Biography of David E. Ballard

David E. Ballard is living retired at Washington, Kansas, at the age of eighty-one. Most of his active contemporaries in the strenuous achievements of his earlier years have long since passed away. Mr. Ballard is one of the few survivors of the prominent Kansans who actually laid the foundation of the state. His name is especially associated with the organization of Washington County and the establishment of Washington as its county seat. It was only a few years ago that he disposed of many of his extensive interests, and is now devoting his life to rest and travel. He had … Read more

Biography of Hon. E. D. Shattuck

HON. E.D. SHATTUCK, – Judge Shattuck has been prominently connected with the public affairs of our state for more than thirty years, and is so closely identified with our interests and society as to be a distinctively representative man among us. His mental strength and clearness, combined with remarkable accuracy and absence of personal bias, have made his services of the highest value. He has ever maintained a peculiar coolness of judgement, and neither has been swayed by popular excitement nor has resorted to sensational methods to advance his own views or interests. He has ever been above suspicion of … Read more

Biography of Lucetta S. Carter, Mrs.

Mrs. Lucetta S. Carter. Political struggle, public life and social leadership have brought the names of many women in the last quarter of a century into the limelight in the country, but it is not so frequently that the name of one becomes a household word in her state, through the activities and results of a quiet business career. Such a name is Lucetta S. Carter, philanthropist, through whose generous benefactions Wichita had benefited through the Children’s Home, the First Unitarian Church and Fairmount College. To this womanly duty of enriching others, she brought no inherited fortune; on the other … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Terrill

Timothy Terrill, from Fletcher, Vt., came to Morristown in the autumn of 1817, resided here until 1828, when he removed to Underhill, where he died, about 1833. Moses, son of Timothy, born May 9, 1799, came here with his father and located upon the farm now owned by his son, N. A. Terrill, on road 2, where he resided until about 1848, when he removed to the farm now occupied by R. S. Gallup, and a few years previous to his death located in Cady’s Falls. Moses married Matilda Weld, by whom he had three children, two of whom are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amos K. Whittemore

Amos K. Whittemore, from Litchfield, N. H., located in Eden in 1802, and from there removed to this town, in 1835, and subsequently took up his residence in Bakersfield, where he died, in 1871, aged eighty-nine years. He reared a family of fourteen children, two of whom, Lewis and Robert D., now reside in the town, on road 17.

Caroline Woods Todd Sykes of Berkshire VT

SYKES, Caroline Woods Todd7, (Samuel6, Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 2, 1814, in Enosburg, Vt., died Sept. 25, 1888, in Berkshire, Vt., of dysentery, married Nov. 24, 1844, Ashbel, son of Asa Sykes, of East Berkshire, Vt. Children: I. Fannie Alathea, b. Sept. 28, 1845, in East Berkshire, Vt., d. April 1889, in Enosburg, Vt. of pneumonia, m. Oct. 10, 1886, Charles, son of Harden Allen, of Enosburg, Vt. II. Alfred Samuel, b. Aug. 16, 1847, in East Berkshire, Vt., m. Abbey Sampson, of East Berkshire, Vt. III. Ellen Parmelia, b. July 4, 1850, in East Berkshire, Vt., … Read more

Biography of Edward Anthony Kennedy

EDWARD ANTHONY KENNEDY, oculist and aurist, of Hillcrest Hospital, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was born January 17, 1880, at Fairfield, Vermont, son of Thomas B. and Katherine (Horrigan) Kennedy. His father served through the Civil War and was severely wounded in one of the later battles. For many years he was active in the circles of the Grand Army of the Republic. Edward Anthony Kennedy was educated in the public schools of St. Albans, Vermont, and the Medical School of the University of Vermont, whence he was graduated in the class of 1905 with the degree of M. D. He then entered … Read more

Biography of Oscar Eugene Learnard, Col.

Col. Oscar Eugene Learnard was born in Fairfax, Vermont, November 14, 1832, the son of Stephen Tracy Learnard, and he died in Lawrence, Kansas, November 5, 1911. He grew to manhood in his native state, attended the common schools and Bakersfield Academy, taught school, and attended Norwich, Vermont, University. He did not finish his course at the University but that institution afterward conferred a Master’s degree upon him. Ill health compelled him to give up his studies, and he went to Tennessee, where he was for a time collector for a commercial house. After regaining his health he returned to … Read more

Capt. and Deacon Samuel Todd of St. Albans VT

Capt. and Deacon Samuel Todd6, (Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 13, 1783, in Pawlet, Vt., died Oct. 6, 1858, in St. Albans, Vt., of heart disease, married first, in 1810, Alathea Lawrence who died Sept. 23, 1846 in Enosburg, Vt., second, May 31, 1848, Hannah Brainard of St. Albans, Vt. His death was very sudden, occurring while lying on the sofa, apparently as well as usual, but in such a position that he rolled off dead. Before he was of age, he purchased a farm in Enosburg, Vt. In 1839 he was elected deacon of the Congregational church … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joel Putnam

Joel Putnam, the second child of Luther Putnam, an early settler in Fletcher, Franklin county, was born in 1814, and came to Cambridge in 1856, locating upon the farm he now occupies.

