Biographical Sketch of Thomas John Jefferies

Thomas John Jefferies was born in Pudymore, Somersetshire, England, November 9, 1841. He lived with his parents until he was eight years old, when he left home, while attending school, without their consent, and came to the United States, arriving at New York city in the spring of 1849. He paid the expenses of the voyage out of money given to him by his grandmother for ” pin money.” Being among strangers he found it hard work to• maintain himself, but making the acquaintance of a farmer from Herkimer county, New York, by the name of Reuben Reynolds, he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry T. Keown

Henry T. Keown. The subject of this sketch is the son of John A. and Angeline Keown, and was born in Madison county, Illinois, November 21, 1843. He received a common school education, and lived with his parents until he was eighteen years old, then commenced business for himself. He engaged in dealing in cattle for six years. After his marriage he settled on a farm and stayed there about six years, then purchased a marble shop in New Douglas, Illinois, and was engaged in the marble business by himself until 1878, when he took in a partner (I. A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. R. J. Terry

R. J. Terry is an Indianian by birth, and first saw the light of day in, Franklin County, that State, on April 10th, 1832. His father, Ansel Terry, is a resident of this County; and his mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Foster, died in 1844. Our subject accompanied his parents in their removal from his native State to Daviess County, Missouri, in 1841, and was here reared to manhood upon his father’s farm and received his nonprofessional education. On August 5th, 1852, he married Miss Mary O. Hammond, daughter of John Hammond, of this county. Two children, now living, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mason M. Palmer

The subject of this sketch was born in Greenbrier County, Virginia, December 1, 1835, and is a son of George and Elizabeth Palmer, both natives of Virginia. In 1838 they with their family moved to Montgomery County, Missouri, and lived there till 1854, then settled in Daviess County. His mother died February 14, 1S62, and his father died August 23, 1865. Our subject was brought up on a farm and lived with his parents till twenty-five years of age; then, on September 25th, 1862, was married to Miss Polly E. Duncan, who was born in Johnson County, Illinois, February 7, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sebron Sneed

This gentleman was born in Ray County, this State, January 7, 1835. When about eight years old, his parents moved with him to Livingston County, and there he grew up and laid the foundation of his education. In 1853 he went to college at Liberty, Missouri, and graduated in 1855. He then returned to Livingston County, and shortly afterward engaged in stock dealing. In 1863 he went to Iowa, where lie traded in live stock till 1866, when he returned to Livingston County. For a year or two he engaged in., farming, and in 1868, purchased a saw-mill which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Cole

William R. Cole. This gentleman is a native of Missouri and was born in Grundy county, September 20, 1841. He was reared and educated in the county of his birth, and, on arriving at a suitable age; chose farming as his vocation in life. In the spring of 1868 he came to this county, where he has ever since lived, engaged in farming pursuits. He owns a splendid farm of 320 acres of well-improved land in Lincoln township, on which he and his family now reside. When the war broke out Mr. Cole enlisted, July 31, 1861, in Company D, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Stigers

Is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Fulton County, that State, on the 23d of October, 1838. When he was thirteen years old his parents moved to Ohio,’ where he completed his education and grew to manhood. He chose farming as a life calling, and engaged in that vocation in Ohio, and has followed it nearly ever since. In the spring of 1845 he went to Mahaska County, Iowa, and remained two years, then came to this State and County, and has been engaged in farming here ever since. He owns a good farm of 160 acres, situated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McKim

James McKim was born in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1818, being the son of William McKim, a native of Cumberland county. His mother’s birth place was Ireland. His parents moved to Pittsburgh when he was six years of age, remaining five years in that city, where James was for a time employed in a tobacco manufacturing establishment, and afterward in working on the railroad and canal, also in boating. In 1843 he began work in the coal mines which he continued until 1850, then entered the mercantile business, dealing in dry goods and groceries for a period of seventeen … Read more

Biography of W. D. McDonald

W. D. McDonald was born in Ross county, Ohio, August 6, 1826. His parents, William and Mary McDonald, were both natives of Virginia. His mother was a daughter of Nathaniel Wilson who was the first State printer of Ohio, and a sister of the late Nathaniel Wilson, who with his father started the Scioto Gazette in 1800, in Scioto county, one of the first papers of Ohio. Mr. Wilson died a few years ago at the age of ninety-two years-the oldest editor then in America. Our subject was five years old when his father died and he was reared by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jordan L. Harlow

Jordan L. Harlow is the son of William H. and Parmelia J. Tilberry Harlow, natives of Shelby county, Kentucky. His father’s occupation was that of a fanner. Jordan L. was born near the city of Frankfort, Shelby county, Kentucky, January 19, 1850. His parents migrated to Livingston county, Missouri, when he was nearly four years of age, and there they resided for thirteen years. During this time he was engaged partly in farming and partly in working in a saw-mill. After this he returned to Kentucky, and farmed for a year, and then in 1867 came back to Daviess county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Benjamine

