Rickett, Wanda J. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Wanda J. Rickett, 57, formerly of La Grande, died of natural causes April 20 at her home in Emmett, Idaho. A celebration of life will begin at 10 a.m. April 30 at the Abundant Life Fellowship, 207 S. Washington, in Emmett. Wanda was born Sept. 11, 1949, to Lewis and Genevieve (Roberts) Ingram in La Grande. She attended school in Cove and graduated from La Grande High School in 1968. After graduation she worked at the public library in La Grande. In 1973 she moved to Flagstaff, Ariz., where she met and married Keith Rickett. She moved … Read more

Biography of Zolo A. Emerson

Zolo A. Emerson. Through the business ability and courtesy of its owner the general merchandise store of Zolo A. Emerson in a comparatively short time has become an important source of supply to the people of Auburn and the surrounding vicinity. In addition to rendering this service to his fellow citizens, Mr. Emerson has a further claim to their esteem in the manner in which he is discharging the duties [p.1749] of postmaster, which office he has efficiently filled since his appointment in 1908. Mr. Emerson is a native of Holmes County, Ohio, born at Millersburg, September 24, 1873, one … Read more

Apache Indians

Apache Indians. Located in southern New Mexico and Arizona, western Texas, and southeastern Colorado, also ranging over much of northern Mexico. Together with the Navaho, the Apache constituted the western group of the southern division of the Athapascan linguistic stock.

Biography of James H. Hoskins

James H. Hoskins, dealer in high grade investment securities, is also well known in the business circles of St. Louis as the president of the Al Fresco Advertising Company. He belongs to that class of enterprising, energetic and farsighted business men upon whose activity the development and prosperity of the city has been built through the past quarter of a century or more. Mr. Hoskins was born in Auburn, New York, December 21, 1859, a son of James H. Hoskins, who was a native of New York and a descendant of John Hoskins, who came from England to the new … Read more