Biography of Daniel B. Cowie

Daniel B. Cowie. In an article on other pages of this publication will be found some account of the salt industry in Kansas and some mention of the more prominent mines and companies. One of the most striking figures in the development of the salt industry in Kansas was the late James Cowie, Sr., and the above named is a son of that salt pioneer and is now general superintendent of the Independent Salt Company at Kanopolis. The Cowie family are Scotch people, and in Scotland they were also identified with mining. The grandfather of Daniel was George Cowie, who … Read more

Gerard, Ida May (Hall) – Obituary

Mrs. Ida M. Gerard, 91, a former Ellensburg resident, died Wednesday at the Central Memorial Hospital in Toppenish. She had been in the hospital one day, having been in the Parkside Sanitarium in Toppenish since March 21. She was born July 26, 1866, in Covington, Kentucky. She was married to Joseph N. Gerard in Mt. Vernon, Ill. in 1884. He preceded her in death in February, 1938 in Los Angeles. Mrs. Gerard came to Ellensburg from Mt. Vernon in 1888, moved to Spokane in 1901, to Wapato in 1916, to Detroit, Mich. in 1923, to Seattle in 1925, returned to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklyn Evans McClure

McClure, Franklyn Evans; asst. mgr. Ford Auto Co.; born, Mediapolis, Ia., Nov. 27, 1877; son of Isaac Newton and Susan Elizabeth Parrett McClure; graduate Parsons College, Iowa., 1899, Rush Medical College, 1903; married, Detroit, Mich., Sept. 26, 1905, Marjorie Balkley; one daughter, Marjorie Louise; served as asst. surgeon, Wisconsin N. G.; 1904, interne Cherokee, Ia., hospital; 1905-1906, practiced medicine in Neenah, Wis.; 1906-1910 practiced medicine in Detroit, Mich.; 1910, came to Cleveland as mgr. U. S. Motor Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biography of George C. Pritchard

George C. Pritchard. Farmers and stockmen throughout Shawnee County and over the state at large recognize in the name of George C. Pritchard a man whose services as a doctor of veterinary surgery were extensively employed in the interests of individuals and the entire state for a great many years. Doctor Pritchard is one of the oldest veterinarians of Kansas, has stood at the top of his profession, but is now retired and is devoting himself to the care and management of a fine stock farm near Topeka. Born in Lorain County, Ohio, January 12, 1852, he is a son … Read more

War Between the Colonies and The Western Indians – From 1763 To 1765

Map of Pontiacs War

A struggle began in 1760, in which the English had to contend with a more powerful Indian enemy than any they had yet encountered. Pontiac, a chief renowned both in America and Europe, as a brave and skillful warrior, and a far-sighted and active ruler, was at the head of all the Indian tribes on the great lakes. Among these were the Ottawas, Miamis, Chippewas, Wyandott, Pottawatomie, Winnebago, Shawanese, Ottagamie, and Mississagas. After the capture of Quebec, in 1760, Major Rodgers was sent into the country of Pontiac to drive the French from it. Apprised of his approach, Pontiac sent … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Donald C. McIntyre

McIntyre, Donald C.; the well-known general freight traffic mgr. and district passenger agt. for the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., at Cleveland, Ohio; was born in Glasgow, Scotland, but when a child of five years was brought by his parents to America, locating first at London, Ont., and later in one of the suburbs of that city, where he received a fair education in the district schools; at the age of 22 he entered the employ of The Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., as watchman on one of their steamers, and was thus employed until appointed to a position in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Brush Finch

Finch, Edward Brush; dealer in motor cars; born, Holly, Mich., Oct. 17, 1873; son of Nathaniel A. and Mary Hadley Finch; educated University of Michigan; married, Detroit, Mich., January, 1900, May Pruegs; issue, Edward B., Jr., William Roberts; member Michigan Naval Reserves and Michigan State Militia; 1900-1906, sec’y and treas. Pungs-Finch Auto & Gas Engine Co.; 1906-1908, asst. to factory mngr. and head of Technical Dept., Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich.; 1908-1910, head of Inspection and Service Divisions with The Chalmers Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich.; July, 1910, established business dealing in Chalmer Motor Cars in Cleveland; pres. American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Nicholas Hailmann

