Biographical Sketch of William Neal

William Neal is a native of Darke County, Ohio, born December 5, 1817. He is the son of Caleb and Anna Miller Neal; his father being a native of Tennessee and his mother of Indiana. The early life of Mr. Neal was spent on the farm and in acquiring such education as was afforded in those times. He remained in his native town until he attained his twenty-first year when he commenced farming in Darke County, but after a few years labor removed to Adams County, Indiana, and engaged in stock-dealing and speculation for several years, when he returned to … Read more

Oak Grove Cemetery, Fort Jefferson, Darke County, Ohio

(Loc. four miles south of Greenville on Route 121) BOWMAN Herschel V., 1861 – 1939 Cora Alice, 1865 – 1941 THORP Vida L., 1876 – 19__ Herbert L., 1872 – 1941 Judiah, b. 26 Feb. 1822, d. 16 Jan. 1882, ae. 59 yrs., 11 mos., 19 days. Helenor, b. 19 Feb. 1825, d. 18 Aug. 1897, ae. 72 yrs., 5 mo., 19 days.

Rees, McDonough Bainbridge – Obituary

M. B. Rees Called By Death Last Night; Aged 84 Years. Man Who Came To Oregon During The Fifties And Settled In The Grande Ronde In 1864, Succumbs Suddenly At Dove Last Night-Four Sons Will Gather At Funeral M. B. Rees-one of Union county’s staunchest citizens, and also one of its earliest pioneers- died shortly after 12 o’clock last night at his home in Cove. He went to bed last night feeling fit and fine, but at 11 o’clock he was heard to leave his bed. About midnight groaning was heard, and when his family went to his room they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gen. James G. Blunt

Gen. James G. Blunt was a brave and able soldier, albeit never recognized as a brilliant man of civil affairs. He was born in Hancock County, Maine, in 1826, and until his fourteenth year lived on his father’s farm. Running away from home, he was a sailor for four years and then studied medicine. In February, 1849, he graduated from the Starling Medical College at Columbus, Ohio, and in the following January located at New Madison, Ohio, where he practiced his profession until late in 1856, when he removed to Kansas and settled in Anderson County. He quickly became an … Read more

Gen. Anthony Wayne’s Campaign

Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne

In April 1792, General Anthony Wayne was appointed by the general government to take command of the Northwestern Army. On the 5th of the following November a hundred men from Kentucky, under Adair as captain, made a raid across the Ohio River into the Indians country, but the indefatigable Little Turtle and his band of heroes met him and, in a severe fight: defeated him, with heavy loss, and drove him back to his own. In the spring of 1793, during the arrangements that were being made for Wayne’s campaign, Congress sent commissioners to the Northwest Indians to negotiate a … Read more

Biography of Frank M. Stahl

If all the events, circumstances and movements with which Frank M. Stahl had been identified since he came to Kansas should be written out in detail the result would be a Kansas history perhaps as complete and certainly as interesting and instructive as could be written with one life as the central feature. To do full justice to such a career is manifestly impossible within brief limits, and the following must be in the nature of a suggestive outline of the career of one of the noted pioneer Kansans still alive, and an honored resident of Topeka. Born in Darke … Read more

Biography of Volney P. Mooney

Volney P. Mooney, now probate judge of Butler County, had resided in this section of Kansas more than forty-eight years and had been successively teacher, merchant, lawyer and public official. The people of Butler County know him and trust him as completely as any other citizen. His father, the late Rev. Isaac Mooney, was one of the notable men in this section of Kansas. He was the founder of a town and community, and throughout his life held that community up to his own high ideals. It is not easy to lose sight of the tremendous influence either for good … Read more

Mount Pleasant Cemetery, German, Darke County, Ohio

FALL George, d. 3 Apr. 1854, ae. 55 yrs. Deterarch, d. 30 July 1852, ae. 70 yrs., 6 mos. George, d. 14 Sept. 1847, ae. 78 yrs. Rebecca, d. 11 Nov. 1832, ae. 44 yrs., 6 days. Dau. of George & Catharine Fall. SHOE Wife of A. B. Shoe

