Biography of Henry Edgar Maynard

HENRY EDGAR MAYNARD – The Maynards of this country can point with pride to a name of great antiquity. The name Manard or Maynard, appears in the Rolls of Battle Abbey, as among the Normans who came to England with William the Conqueror. John Maynard was appointed Governor of Breast Castle, in Brittany, July 28, 1352, by Edward, Prince of Wales. Sir Henry Maynard, the sixth in descent from John Maynard, mentioned above, was sheriff of Essex County, and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. His son William, was created “Lord of Wicklow” in Ireland, May 30, 1520, by King James … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Louis Day

Day, William Louis; judge, born, Canton, O., Aug. 13, 1876; son of William Rufus (q. v.) and Mary Elizabeth (Schaefer) Day; graduate Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1896; LL. B., University of Michigan, 1900; married Elizabeth E. McKay, of Caro, Mich., Sept. 10, 1902; admitted to bar, 1900, and practiced at Canton; city solicitor, 1906-1908; U. S. atty., Northern Dist. Ohio, 1908-1911; U. S. dist. judge, May 13, 1911-; Republican, Lutheran. Clubs : Hermit, Cleveland Athletic, Nisi Prins.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sherman Van De Boe

Van De Boe, Joseph Sherman; real estate; born, Jan. 20, 1859, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of John Leeland Van De Boe; common school education; married in December, 1881, Miss Mary A. Wood, of Lebanon; issue, one son, Hugh Robert, born Oct. 14, 1885; Mrs. Van De Boe died in December, 1909, while visiting her son, in Hong Kong, China; business career, began to work when 12 years of age; worked on a farm; mgr. Drug Co. in Andover, N. Y.; realizing the need of further education, worked in country store in Ulysses, Pa., and attended Academy there; then went to … Read more

Biography of Clemence Charles Buckner

An able and efficient public official, faithful and devoted to the interests of the Easthampton Board of Health, and to those of the constabulary with which he is associated, Clemence Charles Buckner has resided in this township nearly all his life, and is known both to industrial and civic affairs as a man of representative citizenship. He is a son of Clemence Buckner, who was born in Coburg, Germany, in 18m, and died April 27, 1871, in Northampton, and whose father was a manufacturer in Germany. Clemence Buckner attended the public schools and college in his native town, and he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Pepin

John Pepin was born in St. Jean Baptiste, Rueville County, Quebec, Canada, in 1845, and died in Easthampton, Massachusetts, July 8, 1905. He was well educated in the Canadian schools, and came with his parents to Easthampton at the age of eighteen. Employed in the Williston Mills for a time, he then learned the cabinetmakers’ trade, which, together with carpentry, became his life work. For some years he was journeyman carpenter in the employ of Bartlett Brothers, being foreman of the carpenters who built the Easthampton Library. John Pepin engaged in business for himself in 1896 as contractor and builder, … Read more

Biography of Harry Joseph Jeffway

Few men engaged in the electrical construction and contracting business in this part of the State have been trained in so practical and, indeed, in so high grade a school of experience in electrical work as Harry Joseph Jeffway, who not only has an established repute for unrivalled excellence in his Easthampton business, but who throughout the World War was on duty at submarine bases of the greatest responsibility as an electrician, afterwards also continuing in related lines for the United States Government in the shipyards. Mr. Jeffway is an expert in all matters electrical; he has built up an … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Simons

WILLIAM C. SIMONS, pioneer investment broker of Springfield, Massachusetts, and for the past forty or fifty years intimately associated with the business life of the city, is well known in Springfield, where his reputation both as a man of business integrity and a public-spirited, progressive citizen is of the highest order. He is the son of Cicero Simons, of Springfield. William C. Simons was born at Springfield on September 5, 1849 He received his education in the public schools and Williston Academy, Easthampton. His first position was with the Dean Steam Pump Company, of Holyoke, Massachusetts, but after a few … Read more

Biography of James Andrew Mahoney

JAMES ANDREW MAHONEY, treasurer of the Eastern States Warehouse and Cold Storage Company of Springfield, is one of its well-known business men. He is the son of the late James Mahoney, who was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1840, was there reared and educated, and upon attaining his majority emigrated to the United States, locating in Loudville, town of Northampton, Massachusetts, where he secured employment in the lead mines. He also resided in Glendale, Easthampton, Massachusetts, for a number of years, and was honored and esteemed by his associates for his excellent characteristics. He was quiet and retiring in disposition, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alden, Edmund Kimball

