Biography of George Mitchell

George Mitchell was the son of Rev. John Mitchell and his first wife, Catherine Margaret Teter. John Mitchell was born at Dawston, Lancashire, England, May 1, 1763, and came to America in 1774. He lived in Hampshire, Rockingham, and Harrison (later Lewis) counties, Virginia. He died April 29, 1840, and his tombstone is still standing in the old Harmony churchyard near Jane Lew, Lewis County, West Virginia, where he had “preached the Gospel forty years.” This John Mitchell, Mrs. Guernsey’s greatgrandfather, according to the records in the War Department and Pension Office, served as a private in the Virginia militia … Read more

Biography of George S. Brooke

GEORGE S. BROOKE. – This gentleman is the cashier of the First National Bank of Sprague, and is also a director and one of the largest shareholders. Mr. Brooke comes of cavalier stock. On his father’s side, he is a descendant of the Brookes of Maryland. In the year 1650, Robert Brooke, of England, having brought out a colony consisting of his wife, ten children and servants, forty persons in all, settled on the east shore of the Patuxent river. The settlement was called De La Brooke. The founder had a patent direct from Lord Baltimore. He was a member … Read more

WPA Iowa Graves Registration Survey

WPA – Work Projects Administration – 1930’s Iowa Graves Registration Survey Adair County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Adams County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Allamakee County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Audubon County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Black Hawk County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Boone County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Bremer County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buchanan County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buena Vista County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Butler County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Calhoun County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Carroll County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Cass County Iowa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Farley

James H. Farley has led a life of activity and filled with enterprising and various labors, during which, also, he has manifested those rare qualities of integrity, up rightness, and perseverance, which together with his wise methods of procedure and Industry, have given him the competence of a prosperous business man and owner of real property. James H. was born in Dubuque, Iowa, on October 15, 1858, being the son of Patrick and Catherine Farleu, who settled at Dubuque when it was but a small hamlet, being natives of New York; state. The father served three years in the Civil … Read more

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Biographical Sketch of J. O. Crawford

James O. Crawford, a farmer of Garfield Township, Ida County, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, February 17, 1828, a son of Alexander and Mary (Floyd) Crawford, natives also of Scotland. The father was a farmer and weaver by trade. The parents reared a family of four children: William, James O., Alexander, and John. James O. was reared and educated in his native land. He was there engaged for many years in a cotton factory, then in boiler making, and ship building. He then became a member of the police force in Glasgow. In 1879 he came to America, locating near … Read more

Biography of David Warnock

In the spring of 1869, two families, David Warnock and Joseph Ferguson, were crossing Iowa to settle in Ida County. The Warnock family had originated in Ireland and had been at Dubuque Co., Farley, Iowa. They traveled the distance to Ida County from Dubuque Co. in a covered wagon, and arrived on June 10, 1869. Only 7 families resided in Ida County at that time. Soon after they arrived, they broke the sod on their land. Richard Warnock was Dave Warnock’s father, and Dave’s mother was Frances. The parents were Irish. They waited a year or two before they left … Read more

Biography of Garrison G. Gray

To the prominent and esteemed citizen of Malheur County whose name appears above we grant a representation in the history of the County, since he is today one of the leading men domiciled here, has always labored for the up building of the County, is a man of integrity and uprightness, and receives the commendation of his fellows. Mr. Gray’s grandfather, John Gray, was said to be the last living soldier from the Revolution. He was a drummer boy at Bunker Hill and saw his father fall, then seized his sire’s musket and fought until the struggle closed. He worked … Read more

Biography of Col. W.W. Chapman

Among men now living there are none around whom clusters so much of the history of Portland as the one whose name heads this memoir. He is the strongest link between the infant days and the stalwart manhood of our city. But the results of his labors in behalf of Portland, great and far-reaching as they have been in good, by no means complete the record of his long and useful life. Years before American civilization had gained a foot-hold in this portion of the Pacific Northwest, he had borne a leading part in laying the foundations of the State … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathias Clouse

