Dexter Josiah Todd of Elba MN
Dexter Josiah Todd7, (Eli6, Solomon5, James4, James3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 22, 1828, in Charlemont, Mass., died March 24, 1886, of Pneumonia at his home in Fairwater, Minn., married in 1858, Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Zenas and Julia (Smith) Elmer, who was born July 17, 1835, in Ashfield, Mass., died April 5, 1909, in the old home in Fairwater, Minn. He left the old home in Charlemont, Mass., when he was about twenty-two years of age. For the next four years he worked in the woods, most of the time getting out “shook.” In the spring of 1854, he with … Read more