Biography of Dr. George W. Thompson

DR. GEORGE W. THOMPSON. Dr. George W. Thompson is a successful follower of Aesculapius at Cave Creek, Arkansas, and through ability and well merited success has built up a practice that is eminently satisfactory. He is a product of Caldwell County, Kentucky, born in 1836, and the son of William R. Thompson who was born in Claiborne County, Tennessee, in 1807. The father was liberally educated in his native State and was there married to Miss Elizabeth Wells, also of Tennessee, and a lady of more than ordinary intelligence. She was born in Knox County in 1809. About 1834 the … Read more

Biography of Jason F. Norman

JASON F. NORMAN. Special adaptability to any particular calling in life is the one necessary adjunct to success of a permanent kind. No matter what the vim and determination characterizing a man’s start in business, unless he is to the manner born, he will find to his sorrow that his line has been falsely cast, and the quicker he draws aside and takes up another, the better it will be for him. It has often been the case that a man will make a success of several different occupations, and this has been the experience of Jason F. Norman, who … Read more

Biography of John H. Gass

JOHN H. GASS. This gentleman is one of the most prominent farmers of Boone County, Arkansas, and there is no one who more fully illustrates in his career the unbounded energy and activity of the agriculturist of his section than does he. His birth occurred in what is Clay County, Tennessee, in 1839, and he received very little schooling, much of his time being spent in the arduous duties of the farm. On February 1, 1858, he was married to Miss Susan J., daughter of Lewis and Abigail Pipkin, natives of South Carolina and East Tennessee respectively. Mrs. Gass was … Read more

Biography of Edward A. Hood

Edward A. Hood, cashier of the Greenleaf State Bank, had had an active career in Kansas for a number of years, at first in the lumber business and leter as a banker. Mr. Hood did not begin life as the son of a wealthy family, but had gained his opportanities by hard work and constant vigilance. He was born at Salem, Arkansas, October 5, 1878. His ancestors in the paternal line were Scotch people. His grandfather, Graham W. Hood, was born in Scotland, came to this country when a young man and settled in Missouri among the pioneers, and for … Read more

Biography of Hon. Melvin Nathaniel Dyer

HON. MELVIN NATHANIEL DYER. Prominent in the ranks of the fore-most of the brilliant circle of lawyers of Baxter County, Arkansas, stands the name of Melvin Nathaniel Dyer, who has a most thorough and practical knowledge of the complications of law. He was born near Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County Ga., in 1833, and reared in Walker County, Ga., a son of Edwin Dyer, who was a native of Virginia, and was reared on Blue Grass soil. His father, Wiley Dyer, made fifty-three moves during his lifetime and died in Texas. He was a farmer by occupation, was quite a Nimrod in … Read more

Tucker, David – Obituary

Well Known Citizen of Elgin Passes Away The death of David Tucker occurred in this city, Wednesday, October 11, 1905, at 3:40 p.m. after an illness of only a few days. Death was due to valvular heart disease. Gardiner D. Tucker was born in Fulton County, Arkansas, January 29, 1872, and was therefore 33 years, 11 months and 12 days old at the time of death. He came to Oregon with his parents in 1878 and settled on Elk Flat, in this country, where he resided permanently until a few months prior to his demise. Deceased obtained a good common … Read more

Biography of F. S. Baker

F. S. BAKER. This gentleman has been one of the wide-awake and enterprising citizens of Harrison, Arkansas, since 1873, but first saw the light of day in Smith County, Virginia, May 22, 1842, a son of Andrew and Mary (Hash) Baker, who were also Virginians. They came with their family to Fulton County, Arkansas, and there the father was successfully engaged in farming and merchandising up to the breaking out of the great Civil War, and they then moved to Jasper, Newton County. In 1862 the father enlisted as a lieutenant in the Confederate service, with which he served until … Read more

Biography of Hon. Napoleon B. Allen

HON. NAPOLEON B. ALLEN. Like all self-made and distinguished men Hon. Napoleon B. Allen commenced life with limited means and worked his way to the front by careful and studious attention to business, honesty and integrity, and the following of the various traits that combine in making a man respected and honored. He was born at Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, May 27, 1851. The son of William and Matilda (Evans) Allen. The father was a native of Illinois, but was reared in St. Louis. In 1830 he went to where Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, is now situated, and was one of the … Read more

Biography of Hon. John W. Cypert

HON. JOHN W. CYPERT. Ability, when backed by enterprising measures and progressive ideas, will accomplish more than any other professional requirement, an illustration of which may be seen in the career of Hon. John W. Cypert, who is the efficient county and probate judge of Baxter County, Arkansas He was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, April 22, 1826. A son of John and Nancy (Anderson) Cypert, the latter of whom was born in Virginia and the former in Tennessee. They were married in their father’s native State and partly reared their family there, but in 1850 took up their residence … Read more

Fulton County Arkansas Cemeteries

Garbuttsville Cemetery

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at Fulton County Arkansas USGenWeb Archives Following Cemeteries hosted at Fulton County Arkansas USGenWeb Hosted at Fulton County Arkansas Cemeteries Hosted at Fulton County Arkansas Genealogy Trails Hosted at Fulton County Arkansas Gravestones Photo Project Search: Arkansas, Find A Grave Index

Biography of William G. Pumphrey

WILLIAM G. PUMPHREY. This prominent citizen and retired farmer and stockraiser of Sugar Loaf Township, Boone County, Arkansas, was born in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1824. His grandfather, Larkin Pumphrey, was probably born in North Carolina, but at an early date moved to Kentucky, and from there to Tennessee, dying in Rutherford County, of the latter State, where he had followed farming. It is thought that he was a Revolutionary soldier. His marriage resulted in the birth of six sons and three daughters, of whom our subject’s father, Lewis Pumphrey, was one. The latter was born in North Carolina, but … Read more

Witty, Minerva Mrs. – Obituary

Died, at her home at Pine Grove, May 31st, 1903, Mrs. Minerva Witty. Deceased was the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Tucker, of the Flat. She was born in Fulton county, Ark., August 4th, 1853. She leaves a husband, and five children, by a former marriage, and numerous other relatives to mourn her loss. The funeral occurred at the Elk Flat cemetery Tuesday forenoon. Elgin Recorder Friday June 5, 1903

Fulton County, Arkansas Census

  Fulton County, Arkansas was formed from Izard County in 1842. 1850 Fulton County, Arkansas Census Free 1850 Census Form for your Research Free 1850 Census Images (partially indexed) Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial Free 1850 Census Index 1850 Fulton County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Hosted at Census Guide 1850 U.S. Census Guide 1860 Fulton County, Arkansas Census Free 1860 Census Form for your Research Free 1860 Census Images and Index Hosted at – Ancestry Free Trial 1860 Fulton County, Census (images and index) $ 1810-1890 Accelerated Indexing Systems Hosted at Census … Read more