Hailmann, William Nicholas; educator; born, Glaris, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1836; son of William Alexander and Babette Hailmann; educated, Gymnasium, Zurich, and with tutor; studied in Medical College, Louisville, Ky., 1855-1856; (hon. A. M. University of Louisville, 1864; Ph. D., Ohio University, 1885); married Eudora Lucas, of Louisville, Dec. 24, 1857 (died 1904); 2d Helena Kuhn, of Detroit, Dec. 25, 1907; teacher of natural sciences, Louisville High Schools, 1856-1865; director German and English Academy, Louisville, 1865-1973; director German and English Academy, Milwaukee, 1873-1878; director German-American Seminary, Detroit, 1878-1883; supt. public schools, La Porte, Ind., 1883-1894; nat. supt. of Indian schools, 1894-8; … Read more

Biography of Henry Clinton Kibbee

Henry Clinton Kibbee. Among the representative business men of Topeka, Henry Clinton Kibbee occupies a foremost place and is well known in financial circles not only in Kansas but over a wide territory. He came to this great state in 1887 and, with the whole world as his field of choice, has never found a more desirable section in which to live. His business concerns for thirty consecutive years have caused him to travel the country over, hence this is a proof of some value that Kansas can offer many attractions in the way of comfortable living and preservation of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Edmund Jackson

Jackson, Charles Edmund; manufacturer; born, Lowestoft, Eng., April 10, 1865; son of Edmund J. and Lucretia Betts Jackson; educated, Lowestoft, Eng., and Cleveland, O.; married, Detroit, Mich., July 19, 1890, Mary M. Cooper; one son, Herbert C. Jackson; mgr. E. C. Jackson & Co.; business founded Aug. 20, 1896; machine and blacksmith shop and a general repair shop for all kinds of machinery; Master Mason, Halcyon Lodge, Royal Arch Mason, Cleveland Chapter, Knight Templar, Holyrood Commandery, 32nd degree Mason, Lake Erie Consistory, Noble of Mystic Shrine, Al Koran Temple. Recreation is an annual vacation.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. W. A. Brewer

No man has been more closely identified with the growth and best interests of San Mateo County than Rev. W. A. Brewer, Mayor of Hillsborough and, until its discontinuance a few months ago, rector of St. Matthew’s Military School. Mr. Brewer is known throughout the State for his tireless energy in putting the county in the foreground. He was one of the organizers and the first president of the San Mateo County Development Association. As its executive he contributed perhaps more than any one individual in putting this organization on its firm basis and in bringing about the achievements and … Read more

Garrett, Mayme Thelma Hacker Mrs. – Obituary

Mayme Thelma Garrett, 86, of Baker City, died Jan. 27, 2005, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. Her funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Gray’s West & Co., 1500 Dewey Ave. Friends and relatives are invited to a celebration in her memory at the Eagles Lodge, 2935 H St., after the service. Mayme was born on June 17, 1918, to Perly O. and Flora Temple Devaney Hacker. She was christened with the name of Mayme Thelma Hacker. She married Harlin Lawrence Garrett in Morgan County, Tenn., on Nov. 9, 1935. The couple started a family on a small … Read more

An Account of the Sufferings of Mercy Harbison – Indian Captivities

On the 4th of November, 1791, a force of Americans under General Arthur St. Clair was attacked, near the present Ohio-Indiana boundary line, by about the same number of Indians led by Blue Jacket, Little Turtle, and the white renegade Simon Girty. Their defeat was the most disastrous that ever has been suffered by our arms when engaged against a savage foe on anything like even terms. Out of 86 officers and about 1400 regular and militia soldiers, St. Clair lost 70 officers killed or wounded, and 845 men killed, wounded, or missing. The survivors fled in panic, throwing away their weapons and accoutrements. Such was “St. Clair’s defeat.”

The utter incompetency of the officers commanding this expedition may be judged from the single fact that a great number of women were allowed to accompany the troops into a wilderness known to be infested with the worst kind of savages. There were about 250 of these women with the “army” on the day of the battle. Of these, 56 were killed on the spot, many being pinned to the earth by stakes driven through their bodies. Few of the others escaped captivity.

