Biographical Sketch of D. A. Rice

D. A. Rice, station agent, telegraph operator and grain-dealer, Oakland; born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., April 4, 1847, where he lived until 9 years of age, when he removed with his parents to Pickaway Co., Ohio, where he commenced the study of telegraphy, living there three years; then to New Lexington, where he lived two years, the last year, having charge of the telegraph office at that place; he lived in Ohio and engaged in telegraphing until 1870, when he removed to Illinois and located at Effingham, where he was engaged at telegraphing for a short time, when he … Read more

Biography of David C. Johnson

David C. Johnson in his business career had been identified with the City of Eureka and had been a factor in affairs there for over a quarter of a century. He is one of the expert men in that field in real estate and related lines of business and is manager of the Eureka Mortgage Company. Mr. Johnson had lived in Kansas since early boyhood. He was born at Effingham, Illinois, February 20, 1860. The Johnson family became identified with Illinois when it was a territory and in fact when that place was marked off as a distinct section of … Read more

Davidson, Mary Jane Hand Mrs.

Early Resident of Haines Community Buried Saturday Dies At Maxwell Home August 11th Muddy Creek-(Special)- Mrs. Mary Jane Davidson passed away August 11 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Nancy Maxwell. Mrs. Davidson, who was a member of the Baptist church in Haines, was born January 29, 1855 in Effingham, Illinois. She crossed the plains from Illinois to California in 1876 and in 1879 moved to Haines. She has made her home with Mrs. Maxwell for the past few years. Funeral services were held at two o’clock Saturday afternoon in the Baptist Church. Rev. Ralph Goraline officiating. Mrs. Davidson … Read more

Maxwell, Nancy Ann Hand Mrs. – Obituary

Nancy Maxwell Dies, Christmas Spent 52 years on Muddy Creek Farm Muddy Creek–(special)–Mrs. Nancy Ann Maxwell passed away Christmas morning at her home here. Mrs. Maxwell was born in 1867 in Effingham County, Illinois. She moved first to Reno, Nevada and then to Fort Bidwell, Calif., before coming to Oregon by wagon train in 1880. Mrs. Maxwell was married to J.O. Maxwell January 20, 1886, fifty two years ago they moved to the ranch where she passed away. J. O. Maxwell died May 9, 1917. Mrs. Maxwell was a member of the Baptist church and of the Rebekah lodge of … Read more