Mathias Clouse was a pioneer of Silver Creek Township, Ida County, Ia. He was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, in 1843. He was the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Fisher) Clouse, natives of same country. The Clouse family had once lived in Amsterdam, and were a trading family. When the sons became of age they were sent up the Rhine River to establish trading posts. They emigrated to America and settled in Erie County, New York. Mathias received his early training and education principally in New York state. The grandfather Clouse also emigrated to the country, dying in Ohio at the … Read more

Biography of Henry Greve

Henry Greve, a member of Governor Hyde’s staff and one of the prominent business men of St. Louis, has made his home in this city since 1875 and through the intervening period his steady progress and advancement along business lines have brought him to a place of prominence and distinction, for he is now sole owner and president of the John Wahl Commission Company and is also a director of the LibertyCentral Trust Company. A native of Germany, he was born in Velen, Westphalia, on the 6th of March, 1856, his parents being Henry and Maria Anna (Brueggemann) Greve, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Enoch Jones

Enoch Jones, a well-known citizen of Battle Creek, Iowa, was a resident of Ida County since 1883, and of Iowa, since 1852. He was born in Bourbon County, Ky., March 6, 1825. He was reared and educated in Kentucky, and learned the trade of blacksmith. John Jones, his grandfather, married a native of Wales. He was a prominent hotel man of Culpeper, Va. Moving to Bourbon County, Ky., he settled on Boone Creek, and was a participant in many of the Indian wars. His son, James Jones, father of Enoch, was born in Va., and married Dicie Gregory, a native … Read more

Biography of James H. Hawley

No Compendium such as the province of this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to offer fit memorial to the life and accomplishments of the honored subject of this sketch a man remarkable in the breadth of his wisdom, in his indomitable perseverance, his strong individuality, and yet one whose entire life has not one esoteric phase, being an open scroll, inviting the closest scrutiny. True, his have been “massive deeds and great” in one sense, and yet his entire life accomplishment but represents the result of the fit utilization of the innate talent which is his, and … Read more

Biography of William Roth

WILLIAM ROTH. – Many of the most esteemed and thrifty citizens of our land have come from Germany, whence also came the subject of this sketch, and as is customary with that worthy race of people, Mr. Roth has ever displayed a talent for business and a vigor in prosecuting the same that have placed him among the heaviest property owners of the county, and as a leader in his line of industry, that of designer and builder, while also he has handled successfully a number of ventures in real estate and in the stock business that have resulted in … Read more

Biography of Col. William Williams Chapman

William William Chapman

COL. W.W. CHAPMAN. – It has frequently been remarked, that while many men of great fame, and a deservedly wide reputation, cannot lay their finger upon a single public act that they originated, others whose names are less known can county by the score the progeny of their brains, now alive and active in the affairs of the world. Of the latter class is Colonel Chapman of Oregon. There are few men in America, even among those esteemed great, who have originated and carried to completion a greater number of particular acts of large scope and general beneficence. Many whose … Read more

Biography of Carmel C. Carpenter

One whose faith in the magnificent agricultural possibilities of Idaho was such as to lead him to become identified with this great basic industry is Carmel C. Carpenter, who is one of the prominent and representative farmers of Latah county. Results have amply justified his confidence, and he today maintains his residence on his fine farm, which is located seven and one-half miles south of the thriving town of Moscow. Mr. Carpenter is a native of the state of Iowa, having been born in Dubuque County, on the 27th of April 1845. His lineage traces back to stanch old English … Read more

Iowa Death Records by County

Many experts recommend starting your research with the death records first. The death record is the most recent record, so it will more likely be available to you. Death records are kept in the state where your ancestor died, not where they were buried. However these records can provide a burial location. Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person’s birth, spouse, and parents. Some researchers look first for death records because there are often death records for persons who have no birth or marriage records. Early death records, like cemetery records, generally give … Read more

Biography of James Steel

James Steel, banker of Portland, was born in Woodsfield, Monroe county, Ohio, on September 20, 1834, and is a son of William and Elisabeth (Lawrie) Steel. His father was born in Scotland, but came to America when nine years of age, and was engaged in merchandising nearly all of his active life. He was a man of strong character, and every action in business and private life was governed by the most rigid adherence to a lofty conception of right and justice. He was strongly opposed to human slavery, and was very active for more than twenty years prior to … Read more