Scenes at Fort Laramie

Looking back, after the expiration of a year, upon Fort Laramie and its inmates, they seem less like a reality than like some fanciful picture of the olden time; so different was the scene from any which this tamer side of the world can present. Tall Indians, enveloped in their white buffalo robes, were striding across the area or reclining at full length on the low roofs of the buildings which inclosed it. Numerous squaws, gayly bedizened, sat grouped in front of the apartments they occupied; their mongrel offspring, restless and vociferous, rambled in every direction through the fort; and … Read more

Mills, Doratha Mae “Dottie” – Obituary

Doratha Mae “Dottie” Mills 76, of Baker City, died May 19, 2005, at her home. There will be a family service later at Ft. Laramie, Wyo. She will be buried in Wyoming alongside her mother and sister. She was born on Dec. 19, 1928, at Ft. Laramie, Wyo., to Orville E. and Doratha Knott Mills. She attended high school at Coos Bay and homesteaded at Big Piney, Wyo. She worked as a bartender in Sweet Home. She had gardening and houseplant skills and loved smelling freshly turned earth ready for planting — anything. Food first if money is tight, then … Read more

Biography of John Clare

John Clare. The name of John Clare recalls one of the very early territorial pioneers of Kansas. This family, of Irish origin, settled in Eastern Kansas about the time the original Kansas-Nebraska bill was being considered by Congress, and from that time to the present members of the family have shared their fortunes with the fortunes of the Sunflower State, have been worthy members of various communities and have done their share in carrying forward the work of advancement and progress. The late John Clare was born in Queens County, Ireland, in 1836. His father Michael Clare first brought his … Read more