After this unprecedented victory, the Indians became more troublesome than ever along the frontier. No settler’s home was safe, and many were destroyed in the year of terror that followed. The awful fate of one of those households is told in the following touching narrative of Mercy Harbison, wife of one of the survivors of St. Clair’s defeat. How two of her little children were slaughtered before her eyes, how she was dragged through the wilderness with a babe at her breast, how cruelly maltreated, and how she finally escaped, barefooted and carrying her infant through days and nights of almost superhuman exertion, she has left record in a deposition before the magistrates at Pittsburgh and in the statement here reprinted.

Biography of John Baptist Miege

John Baptist Miege, first Catholic bishop of Kansas, was born in 1815, the youngest son of a wealthy and pions family of the parish of Chevron, Upper Savoy, France. At an early age he was committed to the care of his brother, the director of the episcopal seminary of Moutiers, and completed his literary studies at the age of nineteen. After spending two more years at the seminary in the study of philosophy, on October 23, 1836, he was admitted to the Society of Jesns. The following eleven years he spent in further study, a portion of the time at … Read more

Biography of J. F. Otto Reller

J. F. Otto Reller, a representative of real estate interests in St. Louis, has the unique distinction of carrying on business in the same house in which he was born, his natal day being July 7, 1864. His father, August F. Reller, was a native of Hanover, Germany, and came to America in 1839 in company with his parents, when he was but three years of age. After attaining adult years he was engaged in the grocery and feed business and long remained an active factor in the commercial circles of this city, in which he passed away in 1907. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. R. Grasselli

Grasselli, E. R.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, 1872; son of C. A. and Johanna Ireland Grasselli; married, Detroit, Mich., April, 1901, Mabel Field; one son, Eugene Grasselli; began business with the Grasselli Chemical Co.; now 2nd vice pres. and treas.; director Broadway Savings & Trust Co. and Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust Co.; member Union, Country, Rowfant, and Automobile Clubs, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; member N. Y. Athletic and Chemists Clubs.

Biography of Charles A. Karlan

Charles A. Karlan. Though comparatively a newcomer in Kansas, Mr. Karlan in a few years has made a record of practical accomplishment and a reputation for himself such as few who have spent their entire lives within the state’s borders have been able to attain. He is an artist in furniture. The making of high grade furniture has been a specialty of his for many years, and it was in 1905 that he came to Topeka and set up his establishment in that line. It is no disparagement to other similar concerns to state that his is the largest and … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Palmer

Edward H. Palmer, who is the head and the leading spirit of numerous enterprises of financial importance in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and its vicinity, and whose keen foresight and unusual executive ability have been the means of greatly improving the business prospects of the section, is one of that class of citizens who labor earnestly to build tip the commerce and manufactures of the communities in which they live. and by so doing enrich and benefit the entire country. Mr. Palmer was born in Clinton county, Iowa, May 17, i855, and acquired his early education in the district … Read more

Basman, Cyril Louis “Louie”, Jr. – Obituary

Richland, Oregon Cyril Louis “Louie” Basman Jr., 80, a longtime Richland resident, died Jan. 7, 2004, at his home. Louie’s family honored his request that there be no formal service for him. He was born on Jan. 1, 1924, at Detroit, Mich., to Cyril Louis and Joanna Thomaszowski Basman. He attended and graduated from Royal Oak High School. After graduation he went on to attend Laurence Institute of Technology. Louie served in the U.S. Navy as a pilot from 1943 to 1946. In 1944, he married June Ankrom at St. Augustine, Fla., and again at Las Vegas, Nev., (just to … Read more

Wyandot Indians

Wyandot Tribe: Meaning perhaps “islanders,” or “dwellers on a peninsula.” Occasionally spelled Guyandot. At an earlier date usually known as Huron, a name given by the French from huré, “rough,” and the depreciating suffix -on. Also called: Hatindiaβointen, Huron name of Huron of Lorette. Nadowa, a name given to them and many other Iroquoian tribes by Algonquians. Telamatenon, Delaware name, meaning “coming out of a mountain or cave.” Thastchetci’, Onondaga name. Connection. The Wyandot belonged to the Iroquoian linguistic family. Wyandot Location. The earliest known location of the Huron proper was the St. Lawrence Valley and the territory of the … Read more