Biography of John R. Tercy

John R. Tercy, present prohate judge of Ellsworth County, possesses in a distinguishing degree that fine balance of qualities and faculties which enables a probate judge to handle the many delicate problems of administration in a manner that means the approximation of justice to them all. Judge Tercy is not so much a lawyer as a man of affairs. He had had a long and active experience and for many years was a prominent minister of the Presbyterian Church both in Kansas and other weetern states. Judge Tercy was born at Indianapolis, Indiana, September 19, 1858, and is of English … Read more

Slave Narrative of Richard Miller

Interviewer: Anna Pritchett Person Interviewed: Richard Miller Location: Indiana Place of Birth: Danville, Kentucky Date of Birth: January 12, 1843 Place of Residence: 1109 North West Street Federal Writers’ Project of the W.P.A. District #6 Marion County Anna Pritchett 1200 Kentucky Avenue FOLKLORE RICHARD MILLER-AN OLD SOLDIER 1109 North West Street Richard Miller was born January 12, 1843 in Danville, Kentucky. His mother was an English subject, born in Bombay, India and was brought into America by a group of people who did not want to be under the English government. They landed in Canada, came on to Detroit, stayed … Read more

Biography of James M. Givens

James M. Givens, attorney at law, who for almost three decades has been identified with the Muskogee bar, comes to this state from Kentucky where his birth occurred February 14, 1869, at the family home in Hopkins County, his parents being John W. and Margaret (Ross) Givens. His father was a planter, tobacco buyer and banker of Webster County, whence he removed with his family to Providence, Kentucky. James M. Givens supplemented his early education, acquired in the schools of Providence, by study in Center College at Danville, Kentucky, in which he completed a literary course with the class of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Samuel McWilliams

McWilliams, Thomas Samuel; minister; born, Kentucky, Nov. 22, 1865; son of Samuel and Martha A. Harrington McWilliams; Centr. College, Danville, Ky., A. B., 1886, A. M., 1889, D. D., 1899; Danville Theological Seminary, 1886-1888; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1888-1889; married, Chillicothe, O., Dec. 5, 1887, Susan Probasco Nipgen; one son, John P. McWilliams; pastor First Presbyterian Church, Chillicothe, 0., 1889-1892; American Presbyterian Church, Montreal, Can., 1892-1902; pastor Calvary Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, since 1902; in 1911, chairman of committee that formed the Association of Federated Churches of Cleveland; pres. of Cleveland Peace Society, 1911, member Kappa Alpha Fraternity; member Mayfield, and Country … Read more

Biography of Dr. Abram P. Irvine

DR. ABRAM P. IRVINE. However well compensated a physician may be for his services, and the cases are very numerous in which he neither asks nor receives compensation, his profession must ever be regarded as the noblest and most beneficial to mankind. Dr. Abram P. Irvine has attained eminence in his profession and being of a cheerful disposition himself, he has the faculty of imparting courage to those who are despondent from illness, and his skill in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases is the cause of the success he has won in his profession. He was born in Boyle … Read more