Early Residents of Great Falls, Montana

Paris Gibson came to Montana in 1879 to engage in sheep raising, and his consequent observations of the country led to his fortunate investment in land at the falls of the Missouri. I have no data concerning his previous life. Hon. H. P. Rolfe was born in Vermont in 1849, and educated there, choosing law for a profession. He came to Montana in 1876, and was for two years supt of public schools in Helena. During 1879 he was managing editor of the Butte Miner. He next removed to Fort Benton, where he practised law, but in 1884 located permanently … Read more

Messer, David L. – Obituary

Jamieson 1949-2009 David Leo Messer, 60, of Jamieson, died as a result of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident Sept. 29, one mile west of Jamieson. Graveside services will begin at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Lostine Cemetery. A memorial service will follow on Monday at the Pendleton Seventh-day Adventist Church, 1401 SW Goodwin Place. A memorial service was held Oct. 5 in Vale. Lienkaemper Chapel of Ontario was in charge of arrangements. David was born Aug. 11, 1949, to Leo Eugene Messer and Elizabeth Lucille Jenson in Great Falls, Mont. He attended Great Falls schools and graduated from … Read more

Wold, Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow Wold of Joseph died January 31, 2007, at her home in Joseph. She was 90. A memorial celebration will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Joseph City Park, followed by a barbecue potluck dinner. Hamburgers and hot dogs, with condiments, will be provided. Salads, desserts, etc. for pot luck would be appreciated. There will be tables at the park but card or portable tables in addition would be welcome. Any flowers ( her favorite was purple) can be delivered to the park or the Joseph United Methodist Church prior to … Read more