students, … Read more

Biography of O. P. S. Plummer, M.D.

O.P.S. PLUMMER, M.D. – Dr. Plummer, one of the most useful citizens of Portland, was born at Greenville, Pennsylvania, in 1836. He became a telegraph operator, and was soon one of the best sound readers in this country. In 1854 he made his home in the West, selecting Rock Island, Illinois, as his residence. He studied medicine, graduating from Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia in 1857. After practicing medicine several years, and serving in army hospital practice during the first years of the Rebellion, he emigrated to the Pacific coast. In the spring of 1864, upon the completion of communication … Read more

Biography of Charles Clifton Crain

Charles Clifton Crain, who is the executive head of one of the largest and most successful enterprises doing business in the wholesale and retail hardware trade in Kansas, being president of the Crain Hardware Company, of Fort Scott, is one of the alert and enterprising men who, during the last half century, have so utilized the opportunities offered here for business preferment that the fame of Fort Scott had been extended to every part of the country. Nothing so builds up a country or section as its commerce and the directing forces are those men whose marvelous foresight see the … Read more