Biographical Sketch of C. Brenton Cook

Cook, C. Brenton; automobile business; born, Frankfort, Ind., Nov. 30, 1882; son of Jonathan and Dorcas Cook; educated, public schools, Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1901-1905; married, Toledo, O., Feb. 3, 1910, Francis Florence Smith; one daughter, Francis Catherine; 1905-1906, graduate engineering apprentice; 1906-1909, sales engineer Bullock Electric Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O.; 1909-1912 mgr. Allis-Chalmers Co., Toledo, O.; 1912, branch mgr. Stevens-Duryea Co.; member American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Bachelor of Science (B. S.); member Athletic Club.