Biography of Theodore Weichselbaum

Theodore Weichselbaum. It is interesting and instructive to chronicle the worthy achievements of so honorable and industrious a life as that of the late Theodore Weichselbaum, for many years active in the business affairs of Riley County, Kansas, for fifty-seven of these being a resident of Ogden. Founded on a sound education, Mr. Weichselbaum’s natural sagacity, shrewdness and great business sense were brought into play and he accumulated a vast fortune through entirely legitimate channels. Theodore Weichselbaum was born June 10, 1834, at Furth, in the Province of Bavaria, Germany, and he died at Ogden, Riley County, Kansas, March 9, … Read more

Biography of Charles Hedinger, M. D.

Charles Hedinger, M. D., of Canton, McPherson County, is a character unique in the great Sunflower State of Kansas. Others have grown old under the bright skies and in the wholesome and invigorating climate of Kansas’ prairies, but so far as known none had reached the age of ninety-five still active in work and had passed through such a varied range of experience, meeting hazard and danger with equanimity, and getting all possible out of life at every hour of existence. Much had been said and written in recent years concerning the decadence of the modern man and his comparative … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Conrad Yate

Conrad Yate, of Germany, came to America and settled first in Virginia, where he married. In 1818 he came to Missouri and settled in Warren County. During his residence here he built four mills (one run by water, two by horses, and one by oxen), and one distillery. His children were Joseph, Peter S., Polly, Elizabeth, Nancy, Henry, Sarah, Catharine, Charles, and George W. Joseph married Polly Phoenix, and settled in Pike Co., Mo. Polly married John Johnson, of Pike County. Elizabeth married Joseph King, of Montgomery County. Nancy married Colonel Reuben Pew, of Montgomery County. Henry married Susan Shields, … Read more

Biography of William Waltke

William Waltke (1824–1916) was a prominent soap manufacturer in St. Louis, Missouri, and founder of William Waltke & Company. Born in Germany, Waltke emigrated to the United States in 1849 following military service in the 1848 German war. Settling in St. Louis, he initially worked for Becker & Brand, a soap manufacturer, before establishing his own soap business around 1860. His company grew substantially, eventually occupying a large factory on East Grand Avenue and distributing products nationally and internationally. Waltke incorporated the business in 1900 and led it until his death. He was a committed Lutheran and esteemed figure in St. Louis business circles.

Biography of Harvey L. Brammell

Harvey L. Brammell owns one of the finest farms in Jefferson County, adjoining the Village of Ozawkie, and for many years had been engaged in the ministry of the Church of the Brethren and had achieved the highest rank, the office of bishop. The locality where he now lives was also the scene of his birth. Mr. Brammell was born October 4, 1871, and his people were early settlers in Jefferson County. The Brammells came out of Germany and were early settlers in Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Reuben Henry Brammell, was born in 1815, and from Pennsylvania moved to Wabash, Indiana, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Claus Rochau

Claus Rochau of Galva Township, Ida County, Ia. resides on Section 3. He has been a resident of the township since 1877, and is one of the old settlers. He was born in Germany, near Holstein, in 1842. He was the son of Hans and Catherine Rochau, both natives of Germany. In 1860, Claus crossed the great waters to America. He married Minnie Bower in Davenport, a native of Germany. She came to America with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bower, when quite young. Claus and Minnie had 10 children: Gusta, Herman, Annie, Lizzie, Minnie, Emma, Willie, John, Katy, … Read more

Biography of August Renz

August Renz, of Leavenworth, is a rather remarkable man. He is now eighty-three years of age, and while his material means would justify such a course, he refuses to be considered in the retired class. He is still working every day, and goes about with erect form and with a decision of purpose such as many younger men might envy. He had put in fifty-eight years of business activity at Leavenworth. So far as can be ascertained he is the oldest active business man of the city in point of continuous service. Mr. Renz is a native of Wuertemberg, Germany, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard F. Valentine

Valentine, Richard F.; sales mgr.; born, Germany, Nov. 25, 1882; son of F. N. and Ernestine Hanzow Valentine; educated, Cleveland grammar schools and Commercial College; married, Cleveland, Nov. 17, 1909, Martha Blanchard; member the Cleveland Grays; successful career on the concert platform and operatic stage between the age of 17 and 22; started as department mgr. at Mechanical Rubber Co., in 1907; had charge of their various departments until spring of 1911; promoted to asst. gen. sales mgr., January, 1912; advanced to gen. sales mgr., advancement due to tact and business energy, and a desire to further the interests of … Read more

Biography of Frederik Gustave Bardenheier, M. D.

