Biography of J. J. Plumer, M. D.

Dr. J. J. Plumer, the physician and surgeon of the De Lamar Mining Company, also engaged in general practice in De Lamar, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Edina, April 8, 1860. He traces his ancestry back to England, whence in the year 1832 members of the family who belonged to the sect of Puritans crossed the Atlantic to America. They braved the dangers so common to ocean voyages in those days in order to have liberty of conscience in the New World, and they and their descendants were connected with the early history of the … Read more

Bilyeu, Emma C. Brown – Obituary

The rosary will be recited at 10 a.m. June 16, 1994, followed by Mass at Holy Redeemer Church. Interment will be in Willamette National Cemetery. Mrs. Bilyeu, of southwest Portland, died June 10 of causes related to age. She was 99. She was born Jan. 8, 1895, in DeLamar, Idaho, and moved to Portland in 1915. She was a 50-year member of Holy Redeemer Church. Her husband, C. Lloyd, died in 1967. Surviving are her daughter, Cathryn M. Jiroch of Tigard; six grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter. Remembrances: American Cancer Society or American Heart Association. Arrangements: Zeller Chapel of … Read more

Biography of Frank Crosson

Frank Crosson is now engaged in general merchandising in De Lamar and is one of the most successful and enterprising businessmen here. His life stands in evidence of the fact that ambition, enterprise and diligence can cope with an adverse fate and ultimately reach the goal of prosperity. He came to Owyhee County on foot, reaching Silver City in June 1889, and secured employment in driving a freight team. Since that time he has advanced steadily toward success and competence and is today accounted one of the most progressive, respected and well-to-do merchants of the county. Mr. Crosson was born … Read more

Biography of George H. Handy

George H. Handy, probate judge and ex-ofificio superintendent of schools for Owyhee County, Idaho, resides at Silver City. He was born at Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska, on the 20th of February 1871, and is of Scotch and English ancestry. His paternal grandfather, Parker Handy, was a native of New York city, and for many years was prominently connected with the banking business, his death occurring at the advanced age of ninety years. H. P. Handy, father of the Judge, was also born in New York City, and throughout his active business career has followed civil engineering. He came to … Read more

Biography of S. D. McLain

The prosperity of any community, town or city depends upon its commercial activity its industrial interests and its trade relations, and therefore the real upbuilders of a town are those who stand at the head of the leading enterprises. Among the prominent representatives of commercial life in Silver City is S. D. McLain, who as a partner in the firm of Shea, McLain & Crete is at the head of the most extensive mercantile establishment of the town. This well appointed store, with its large and carefully selected stock, is a credit to the proprietors as well as to the … Read more

Biography of George W. Bruce

George W. Bruce is one of the successful businessmen of De Lamar, where he is conducting an extensive and well appointed meat market. He is also the owner of a well cultivated fruit and stock farm on Castle creek, Owyhee county, and is one of the citizens of foreign birth of whom the community has every reason to be proud, for he has taken an active part in developing the resources and augmenting the wealth and prosperity of this section of the state. A native of the Emerald Isle, Mr. Bruce was born in county Wicklow, Ireland, in the town … Read more

Owyhee County Its History, Towns, Industries

In 1862 the present county of Owyhee was a part of Boise County, which comprised all of the western portion of Washington Territory lying south of what was then called Idaho county, its area being nearly equal to that of Pennsylvania. When Idaho was created a territory by act of congress, March 3, 1863, Boise county became part and parcel of the territory of Idaho, and at the first session of the territorial legislature, held at Lewiston, Idaho, Owyhee County was created, December 31, 1863, out of all territory south of Snake River and west of the Rocky mountains. In … Read more