Idella May Todd Gillette of Illinois

GILLETTE, Idella May Todd8, (Eleazer7, Levi6, Ruel5, Job4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 11, 1869, in Sugar Grove, Ill., married in Geneva, Ill, Oct. 5, 1892, Arthur Lewis Gillette, who was born Sept. 27, 1857, in Sugar Grove, Ill., died in Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 4, 1905. Child: I. Lewis Todd, b. May 20, 1902, in Aurora, Ill.

Miles Goodyear Todd of Geneva IL

Miles Goodyear Todd6, (Dan5, Charles4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 14, 1821, at Homer, N. Y., died March 19, 1888, married first, in 1847, Margaret Williams; second, Sept. 12, 1862, Helen Mae Parker, who was born July 9, 1836, died June 28, 1906. He attended an Eastern College, and about 1840, he moved with his family to Geneva, Ill. He was ordained a universal clergyman and became one of Wisconsin’s pioneer ministers, filling different pastorates until the time of his death. He was a private in the 28th regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Militia during the civil war. Children by Margaret Williams: … Read more