Biographical Sketch of Charles A. Morris

Morris, Charles A.; attorney-at-law; born, Cleveland, April 28, 1880; son of John P. Morris; educated, Adelbert College, W. R. U., degree A. B., Western Reserve University Law School, L. L. B.; married, Cleveland, Dec. 24, 1907, Ethel Mariam Peck; vice pres. and sec’y The Gates Legal Publishing Co.; member Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, and Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity; member City Club.

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Sargent Barnard

Barnard, Ernest Sargent; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club; born, Columbia, W. Va., July 17, 1874; son of Elias and Mary D. Barnard; educated, Otterbein University, 1895, Ph. B.; sec’y Builders & Traders Exchange, Columbus, O., 1896-7; sporting editor Columbus, O., Dispatch, 1898-1902; sec’y Cleveland Ball Club, 1903-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club, 1911-1913, vice pres. The Acetylene Stove Mfg. Co.; member Belden Lodge, No. 339, F. & A. M., Westerville, O.; Cleveland Lodge, No. 18, B. P. O. E.; Athletic and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of George C. Simpson

Simpson, George C.; insurance; born, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 5, 1874; son of William H. and Sarah M. Cheetham Simpson; educated in Milwaukee, Wis., public schools; married, Milwaukee, June 25, 1901, Blanche Rogers, June 25, 1901; issue; one son, George Rogers, born Nov. 29, 1906; first lieut. Light Battery A, W. V. Artillery, 1898; bank clerk, Milwaukee, 1891-1895; fire insurance since 1895; Northwestern Nat’l Ins. Co., 1895-1903, beginning with office work, then state agt. and mgr. in Cleveland, 1900-1903; local mgr. Royal Ins. Co., 1903-1911; sec’y the O. M. Stafford, Goss, Bedell Co. since 1911; Mason; member Mayfield Country Club … Read more

Biography of William Perry Horton

Horton, William Perry; dentist; born, Pittsfield, Vt., Oct. 23, 1832; son of Dennis and Nancy B. McClellan Horton; educated in Wallingford, Vt.; preparing for college at Castleton Seminary; taught district school for seven years; in October, 1844, came to Cleveland, and in 1845, entered Oberlin College; after a year’s literary course took dental course in study under Dr. George B. Minor and Dr. Ferris at Milwaukee, Wis.; married, Elyria, O., Oct. 28, 1851, Louisa Chase of Maine; issue, two sons, William P. Jr., and Milton Chase, both residents of Cleveland; married, second time, Oct. 21, 1897, Miss Margaret Stroup of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Rorheimer

Rorheimer, Louis; decorator and designer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 12, 1872; son of Jack and Minnie I. Glauer Rorheimer; educated at Munch and Paris Art Academy; married, Cleveland, Dec. 7, 1893, Edith B. Joseph; two children; pres. Rorheimer-Brooks Studio; director Statler Hotel; Stearn Advertising Co.; teacher The Cleveland School of Art; member the Rowfant, Oakwood, and Cleveland Art Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Orlando Hall

Hall, Orlando; mngr. of estates; born, Summit county, O., Sept. 28, 1855; son of Orlando and Sophia Towne Hall; educated, private schools, Cleveland Academy, Greylock Institute, Williamstown, Mass.; graduated from Yale in 1877, B. A.; studied law with Judge R. P. Ranney; took a course of law lectures for one year, and completed law studies in Columbia Law School, New York City; admitted to the bar in 1880, and began the practice of law in Cleveland; withdrew from the practice of law to devote time to private interests; owner of large property in Akron, which has been allotted; Republican; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Thomas Corlett

Corlett, William Thomas; physician; born Orange, O., April 15, 1854; son of William and Ann Avery Corlett; educated, Oberlin College, 1870-1873; M. D., Wooster University, 1877; student and asst. London Hospital, 1879-1881; Hospital St. Louis, Paris, winter 1881; diploma Royal College Physicians, London 1881; later studied in Vienna, Berlin and Breslau; married at Rheinpfalz, Germany, Amanda Marie Leisy, of Cleveland; June 26, 1895; prof. diseases of the skin and genito-urinary diseases, Wooster University, 1883-1885; prof. dermatology and syphilograph, Western Reserve University, since 1885; fellow Royal Society Medicine (Great Britain); member 11th International Medical Congress, Rome, 1894; American Public Health Ass’n, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Daniel Young

