Scientific company executive; b. Hoquiam, Wash., Feb. 15, 1919; son of Clifford Harvey and Edna Winifred (Johnson); married Anita Knapp Wegener, Sept. 6, 1941; children: Suzanne Winifred Whalen, Colleen Louise Szurszewski. BS, University Puget Sound, 1941; MS, University Washington, 1950; postgrad., MIT, 1955, 57, UCLA, 1959. Certified teacher, administer, Wash. Teacher at Lake Washington School Dist., Kirkland, Wash., 1942-48; professor of Math, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, 1948-1951, Supervisor Mathematician Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Wash., 1951-1955; research specialist Boeing Company, Seattle, 1955-1968; vice president R. M. Towne & Assocs., 1968-1975; founder, president Dynac Scis., Tacoma, 1975-. Cons. R .M. … Read more