Thomas J. Benjamine was born in Union, Fayette county, Iowa, October 1, 1858. He is the son of Abram R. Benjamine a native of Pennsylvania. He left Iowa at the age of eight years and went to Quincy, Illinois, and from that place removed to Cameron, Missouri, where he learned his present business of railroad agent and telegraph operator. He came to Jamesport in 1877 and has held the office of agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway ever since. Mr. Benjamine was married in Jarnesport, on the 5th day of October, 1879, to Miss Fannie J. Harvey. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. W. Gamble

M. W. Gamble is a native of Indiana and one of eight children, four sons and four daughters. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother was born in Virginia. They removed from Kentucky to Indiana in 1857 and lived there about twenty years going from there to Illinois and settling in Logan county, twenty-five miles northeast of Springfield. From there they went to Keokuk county, Iowa, where the mother died, and the father returned to Illinois where he died. M. W. Gamble was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth L. Randolph, of Logan county, Illinois, August 30, … Read more

Biography of Charles Edwin Westlake

Charles E. Westlake. There is a type of business man who had apparently a peculiar genius for doing a number of things well and efficiently. Such a man had the commercial instinct highly developed. Charles E. Westlake of Sedan illustrates the type. He had been a farmer and rancher, had merchandised in several different lines, had been an oil producer, and is now engaged in the undertaking business at Sedan, and one of the livest and most energetic citizens of that town. Both he and his family have been identified with Kansas a great many years. The Westlakes originated in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Offield

Was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, October 9, 1827. His parents, Jesse and Polly Gallant Offield were also natives of Tennessee. His father was a blacksmith by trade and carried on that business in connection with farming; was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in this County in 1851. His mother died in this County, May 3, 1880. In 1836 the parents of our subject removed from Tennessee to Schuyler County, Illinois, where they lived four years, and then, in 1840, migrated to Missouri and settled in Daviess County. Here Joseph was reared upon the home farm, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William T. Brown

William T. Brown was born in Daviess county, August 29, 1853, and was reared and received his education in the county of his birth. Mr. Brown began life as a farmer, and is still engaged in that most essential of all avocations. He owns a good stock-farm of 240 acres, on which he has a fine residence, and has his whole place correspondingly improved. He was married, in this county, February 22, 1873, to Miss Susan Cray. They have one child, a daughter, named Mary. Mr. Brown is a thrifty farmer, and produces an average of about sixty head of … Read more

Biography of George M. Smith

Was born in Roan, now Davie County, North Carolina, October 3, 1824. His father, John Smith, was a farmer and a native of North Carolina; his mother, whose maiden name was Prudence Smith, was a Virginian by birth, and was born at Norfolk. Both his. parents are dead, his mother dying in 1867, and his father in 1870. When George was twelve years old his parents removed from his native State to Rush County, Indiana, and there he was reared to manhood on a farm, and received such education as the early schools afforded. January 23, 1848, George M. Smith … Read more

Biography of Colonel James H. B. McFerran

James H. B. McFerran was born in Washington county, Maryland, September 17, 1819. At the age of six years his father died, and he remained with his mother until his seventeenth year, attending school part of the time. On reaching the above age he engaged in the stone cutting business under a contractor by the name of Andrew Small, receiving seventy-five cents, per day for the first year. Owing to an aptitude for the work, the second year he was given the position of superintendent, at a salary of one dollar and eighty-seven and one-half cents per day, and continued … Read more

Biography of Samuel P. Cox

Samuel P. Cox was born in Williamsburg, Whitley county, Kentucky, December 16, 1828. In 1839 his parents, Levi and Cynthia Cox, removed to Missouri and located in the eastern part of Daviess county, now known as Jackson township, and the subject of this sketch lived at home and worked upon the farm until 1847. In the spring of that year he enlisted in company D, Captain W. H. Rogers, Oregon Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Powell, commanding, for the war with Mexico. He served until November, 1848, when he received his honorable discharge at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Returning to the old homestead he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Weldon

James H. Weldon. This gentleman is a native of the county whose annals this volume sets forth, and was here born on the 28th of February, 1858. He is the son of James B. and Elizabeth T. Weldon, both of whom are now dead. The father, James B. Weldon, was also a native of DaViess county, the date of his birth being December 26, 1828. In about 1852, he left this county and went to California, and engaged a year or two in mining. He returned to Daviess county about 1854, and became somewhat extensively engaged in farming and stock-growing. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Brennon

This gentleman was born in Virginia, July 24, 1827. When he was ten years old his parents moved to Ohio and lived three years, and then came to Caldwell County, Missouri. There William grew up and resided till the fall of 1847, when he came to this County and has lived here ever since engaged in farming. He owns a fine farm of 280 acres in Liberty Township, 240 of which are under fence. His farm is well watered with four living wells, and is suitably improved in every way. Mr. Brennon was married, in Caldwell County, June 10, 1847, … Read more