Biographical Sketch of Thomas Carr Goss

Goss, Thomas Carr; insurance; born, Edinburg, O., April 22, 1862; son of Alfred R. and Martha Carr Goss; educated in Edinburg public schools, and Mt. Union College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 8, 1889, Anna M. Knowles; issue, two sons, Leonard Knowles and Alfred Edward; after leaving school, spent one year in father’s country store; came to Cleveland, January, 1881, to attend business college; in May, that year, entered the service of Hull Vapor Stove Co.; August, 1881, entered insurance business with Thomas H. Geer; has remained in insurance since, except for few months; vice pres. The O. M. Stafford, Goss, Bedell … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Chase

Chase, Charles W.; trustee of The Estate of Edwin Cowles; born, Edinburg, O., Aug. 8, 1846; son of Charles W. and Eliza Brown Chase; attended public school in Portage county, O., and High School at Newton Falls, O.; married, Cleveland, Aug. 1, 1872, Almira F. Cowles; one daughter, Helen (Mrs. E. C. Bassett) ; treas. of the City, April, 1895-1899; in clothing and men’s furnishing business from 1870 to 1890, at No. 15 Public Square; director Chamber of Commerce, 1905-1906; pres. of The Cleveland Leader Co., 1901-1905; sec’y, treas. and director The Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co.; sec’y and director … Read more