Hall’s Cemetery, Dekalb County, Alabama

LOCATION: 1 1/2 miles N of Collinsville on Hwy 11, then 1/2 mile E. Date of survey, by Peggy Lykes of Collinsville, summer of 1964 Graves: Emma Ophelia Appleton, 18 July 1872 Ames B Hall, Mar 4, 1834-June 28, 1871 Mary Hall, Dec 18, 1800-Aug 8, 1875 Van Hall, Nov 12, 1800-Nov 4, 1874 Mrs. Emely Putman, Aug 14, 1818-Dec 23, 1887 Louisa A. Putman, Sept 20, 1848 Nancy Lackey, 1857 Mrs. S Brock, Dec 7, 1800-Mar 2, 1854 J A Brock, 1858 Asa Riggs Brindley, May 21, 18_ R T Brindley, Aug 11, 1819-Aug 9, 1848 Mrs R H … Read more

DeKalb County, Alabama Cemetery Records

Most of these cemetery listings are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at De Kalb County, USGenWeb Archives Project Allen Memorial Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Antioch Cemetery #3, Dekalb, Alabama Bailey’s Chapel Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Bailey’s Chapel Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Bankhead Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Beene Family Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Beeson (Scott) Cemetery, Dekalb County, Al Bethlehem Baptist Church Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Beulah’s Chapel Cemetery, Dekalb County, Alabama Boyd Cemetery, Dekalb, Alabama Burnt … Read more

The Cherokee Nation

History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi, from the earliest period

It has been seen that De Soto passed over a portion of the country of these Indians in the territory which embraces Northern Georgia. The name Cherokee is derived from Chera, fire; and the Prophets of this nation were called Cherataghe, men of divine fire. The first that we hear of the Cherokees, after the Spanish invasion, is their connection with the early British settlers of Virginia. A powerful and extensive nation, they even had settlements upon the Appomattox River, and were allied by blood with the Powhattan tribe. The Virginians drove them from that place, and they retreated to … Read more