Biography of John C. Pillsbury

John C. Pillsbury, a prominent resident of Danbury, was born here, January 18, 1832, son of John and Nancy (Colby) Pillsbury. The grandfather, Samuel Pillsbury, was one of the early settlers Salisbury and a representative of the famous Pillsbury family who originally came from Rowley, Mass. A blacksmith as well as a farmer, he followed his trade in Salisbury. He lived nearly opposite the home of Daniel Webster, and the two young men grew up together. In his later years he came to Danbury, where he spent his last days, dying at the age of fifty years. He was a … Read more

Biography of Hon. John C. Linehan

Hon. John C. Linehan . – “A hundred years after the Puritans and Pilgrims made a settlement on the coast of New England there came to this country a multitude of emigrants, mostly from the north of Ireland, who soon became absorbed into the ranks of the first settlers, and became the very best of citizens. In the contest for independence they rendered the most efficient services to the colonies, as they had previously done in protecting the frontiers from the inroads of the Indians. After another century, our doors having been opened wide for the reception of people from … Read more