Alden, Edmund Kimball, son of Dr. Ebenezer and Anne (Kimball) Alden, was born in Randolph, Norfolk County, April 11, 1825. He is a lineal descendant in the eighth generation, by two family lines. Of “John” and “Priscilla” of Mayflower fame. After attending the Randolph Academy, he entered Amherst College, where he graduated in 1844; was then a teacher in the Williston Seminary, at Easthampton, for a year, and graduated from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1848, continuing his studies there for a few months as Abbott resident. From 1850 to 1854 Mr. Alden was pastor of the First Church of … Read more

Biography of William Edward Jeffway

WILLIAM EDWARD JEFFWAY. To the prosperous activities of the electrical business at Easthampton, in which William Edward Jeffway is engaged in company with his brother, Harry Joseph Jeffway, he has brought the results of a varied and practical experience in the employ of a number of concerns engaged both in general manufacturing and in horticulture and orcharding, as well as in electrical matters. A veteran of the World War, he served in the Ordnance Department overseas, and shared with his comrades in a number of important engagements on battlefields in France. He is prominent in the community and social life … Read more

Biography of Samuel Lyman Munson

SAMUEL LYMAN MUNSON IT IS both interesting and profitable to trace the prosperous career of men of enterprise in our midst, whose highest aim is to keep abreast with the progressive commercial spirit of the day and to develop or carry on some important branch of industry. Of this class we have a notable example in the following portraiture of Samuel L. Munson, the well-known manufacturer in Hudson Avenue – a man of uncommon pluck, courage, executive ability and untiring perseverance in his business undertakings. He was born on the 14th of June, 1844, in the town that is now … Read more

Biography of Prof. Horace Lyman

PROF. HORACE LYMAN, – Few among those who came as missionaries to our state have held a more honored position, or have accomplished more genuine good, than professor Lyman. He was a new Englander of an old family, whose first American members crossed the ocean from England to Connecticut as early as 1639.His parents were plain farmer folks living at East Hampton, Massachusetts and in that town he was born in 1815. Of his five brothers, two went to college and prepared for the ministry. As a boy and young man, he was ever thoughtful and extra-ordinarily energetic, with a … Read more

Biography of Harold Butler Ewing

HAROLD BUTLER EWING, proprietor of a successful automobile repair business and sub-agent for the Hudson, Essex, and Dodge automobiles in Easthampton, Massachusetts, is well known and liked in Easthampton. His family is of Scotch-Irish extraction, the Ewings having come originally from Scotland into Northern Ireland in the time of Cromwell. (I) John Ewing, the great-grandfather of Harold Butler Ewing, lived and died in Northern Ireland. (II) Alexander Ewing, son of John Ewing, was born in Northern Ireland, April 23, 1822, and died in Easthampton, June 23, 1910, at the age of eighty-nine. He was a well educated man and a … Read more

Biography of Delos Thomas Pepin

For thirty years the Pepin family has maintained in Easthampton, Massachusetts, one of the largest and most energetic lumber businesses in that section of the State, a business now incorporated and under the able management of Delos Thomas Pepin, president, treasurer and general manager of the D. T. Pepin Lumber Company, Inc. The company has done much to build up the town of Easthampton, inspired always by the ideal of service and beauty. Some of the largest and most attractive public and private buildings in town were erected by Mr. Pepin and his associates. The father and grandfather of Delos … Read more

Biography of Arthur Berkmere Richards

ARTHUR BERKMERE RICHARDS, inheritor of a vast meat trade, and in later years a dairy farmer at Amherst, Massachusetts, was born in Cummington, Connecticut, May 23, 1864. The name he bears is one of the names of Welsh origin widely known and prominent in the United States, which originated in making a surname from the possessive form of the father’s name. It signifies Richard’s son. At least seventeen different coats-of-arms belong to the different branches of the family. A manor at Caernwyck, Marioneth County, Wales, was inherited by Sir Richard Richards, president of the House of Lords, and Lord Chief … Read more