Conyers, Henry – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Former Powder Man Dies In Missouri Word was received here Sunday telling of the death of Henry Conyers who died March 4 at the home of his sister in Osborn, Missouri. Burial took place March 6, which date was the anniversary of his birth. He was an old time resident of North Powder, having lived in this vicinity for the past 34 years and only left here a few months ago. Heart trouble was the cause of his death. He was 65 years of age. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, March 17, 1928

Biography of William M. Fitch

William M. Fitch was born in the year 1870, near Plattsburg, Clinton county, Missouri. His father, John G. Fitch, was born near Dayton, Ohio, and his grandfather, Humphrey F. Fitch, was born in New York. His mother, Elizabeth M. Johnson. was born near Maysville, Kentucky, near the place where her father, Milton Johnson. was born. John G. Fitch and Elizabeth M. Johnson were married in Clinton county, Missouri, during the year 1869. William M. Fitch was the only child. He obtained his education in the country schools; in the high school of Stewartsville, and in Stewartsviile Academy. In 1889 he … Read more

Biography of Frederick H. Ireland

Frederick H. Ireland. For many years Fort Scott had been recognized as one of the leading commercial centers of Kansas, being splendidly fitted for such preeminence by its location in regard to transportation facilities. This supremacy, which is recognized even in the old eastern cities, had been brought about and maintained by the aggressive business men who have chosen this city as the field of their operations, many of which are far-reaching in their results. Among the men belonging to this class of citizens is Frederick H. Ireland, of the Ireland & Rollins Planing Mills Company, whose career is one … Read more

Biography of William M. Hunter, M. D.

William M. Hunter, M. D., has not only gained status as one of the representative physicians and surgeons of Kansas but has also become a widely known authority in the diagnosis and treatment of all phases of catarrh, to which department of professional work he now gives virtually his entire attention. He maintains his home and office headquarters in the City of Wichita but in his special field of practice he draws an appreciable and appreciative clientage from states far distant from Kansas. The doctor is a scion of a sterling family whose name has been identified with American annals … Read more

Biography of William E. Rippetoe

William E. Rippetoe. When the veterans of the lumber business in Kansas are mentioned, there is a place for William E. Rippetoe, who now has two yards, one of them at Havana, where he resides. Thirty years of active experience constitute his record, and furthermore he is one of the old-timers of Kansas, his family having been transplanted to this state when Kansas was still a frontier territory and a battle-ground of contention between the North and South. There has been something of the pioneer spirit apparently in every generation. One of his ancestors was banished from France along with … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Youngblood

FRANCIS MARION YOUNGBLOOD. There is something essentially American in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The United States has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy to secure success. Francis Marion Youngblood has all the above characteristics, and his success as an agriculturist and citizen has come as his devotion to right and his tenacity of purpose. Mr. Youngblood was born in DeKalb County, Missouri, about 1838, son of Ambrose and Martha (Fanning) Youngblood, who resided for many years in Tennessee. From that State they moved … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Jennie Stewart

Taking up her residence in Bartlesville eighteen years ago, Mrs. Jennie Stewart has thoroughly identified her interests with those of the town, in whose progress and development she is deeply and helpfully interested, her influence being at all times on the side of advancement and improvement. She was born in Osborn, Dekalb County, Missouri, her parents being Joseph and Nancy J. (Parrott) Truex, the former a native of Tennessee while the latter was born in Illinois. In Missouri her father engaged in merchandising and he also took a prominent part in public affairs serving as a member of the state … Read more

Missouri Cemetery Records Clark to Greene Counties

Missouri Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Missouri county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Clark County Prarie Church Cemetery hosted at Clark County, Missouri Tombstone Transcription Project Clay County Following Cemeteries hosted at Clay County, Missouri Tombstone Transcription Project Elitzer Cemetery Fairview-New Hope Cemetery Faubion Cemetery Holton Cemetery Unknown Cemetery Unknown Cemetery Welton burials McCrorey Cemetery Paradise Cemetery Partial Five Small Cemeteries Paradise Cemetery Clinton County Following Cemeteries published in Clinton County’s Cemetery … Read more