Dr. Frederik Gustave Adolph Bardenheier, who is well known in professional circles as a specialist in the treatment of diseases Of the ear, nose and throat, was born in St. Louis, April 13, 1881, and he has chosen to make the city of his nativity the scene of his professional labors and successes. His father, Philipp Bardenheier, came to the United States in the early ’50s and won success along commercial line. The mother, Mrs. Helen Bardenheier, arrived in this country from the Rhine region of Germany some time after her future husband crossed the Atlantic. Dr. Bardenheier was educated … Read more

Biography of Charles Pilla

Charles Pilla. The pages of this publication can render no better service than to record upon them the names and activities of such a man as the late Charles Pilla, who for over half a century was one of the vital factors in the prosperity and progress of the Town of Eudora. Much of what he accomplished in a business way is still in existence and carried forward by his descendants. Many other influences that went from his life and wrought themselves into community action and benefit are also still vital even after their originator had passed away. He was … Read more

Biography of Julius Isay

Julius Isay is one of the most prominent businessmen of Owyhee County, being the senior member of the firm of Isay & Gombrig, dealers in general merchandise, both at De Lamar and Silver City. A country has but one chief ruler, be he king, emperor or president. Comparatively few men can attain to the highest offices in civil or military life, but commerce offers a broad and almost limitless field in which one may exercise his powers unrestrained and gain a leader-ship as the head of a chosen calling. Drawing the lessons which we do from the life of Mr. … Read more

Biography of George Frederich Christoph Schrader

George Frederich Christoph Schrader has been a resident of Saline County, Kansas, thirty years. Measured by the practical results that have proceeded from his intelligence and energy, he is without question one of the foremost farmers of the state. It is not merely a matter of possessing large bodies of land, but the method in which they are improved and farmed, which constitute his achievements as a resident of Kansas. Mr. Schrader came to America when about in middle age. Some of his children were born in the old country, and he is a veteran of the Franco-Prussian war. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Stich

William E. Stich. The largest general insurance office in Independence is owned and managed by William E. Stich. Mr. Stich is a brother of the late A. C. Stich, whose career as a business man and eitizen of Montgomery County had been described on other pages, where many of the detalls of the family history will be found. William E. Stich was born in Hanover, Germany, February 16, 1850. His parents came to this country in 1857 and located at Kalamazoo, Michigan. His early education was received in the schools there, and in the meantime he learned to be a … Read more

Biography of Herman Zabel

Herman Zabel has spent all his life in Pottawatomie County and is a son of one of the early pioneers there. His own career had been one of varied interests and activities. He still owned a big farm near the county seat and is also vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Westmoreland in that city. His father, the late Charles Zabel, was born near the city of Berlin, Germany, in 1851, and deserves a permanent record among the pioneers of Pottawatomie County. At the age of nineteen he came to the United States, worked in the pineries and … Read more

Biography of Albert Ohms

ALBERT OHMS. – The well-kept and carefully tilled farm of the subject of this sketch, with its excellent improvements of fine house, commodious barn, substantial outbuildings, and other evidences of thrift, taste, and industry, all handled with a discerning sagacity and practical judgment, testify eloquently of the substantiality and skill of our subject and give abundant proof that he is one of the most prudent and skillful and successful agriculturists of our county, and it is with pleasure that we grant him a representation among the leading citizens of Union county. On June 14, 1849, in Germany, Albert Ohms was … Read more

Biography of John C. Kruse

John C. Kruse is one of Champaign’s oldest business men in point of continuous service, having lived in that city for almost half a century. He has been an independent merchant for over forty-five years, and he has wisely looked after and directed the business training of his sons and assisted each one to get established in business. Mr. Kruse is a native of Germany, where he was born July 23, 1840, son of John O. and Minnie (Martens) Kruse. His parents spent all their lives in Germany. John C. Kruse had that substantial training afforded by the public school … Read more

Biography of Henry O. Valeur

Henry O. Valeur, architect and builder, of Muskogee, was born in Norway, April 30, 1882, a son of Alrik and Dorothy Valeur. He enjoyed liberal educational advantages, receiving his more advanced training in universities of Norway and of Germany, pursuing university studies in his native country for three years and in Germany for four years. In young manhood he went to sea, spending three years as a sailor, and it was subsequent to this time that he became a student in Germany, thus qualifying for important and responsible duties in life. It was with the belief that he would have … Read more

Biography of Michael T. Hoffman, Rev.

Rev. Michael T. Hoffman is pastor of the Church of the Holy Cross at Emmett. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1908 and practically his entire service had been given in Kansas. He is a devoted and zealous churchman and had done much in a constructive way for the upbuilding of Catholic influence in Kansas. Father Hoffman was born in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany, June 4, 1885, but had lived in the United States since he was five years of age. His father, John Hoffman, was a native of the same border country but then under the Dominion of France, born … Read more

Biography of William Lauer

Since the establishment of Payette William Lauer has been identified with its development and upbuilding, and his labors have been most effective in promoting its welfare. He is the pioneer hardware merchant of the town, and still continues in that line of business, his well directed efforts bringing him success. He is among the worthy citizens that the Fatherland has furnished to the New World, his birth having occurred in Germany on the nth of November 1833. In his youth he crossed the Atlantic to New York with his father, Isaac Lauer, who made his home in the eastern metropolis … Read more