Young, William Daniel; banker; born, Cleveland, April 19, 1863; son of John P. and Elizabeth (Borger) Young; educated, public schools; married, Aug. 19, 1885, Bertha Knecht; issue, one son, Carlton W., one daughter, Elsie B.; Republican; began life as cash boy with E. I. Baldwin & Co., until 1880, when he was first employed by the National City Bank as messenger; rose through the grades of collector, clerk, bookkeeper, teller, asst. cashier and cashier to vice pres. (1913), also vice pres. Bloomfield Development Co.; pres. American Trading Co.; director The People’s Savings Bank Co.; member Iris Lodge, No. 229, IF. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michael P. Mooney

Mooney, Michael P.; attorney-at-law; born, Ireland, Oct. 22, 1866; son of Thomas and Anne McHugh Mooney; educated, Irish National and Intermediate Schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 29, 1891, Mary Slowey; issue, Frank G., Robert E., Mary C., Agnes M., Charles A., and Eleanor E.; admitted to the bar in 1891, and engaged in continuous and general practice of law since that time, excepting two years of service in the law department of the city; asst. corporation counsel of City of Cleveland, 1891-1893, member pres. of Civil Service Commission of Cleveland, 1910-1911, and member Charter Commission of Cleveland, 1913; member State Board … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin S. Hubbell

Hubbell, Benjamin S.; architect; born, Leavenworth, Kas., July 11, 1867; educated, Cornell University, in senior year won scholarship in architecture, and was elected member of the Sigma XI, took degree in architecture in 1894; now practising under the name of Hubbell & Benes; firm was architect for Wade Memorial, Citizens Bldg., Cleveland School of Art, and other important structures; member Masons, Chamber of Commerce, American Institute of Architects and Colonial Club.

Biographical Sketch of John M. Petro

Petro, John M.; born, Hungary, 1877; educated in Parochial schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1898, Mary Melleza; six children, three boys and three girls; started as mechanical pattern maker’s apprentice in 1890, working for several years on outdoor work on account of poor health; 1897, started as apprentice plumber, for his brother, J. J. Petro; bought his business in 1910; does high class of work and has good trade, built up by honest methods and good work; well-known among Hungarians of the city, as parents were pioneers from Hungary; in 1894, organized St. Stephen’s Young Men’s Society, sec’y and treas. of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carl F. Fessler

Fessler, Carl F.; teacher of piano; born, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1860; received his education in his native town of Karlsruhe; entered the high school there, called gymnasium, a d then the music school, displaying unusual talent for music when young, his parents gave him careful training under the very best instructors; married, Cleveland, 1892, Henrietta Stoll; issue, one daughter and two sons; came to America in 1880, and with the exception of one year, has lived in Cleveland ever since; his ability as a musician and teacher was soon recognized; for twelve years he was associate director of The Wolfram School … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hubbard Bushnell

Bushnell, Thomas Hubbard; lawyer; born, Burton, O., Aug. 17, 1856; son of Ebenezer and Julia Baldwin Bushnell; public school and university education, B. A. 1882, M. A., 1885, Western Reserve College (now Western Reserve University, Adelbert college); married, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1889, Sophia Ballard; issue, five children; with Union Rolling Mill Company, this city, 1882-1885; admitted to bar, 1885; practiced law in Cleveland one year, in Hurley, Wis., 1886-1896; and in Cleveland since, except while judge of the Cuyahoga County Insolvency and Juvenile Court, during parts of 1904 and 1905; member Cleveland, Ohio, and American Bar Associations; Delta Kappa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Bommhardt

