Biography of William G. Barnes

WILLIAM G. BARNES. This gentleman is one of the pioneers of Douglas County, and is a native of Greene County, Tennessee, where he was born September 16, 1831. A son of Joshua and Susanna (Wilson) Barnes, the former of whom was born in Kentucky, a son of David Barnes, who was a soldier in some of the early Indian wars of this country. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, and after residing in Kentucky for some years removed to Indiana, in which State Joshua Barnes attained manhood. In 1822, at the age of twenty-one years, he left the Hoosier State, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. L. Doty

S. L. Doty was born in Greene county, Tennessee, August 13, 1831. His parents, Jesse and Rebecca Doty, were both natives of Tennessee. Azre Doty, grand-father of S. L. Doty, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and was under General Marion, ” the Swamp Fox.” Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at the age of eighteen began to learn the cabinet-making trade, which he made his business until 1865, and since that time he has been farming. He came to Missouri in 1853 and settled in Liberty, Clay county, where he remained four years, then removed … Read more

Greene County, Tennessee Cemetery Transcriptions

Tennessee Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Tennessee county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Greene County, Tennessee Tombstone Transcription Project) Baker-Scruggs Cemetery Black-Kirk Family Cemetery Carter Family Cemetery Carter’s Station-At Albany Conway Family Cemetery Conway-Malone Graves Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery Ebenezer Methodist Cemetery Everhart (Nicholas) Cemetery Greene Ridge Cemetery Gum Springs Cemetery Gum Springs Cemetery Kesterson Family Cemetery Kirk Family Cemetery McMillan Cemetery Midway Negro Cemetery Mt. Bethel Presbyterian Cemetery … Read more

Biography of John H. Rice

John H. Rice had the distinction of having made his mark in two states of the Union of widely different tendencies–Georgia and Kansas. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, November 14, 1825, and his father, a native of Virginia, was surveyor of the county, named for twenty-six consecutive terms. Mr. Rice commenced his higher education at Tusculum College, in his native county, of which his maternal uncle, Dr. Samuel W. Doak, was president. He was admitted to the bar in 1845 and, a few months afterward, opened an office at Cassville, Georgia. In 1855, in addition to conducting a … Read more

Biography of J. H. Hogan

J. H. HOGAN. Among the many successful men of Howell County, Missouri, none have made a more desirable reputation than J. H. Hogan, of Willow Springs. Born and reared on a farm in Greene County, Tennessee, from 1826 until his marriage he remained with his parents, receiving his education in the common schools. His father, Hiram Hogan, was a native of the Keystone State, but at an early age he moved to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Sarah Bales. Their children, four in number, were named as follows: Mary (deceased) was the wife of Robert Caughran; Elizabeth (deceased) … Read more

Biography of James A. Ferguson

JAMES A. FERGUSON. This prominent citizen, who is a member of the firm of Ferguson, Lucas & Kennedy, of Willow Springs, and president of the Willow Springs Bank, has been a resident of this city and vicinity since 1871. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, May 9, 1851, and is a son of William M. and Elizabeth (Hogan) Ferguson, both natives of Tennessee. The grandfather, Alexander Ferguson, was a native of Virginia, but at an early date came to Tennessee. Some of the early members of this family served in the Revolutionary War. The father of our subject came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred A. Lowdermilk, M. D.

Dr. Lowdermilk is the son of William and Martha (Rhodes) Lowdermilk, and was born in Greene county, Tennessee, June 24, 1848. In 1856, his parents moved to Sangamon county, Illinois, taking young Alfred with them. At fourteen years old, he started out to make his own living and learned the trade of tinsmith, which he followed till he was twenty-one years old. He then, in 1869, entered and took a course of lectures in the Louisville Medical College. The next year he began the practice in Vernon and Barton counties, this State, thus acquiring the means to complete his professional … Read more

Biography of T. J. Ferguson

T. J. FERGUSON. Prominent among the early pioneer families of Howell County, Missouri, stands the name of Ferguson. T. J. Ferguson, a prominent farmer of the same, resides four and a half miles west of Willow Springs. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, August 12, 1849, to the union of William and Elizabeth (Hogan) Ferguson (see sketch of J. A. Ferguson). Our subject received his scholastic training in the schools of Tennessee and those of Howell County, Missouri However, the war put a stop to his schooling, but not until he had obtained a fair education. When twenty-one years … Read more

Biography of R. S. Hogan

R. S. HOGAN. No man in West Plains is more respected and liked than R. S. Hogan, who has achieved distinction in politics, and who has made a name for himself as a public-spirited citizen and a promoter of new enterprises. Greene County, Tennessee, was the birthplace of Mr. Hogan, as it was also of his parents, James H. and Amanda F . (Loutrell) Hogan. James H. Hogan was the son of Hiram Hogan, who came from Ireland to this country at an early day, and died when his son James was but four years old. The latter grew up … Read more

Biography of James F. Ailshie

James F. Ailshie is one of the most distinguished criminal lawyers of Idaho, his marked success in that department of jurisprudence winning him enviable prestige. He is also public-spirited and thoroughly interested in whatever tends to promote the moral, intellectual and material welfare of his town, ranking among her progressive and popular citizens. A native of Greene County, Tennessee, he was born June 19, 1868, and is of Scotch ancestry, the family having been established in the south at an early period in its settlement. His great-grandfather, Stephen Ailshie, fought for independence in the war of the Revolution, and after … Read more

Biography of Basil Tonion Barber

Basil Tonion Barber. The ever-changing conditions of present-day competition in business life offer splendid opportunities for men of foresight and sagacity in any growing locality, whether it be developing from wilderness to settlement or from hamlet to metropolis. The ability to recognize in advance the strategic commercial situation is an asset the value of which may not be overestimated, and the man who possesses this quality is bound to find himself, sooner or later, in a position of importance in the business world. It was through the ability to predict where business would develop and to know in advance what … Read more

Biography of Adam Hance

Adam Hance was born in Coblin, a French province of Alsace, and, as usual with the people of that country, spoke both German and English. He came to America and settled near Germantown, Pa., in 1722, where he married a German lady, and raised a large family. His younger son, also named Adam, married a Miss Stoebuck, of Pennsylvania, in 1768, and settled in Montgomery County, Va. When the revolutionary war began, fired by the prevailing patriotic feelings of the day, he joined the American army under Washington, and served during the entire war. He was in the battles of … Read more