Woodward Hezekiah Todd of Florence OH

Woodward Hezekiah Todd8, (Kneeland7, Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born May 28, 1837, died Jan. 18, 1900, married May 17, 1877, Sophia C. Kline, who was born March 4, 1855, died Dec. 25, 1905. Mr. Todd was born in Wakeman, O., and died at his home in Florence, Erie County, O. Below is Mr. Todd’s obituary: At the age of eight years he moved with his parents to the home he occupied. This farm has been his residence over 54 years. In his younger days, he was a student in Oberlin College, and about that time he taught school … Read more

Kneeland Todd of Florence OH

Kneeland Todd7, (Moses6, Hezekiah5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 18, 1808, in Newtown, Conn., died April 24, 1883, married April 24, 1836, Julia Booth, a sister of his brother Isaac’s wife. She was born July 22, 1808, died March 11, 1895. Mr. Todd was one of the early pioneers of Wakeman, Ohio, where he arrived in 1833. He shared the privations of early pioneer life with his twin brother for three years, when he returned to Conn. and there married Julia Booth, of Woodbury, Conn. It is a singular coincident that his marriage and death, also the death of … Read more