Biography of Horace Waite

Waite, Horace, of Hyde Park, son of Smith H. and Lucinda (Goodenough) Waite, was born in Fairfield, May 16, 1826. His education was obtained in the common schools of Sheldon and at Bakersfield Academy. Left an orphan at the age of five he found a home with Asa Grant with whom he remained till he arrived at man’s estate and for whom he worked seven years after attaining his majority. In 1854 he invested his carefully saved earnings in the purchase of a large farm in Eden, where he resided until 1877 when he removed to Morrisville to secure better … Read more

Franklin County, Vermont Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Fairfax Vermont Historical Society) Beaver Cemetery Bowditch Cemetery Carroll Hill Cemetery Kezer Cemetery Kingsbury/Hibbard Cemetery Learned Cemetery Mudgett Cemetery North Fairfax/Beeman Cemetery Fairfax Plains Cemetery St. Luke’s Cemetery Safford Cemetery Sanderson Corners Cemetery Spafford Cemetery Following Cemeteries (hosted at Interment) Barlow Cemetery Binghamville Cemetery Bordoville Cemetery East Franklin Cemetery Green Corners Cemetery Leach Cemetery Main Street Cemetery Maplegrove Cemetery Mississquoi Cemetery Pond Cemetery Riverside Cemetery Riverview Cemetery Saint George Catholic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gen. Carmi W. Babcock

Gen. Carmi W. Babcock, president of the first free state council of 1857-58, a leading citizen of Lawrence and a prominent contractor in the building of several noted structures of the state, was born in Franklin County, Vermont, April 21, 1830. In 1850, after teaching for a time, he moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he read law and was admitted to the bar. He arrived at Lawrence in September, 1854, and finding that everything was too unsettled to make the practice of the law reliable he engaged in the real estate business. In 1857 he established a bank, only … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Ellsworth Lewis

Lewis, Robert Ellsworth; gen. sec’y Y. M. C. A.; born, Berkshire, Vermont, Sept. 28, 1869; son of C. P. V. and Ellen E. Haynes Lewis; University of Vermont, class of 1892, degrees Ph. D., M. A., L. H. D.; married, Brookline, Massachusetts, Aug. 24, 1893, Grace Mason Brackett (Wellesley, 1890); issue, five sons, three daughters; captain and aide staff Brig. Gen. J. J. Estey, Vermont National Guard, 1892-1894; expedition relief Peking, China, 1900, attached to 14th infantry staff until after capture of Peking; began career as college Y. M. C. A. sec’y in Massachusetts and Rhode Island; national traveling sec’y … Read more

Samuel Bryan Todd of Cat Creek GA

Samuel Bryan Todd7, (Samuel6, Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 2, 1814, in Enosburg, Vt., died May 30, 1870, in Cat Creek, Ga., married Martha Knight, who died in 1916, at their home in Ga. They lived for a number of years in Tampa, Florida, where their children were born, and where he was a physician. Along about 1868, he went to visit his married daughter in southern Georgia, where he was so pleased and favorably impressed with the advantages of the region that he bought a farm in Cat Creek and moved there immediately. Children: *1406. Martha Ann … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Strong

HON. WILLIAM STRONG. – There is no name more thoroughly associated with Oregon and Washington judicature than that of William Strong. His marked characteristics are indelibly impressed upon the system of law of both states, especially that of the latter. To long and distinguished service as associate justice of the supreme court, and in the ex-officio character of judge of the district courts in both states while they were territorial governments, must be added his connection with their legislation, and also his brilliant career as a law practitioner, for over a generation, in all the courts of both states. He … Read more

Biography of Leland J. Graves, M.D.

Leland J. Graves, M.D., was a progressive physician of Claremont, who by the introduction of more advanced ideas in the treatment of disease aided considerably in carrying the healing art to its present high standard of excellence. It is a well-known fact that the greatest amount of good in the way of scientific development has been accomplished by self-made men, and the subject of this sketch belonged to that worthy type of American citizenship. Leland J. Graves was born in Berkshire, Franklin County, Vt., May 24, 1812, son of David J. and Mary (Leland) Graves. The founder of the family … Read more

John Todd of Manlius NY

John Todd5, (Timothy4, Jonathan3, John2, Christopher1) born Feb. 18, 1768, died Dec. 28, 1841, married Esther Bishop, of Madison, Conn., who was born 1766, died Feb. 20, 1859. They resided in St. Albans, Vt., and Manlius, N. Y. Children: *285. Timothy Marthar, b. 1793. 286. Richard James; lost at sea. *287. John Elliott, b. April 22, 1805.

Hiram Lawrence Todd of Saratoga Springs NY

Hiram Lawrence Todd7, (Samuel6, Eliel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 6, 1818, in Enosburg, Vt., died March 8, 1884, in Saratoga, N. Y., from the effects of a fall on the ice. He married Amanda, daughter of Elias Babcock, of West Berkshire, Vt., who died March 8, 1889. He was a talented physician and practiced his profession at Fair Haven, Vt., and later at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Child: *1414. Vernon Lawrence, b. Jan. 8, 1846.

Biographical Sketch of David E. Ballard

A native of Franklin County, Vermont, David E. Ballard is a leading citizen and a prosperous farmer of Washington, and looks back with still keen interest to the days of nearly sixty years ago, when he assisted in the civil organization of his county and his state. He was born March 20, 1837, of English and Revolutionary ancestors. When he was a boy his father, Appleton Ballard, moved to Morrow County, Ohio, not to cultivate the land, but to provide his family with a home while he fared forth on the high seas of the East. While thus engaged, he … Read more