Pleasant Grove Methodist Cemetery, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas

11 Miles southwest on Highway 15 from El Dorado, Union, Arkansas. Gravestone canvassed, 25 June 1960, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado Branch, Genealogical Committee. COTTRELL David Monroe, b. 20 Oct. 1885, d. 20 May 1946. David Monroe, d. 19 Nov. ae. 6 yrs. John Wayne, b. 16 Dec. 1942, d. 19 Dec. 1942.  Son of J.W. and Polly Cottrell. GIBSON Lela Mitchell, b. 21 Sept. 1910, d. 11 June 1946. GOZA Robert “Sid”, b. 30 Oct. 1901, d. 17 Jan. 1953. GRIFFIN E. L., b. 16 Dec. 1906, d. 31 Dec. 1946. GRESHAM John … Read more

Arkansas Funeral Home Records

Funeral Log Books

This page links to known Arkansas Funeral Records whether they be available online or offline. Funeral records are an invaluable source of genealogical information that can provide insight into the lives and deaths of our ancestors. They offer a wealth of details on the deceased and their family, including their names, ages, dates of death, causes of death, and other key information.

Slave Narrative of Mose Banks

Interviewer: Pernella M. Anderson Person Interviewed: Mose Banks Location: Douglas Addition, El Dorado, Arkansas Age: 69 “My name is Mose Banks and I am sixty-nine years old. I was born in 1869. I was born four years after freedom but still I was a slave in a way. My papa stayed with his old miss and master after freedom until he died and he just died in 1918, so we all stayed with him too. I had one of the best easiest times in my life. My master was name Bob Stevenson and he was a jewel. Never meaned us, … Read more

Three Creeks Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Three Creeks Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas. 15 miles S. W. on Highway 15, ½ mile S. from El Dorado, Union, Arkansas. Gravestones Canvassed, 25 June 1960, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado Branch, Genealogical Committee. ALDERSON Bathurst C., b. 18 Jan. 1812, d. 1 Nov. 1892. BAILEY Floyd O’neal, b. 4 Apr. 1944, d. 27 July 1945. BRITT W. E., b. 25 Nov. 1858, d. 24 Feb. 1930. Husband of Turie A. Jean. BROWN Artemas, b. 19 May 1823, d. 6 Apr. 1873. Daniel F., b. 6 … Read more

Slave Narrative of Josephine Ames

Interviewer: Parnella Anderson Subject: Early Days in Caledonia—Early days in El Dorado Ah wuz bo’n de first year niggers wuz free. Wuz born in Caledonia at de Primm place. Mah ma belonged tuh George Thompson. After mah ma died ah stayed wid de Wommacks, a while. Aftuh dat mah pa taken me home. Pa’s name wuz Jesse Flueur. Ah worked lak er slave. Ah cut wood, sawed logs, picked 400 pounds uv cotton evah day. Ah speck ah married de first time ah wuz about fo’teen years ole. Ah been mahrid three times. All mah husband’s is daid. Ole man … Read more

Friendship Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Friendship Primitive Baptist Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas. ¼ mile east of Lion Oil Refinery on Highway 15¼ mile south. Gravestone Canvassed, 25 June 1960. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado Branch, Genealogical Committee. ALLBRITTON Jim Richard, b. 9 Oct. 1890, d. 10 Apr. 1938. BAKER Herman, b. 28 Dec. 1891, d. 6 Jan. 1940. BLAIR D. W., b. 30 Oct. 1867, d. 10 Apr. 1945. Husband of Mattie. Herbert, b. 15 Nov. 1915, d. 27 Dec. 1939. Son of D. W. and Mattie Blair. Mattie, b. 22 Aug. … Read more

Philadelphia Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Philadelphia Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas 11 miles on Highway 15 East, turn S E, 1½ miles to Church and Cemetery Gravestones Canvassed, 20 Nov. 1960, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado, Branch, Genealogical Committee. BEZONI Fred, b. 22 June 1884, d. 12 Oct. 1913. He was a Mason member. FELDMANN Alice, b. 12 Apr. 1904, d. 5 July 1906. Dau. of John Jacob Feldmann & Pinkie Rugg. John Jacob, b. 22 Feb. 1867, d. 9 Aug. 1919. Husband of Pinkie Rugg. Orrell Robertson, b. 30 Nov. 1912, … Read more