Bommhardt, John A.; patent and claim attorney, born, Hastings, Minn., Sept. 14, 1862; son of Jacob and Elizabeth Glock Bommhardt; educated, St. Paul’s German Parish School, May-flower School, and Business College, all of Cleveland; married, Cleveland, July 21, 1901, Catherine F. Kavanaugh; issue, two children; sec’y Cuyahoga County Republican Executive Committee, since 1909; Past State Commander Ohio Division of Sons of Veterans; sec’y of Cuyahoga County Memorial Day Committee since 1900; entered the law office of the late Milo B. Steven, in January, 1880, and was connected with the pension and patent business of this firm until 1908; being located … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edgar J. Mooney

Mooney, Edgar J.; tailor; born, 1885; head of firm of Mooney Bros. in Cleveland, tailors; firm has been established sixty years; from grandfather to son, to son; member Athletic Club, Knights of Columbus, Cleveland Grays, Shaker Lakes Canoe Club. Recreations: Canoeing, Golf, and all Outdoor Sports.

Biographical Sketch of William J. Pullman

Pullman, William J.; building contractor; born, Bronson, Mich., Aug. 21, 1861; son of Joseph E. and Sarah S. Parsons Pullman; married, Bronson, Mich., Nov. 14, 1880, and Cleveland, O., Aug. 15, 1910, Flora C. Kraimer; issue, first wife, two daughters, Faye and Vera; issue, second marriage, one daughter, Madge; member Masons and Royal Arcanum, Sons of Veterans, and K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of William Greif

Greif, William; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Aug. 16, 1855; son of Vincent and Mary E. Mayer Greif; educated in Cleveland schools; married, Cleveland, Oct. 25, 1881, Mary Hitsch; began in the manufacture of kegs and barrels in 1876; pres. of the Greif Bros.’ Cooperage Co. and the Fanner Mfg. Co.; vice pres. Euclid Arcade, Pioneer Lumber Co., and General Time Recorder Co.; treas. Columbia Mutual Lumber Co.; director in the following companies: Cleveland, Alliance & Mahoning Valley R. R., Forest City Savings & Trust Co., Ohio Savings & Loan Co., United Banking & Savings Co., California Red Wood Lumber Co., and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathew Zeman

Zeman, Mathew; iron business; born, Probulov, Bohemia, Feb. 15, 1860; son of John and Anna Zeman; educated, public and high schools of Pisek, Bohemia; after leaving school, married, July 20, 1889, Miss M. Svoboda; issue, three children; Miroslav, graduate of public schools and Central Institute, now a student in Technical High School, in Prague, Bohemia, Ladimir, who was the first graduate of the Cleveland Technical High School, attended Case School of Applied Science and is now at Cornell University, Otokar, graduate of public schools and now a student at East Technical High School; after he left school he went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Floyd D. Shook

Shook, Floyd D.; insurance; born, Randolph O., March 5, 1867; son of David and Linda A. Stambaugh Shook; educated, Hiram College, 1882-1883; finished at Ohio Normal University, Ada, O., 1887; married, Randolph, O., Nov. 20, 1889, Josephine E. Trescott; with The Adams Ford Co.; with firm twenty years, until August, 1913, when he became associated with The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, as associate general agent; director The Rotary Mnfg. Co.; director The Ohio Insurance Agency Co.; director The Knollwood Cemetery Co.; trustee Cleveland Christian Orphanage and Euclid Ave. Christian Church; member Masonic Order, McKinley Chapter, Royal League, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. M. Albrecht

Albrecht, A. M.; florist; born, Cleveland, O., Feb. 4, 1868; son of Herman and Theresa Rebman Albrecht; parochial and St. Joseph’s school, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Nov., 1898, Catharina Becker; issue, three children, Albert Carl, Alice Louise and Catharina; at 13 years of age started to work and for 13 years was with The Cleveland Paper Co.; one year Spencerian Business School; 12 years with different firms as florist, 4 years in business for myself on Prospect Ave.; member Florist Club, Chamber of Industry and Franklin Circle Church; member Forest City Council No. 86, Royal Arcanum League, National Union No. 54, … Read more