Biography of Henry Herman Kiehl

Henry Herman Kiehl, who had lived in Kansas since the spring of 1870, is one of the foremost citizens of Lyndon. While the days of border ruffianism were past when he came to Kansas, his individual experience covers most of the period of growth and development. As a farmer he had a full share of the hardships and difficulties which the early agriculturists had to encounter and he fully deserves all the prosperity that had come his way. His grandfather was a native of Germany. His father Eli Kiehl was born in Pennsylvania, became owner of a brick yard and … Read more

Biography of John Wesley Wheeler

John Wesley Wheeler. Forty-five years ago when the greater part of Kansas was still an unbroken prairie and open cattle range, John Wesley Wheeler pioneered into the southern part of the state, and his subsequent activities as a homesteader, farmer and stock raiser, have enabled him to amass a competence sufficient for all his future needs. In the meantime he has provided liberally for his family, has borne an upright and commendable part in local affairs. He is now living retired at Havana in Montgomery County. He is descended from Scotch-Irish ancestors who located in Pennsylvania. Mr. Wheeler himself was … Read more

Biography of Capt. Hiram Smith

CAPT. HIRAM SMITH. – Capacity for business may make a man a miser or a shark. Generosity may make him a pauper. In the one case he may so use his talent as to over-reach and distress his neighbors; and in the other he may impoverish himself and become a burden rather than a benefit to society. The benevolent heart is best when joined to a sagacious head. No man seems so happy, and certainly none so useful, as he who is able to gratify his love of doing good by having the means for its accomplishment ever at hand. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas Patton

HON. THOMAS PATTON. – There is scarcely a man in Oregon, who enjoys a greater measure of esteem, both in his own community and abroad, than the gentleman whose name heads this memoir. With the usual substantial and popular qualities of the pioneers, he has a touch of dash and a breadth of view which lift him somewhat above the horizon of even the first business men and thinkers of the Pacific Northwest. He is prominent among those who have given the tone and pose to the peculiarly refined and genial society of the Capital city. He was born in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Wilson Hollyday

Hollyday, John Wilson; supt. Railway Mail Service; born, Findlay, O.; son of Robert H. Hollyday, D. D.; his mother’s name was Lydia A. Patterson; educated, High School, Findlay, O., and Business College, Cleveland; married, Washington, D. C., Sept. 29, 1886, Mary Elizabeth Larner; issue, one daughter, Eleanor; early life spent in mercantile pursuits; appointed to railway mail service, March 4, 1878; transferred to office Gen. Supt. Washington, D. C., 1885; made chief clerk to Gen. Supt., Aug. 1897; made chief clerk to Second Asst. Post Master General, February, 1907; made supt. Railway Mail Service, Cleveland, Oct. 13, 1911; assumed duties … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Jacobs

Although death claimed W. P. Jacobs in 1906, a year after his arrival in Bartlesville, he had already gained a well established position in business circles here, his enterprise and integrity winning for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought into contact. He was born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1866, and acquired his education in Danville College, after which he became connected with the lumber business at Toledo, Ohio. From there he went to Findlay, Ohio, where he was identified with the same line of activity, and he subsequently removed to Lima, that state, where … Read more