Biography of J. Homer McCall, M. D.

Dr. J. Homer McCall, physician and surgeon of Fort Gibson, was born in De Kalb county, Illinois, April 2, 1859, and is a son of Alfred and Catherine (Durham) McCall, who were natives of Ohio and of New York respectively. The father was of Scotch-Irish descent, while the mother came of German lineage. In early manhood Alfred McCall devoted his life to the ministry but later became a railroad promoter and was active in connection with the building of the Florida, Memphis & Columbia River Railroad, which is now a part of the Santa Fe system. He was also active … Read more

Biography of John E. Frost, Hon.

Hon. John E. Frost. Many of Kansas’ most eminent citizens have been connected at one time or another with the Santa Fe Railroad Company. It was in the service of the Sants Fe that Hon. John E. Frost came to Topeka, where for thirty years or more his name had been closely identified with the commercial and civic interests of Topeka and the entire state. Topeka had reason to be prond of men of leadership in affairs, and among them probably none, outside of public office, had enjoyed more honors and had made his influence felt for good in more … Read more

Biography of Charles Samuel Strahan, M. D.

Charles Samuel Strahan, M. D. While Doctor Strahan has the distinction of having been the mayor of Galesburg, Kansas, his high standing in that community is chiefly due to his long and active practice as a physician and surgeon. Doctor Strahan fought many battles with circumstances before he was able to gain his ambition and enter upon the practice of medicine, and throughout life has been a hard worker, conscientious in all his dealings, and has thoroughly deserved every item of his success. The Strahan family is of Scotch-Irish origin, and Doctor Strahan’s grandfather, Robert, was a native of Scotland, … Read more