Tatum Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Tatum Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas. 1½ miles south of Wilmington Landing. Gravestones Canvassed, November 1959, by Wade Tatum – non-member. Submitted to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado, Genealogical Committee. MCDANIELS Crowell Wright, b. 15 Mar. 1882, d. 10 July 1888. Child of T. T. & M. E. McDaniels. TATUM B. F., Jr., b. 9 Jan. 1849, d. 16 Jan. 1879. B. F., Sr., b. 6 Aug. 1815, d. 9 Oct. 1896. Mother, Rebecca Tatum. Husband of S. M. Tatum. Rebecca, b. before 1800, d. after 1838. Birth … Read more

Galilee Baptist Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Galilee Baptist Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas. 2½ miles out S. Field Road to Church & cemetery on right hand side of road from El Dorado, Union, Arkansas. Gravestone Canvassed, 18 Feb. 1961, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints El Dorado Branch, Genealogical Committee. BANKSTON Lillian Hill, d. 2 Jan. 1947, ae. 54 yrs. BECK George Harold, d. 20 May 1942, ae. 52 yrs., 11 mos., 10 days. BYROM W. A. CLIFFORD E., ae. 52 yrs. O. E., b. 1 Sept. 1868, d. 3 Nov. 1920. DAILEY Charles, d. 23 … Read more

Phidelphia Cemetery, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas

11 miles on Highway 15 East, turn S E, 1½ miles to Church and Cemetery. Gravestones Canvassed, 20 Nov. 1960, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado, Branch, Genealogical Committee. BEZONI Fred, b. 22 June 1884, d. 12 Oct. 1913. He was a Mason member. FELDMANN Alice, b. 12 Apr. 1904, d. 5 July 1906. Dau. of John Jacob Feldmann & Pinkie Rugg. John Jacob, b. 22 Feb. 1867, d. 9 Aug. 1919. Husband of Pinkie Rugg. Orrell Robertson, b. 30 Nov. 1912, d. 12 Jan. 1959. Pinkie Rugg, b. 18 Sept. 1872, d. 14 Sept. … Read more

Sycamore Grove Church of Christ Cemetery, El Dorado, Union, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Sycamore Grove Church of Christ Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas. 4 mi. N. on Hwy. 167 to Norphlet cut off Hwy. 129 2½ mi. on O’Rears Road ¼ mi. S E to Church from El Dorado, Union, Arkansas. Gravestones Canvassed, 16 Oct. 1960, by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado Branch, Genealogical Committee. ANDREWS James A., d. 6 July 1938. James A., Mrs., d. 24 Dec. 1938. BURTON Oscar F., b. 1 July 1887, d. 19 Nov. 1898, ae. 11 yrs., 4 mos., 19 days. S. H., b. 17 … Read more

Newton Family Cemetery, El Dorado, Arkansas

A cemetery transcription of the Newton Family Cemetery in El Dorado, Union County, Arkansas Highway 82 about 3 miles east of El Dorado about 200 ft. south of the highway right of way on what is known as the Old Dunbar Place. Gravestones Canvassed, 22 Feb. 1961, by Annie Laurie Spencer & Mary Spencer Riley (non-member). Submitted to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, El Dorado, Branch, Genealogical Committee. NEWTON Harrell, b. 1 Sept. 1818, d. 20 July 1866. Not on marker, but was born in Ala. according to 1850 Union Co. census. Penelope, b. 17 Oct. 1855, … Read more

Slave Narrative of Bob Benford

Interviewer: Mrs. Bernice Bowden Person Interviewed: Bob Benford Age: 79 Location: 209 N. Maple Street, Pine Bluff, Arkansas “Slavery-time folks? Here’s one of em. Near as I can get at it, I’se seventy-nine. I was born in Alabama. My white folks said I come from Perry County, Alabama, but I come here to this Arkansas country when I was small. “My old master was Jim Ad Benford. He was good to us. I’m goin’ to tell you we was better off then than now. Yes ma’am, they treated us right. We didn’t have to worry bout payin’ the doctor and … Read more