Biography of R. T. Updegraff

R. T. Updegraff has been perhaps the leading individual factor in the commercial and business development of the Town of Maple Hill in Wabaunsee County for the past thirty years. Mr. Updegraff came to Kansas after completing his education, and the vigor and enterprise which characterized his early life in this state have borne abundant fruit in several different lines. Mr. Updegraff was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, November 28, 1862. He is of old Quaker family, the religion of the Friends having received the allegiance of the Updegraffs for many generations. The Updegraffs first came out of Holland in … Read more

Biography of Abraham Paulus

Abraham Paulus. It is a distinction such as pertains to few living Champaign County residents that Mr. Paulus enjoys by reason of his continuous residence in the county since 1856. That was an early year in the pioneer history of this county and was a notable one in national affairs, since it saw the first entrance of the Republican party into national politics. Mr. Paulus has witnessed a remarkable development going on under his eyes during the past sixty years, and he and his good wife have borne their shares of labor and responsibilities in this community. Champaign County in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles P. Hangen

Hon. Charles P. Hangen, who has recently finished his second term as member of the State Legislature, is one of the prominent bankers of Sumner County, being cashier of the National Bank of Commerce at Wellington. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, November 9, 1877, but has lived in Kansas since 1882. In that year his parents, Christian and Sarah Hangen, came to Kansas and located six miles southwest of Wellington on the farm still owned by Mrs. Hangen. Christian Hangen was a native of Germany and his wife of Ohio. He was successfully identified with general farming and … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. J. Browne

HON. J.J. BROWNE. – The broad-minded citizenship which looks to personal advantage only through the general prosperity, and makes the public weal and growth occupy the first place, is the best guarantee of a great future. This Spokane Falls enjoys. None of her citizens is more fully impressed with this theory of metropolitan attainments than he whose name appears above. Mr. Browne was born at Greenville, Ohio, in 1843, and was educated for the law at the Michigan University. Coming to this coast, he remained four years at Portland, practicing law. He also served as superintendent of public schools. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. P. Green

W. P. Green, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Miami Co., Ohio, Sept. 8, 1827, being a son of James and Elizabeth (Heminway) Green; when he was about 10 years old, his parents removed to Randolph Co., Ind., and, in 1840, to Coles Co., returning a few years later to Ohio, and lived awhile in Darke Co., from which county they removed again to Randolph Co., Ind., and thence to Grant Co.; his father opened no less than seven farms in Ohio and Indiana the year the family returned to Ohio, Mr. Green made four trips between … Read more

Biography of Winfield Freeman

Winfield Freeman. Lawyer, author, traveler, leader in republican politics and a business man, Winfield Freeman has been a Kansan for more than thirty-five years. He has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the foremost members of the bar in Kansas City, Kansas. He was born at London, Ohio, January 3, 1848, a son of James F. and Eleanor (Dawson) Freeman. His early life was spent in Winchester, Ohio, where he attended the public schools and where he read law in the office of Hon. A. Stiver. Admitted to the bar in 1869, at the age of twenty-one, he practiced … Read more

Biography of James Covington Ingman

James Covington Ingman has lived in Kansas since 1885, and accumulated and until recent years activsly managed a large amount of farming property in the vicinity of Barnes. He is now living retired, at the age of seventy-eight, and had made his own way in the world since early boyhood. Mr. Ingman was born at Summerford in Madison County, Ohio, June 14, 1839. He is of English ancestry. One of his ancestors served in the Revolutionary war. The family were early settlers in Tennessee and later in Virginia. His graudfather, Henry Ingman was born in Virginia in 1777, and at … Read more

Byrket and Weavers Station Roads Cemetery, Darke County, Ohio

BRUSH Francis P., b. 2 Sept. 1837, d. 10 Oct. 1857. Born in Washington Co., PA. Sarah, b. 29 June 1857, d. 26 Jan. 1861. Dau. of J. G. & M. A. LANDIS Jacob, d. 2 Aug. 1858, ae. 71 yrs. Husband of Elizabeth. Elizabeth, d. 3 Sept. 1875, ae. 85 yrs. Wife of Jacob Landis. NEVEL Malvinia, d. 8 Jan. 1875, ae. 32 yrs., 11 mos. Wife of Reuben Nevel. Wilson McCabe, d. 26 Jan. 1874, ae. 2 mos., 10 days. Son of R. & M. Nevel.