Biographical Sketch of George H. Worthington

Worthington, George H.; merchant; born, Toronto, Can., Feb. 13, 1850; son of John and Mary Wellborn Worthington; public school and business college education; married, Mount Vernon, O., in February, 1878, Mrs. Hannah L. Weaver; worked in a wholesale grocery store in Canada for three years; came to United States to take charge of his fathers interests as contractor in building the Southern Central R. R., in New York State; then went to Brownhelm, O., and worked for his father and brother in operating a stone quarry; in 1873, admitted to the firm which later became the Cleveland Stone Co.; became … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph L. Szepessy

Szepessy, Joseph L.; real estate and steamship agency; born, Kassa, Hungary; high school education; married, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 16, 1889, Irene Balczer; issue, three sons, George, Theodore and Edward; staunch Republican, organizing many Republican clubs; elected decennial assessor in 19th Ward; instrumental in naturalizing thousands of his countrymen; first Hungarian real estate agt. in the city; through his efforts many of his countrymen acquired homes; organized several societies, which are still flourishing; founded the first Hungarian paper published in Cleveland, called Szabadsag (Liberty); long time director Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust Co., and instrumental in building up of branch on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Charlesworth

Charlesworth, David; florist; born in England, April 1, 1843; son of William and Hannah Haywood Charlesworth; educated, national schools of England and St. Augustine’s College, Canterbury, Eng.; married in England to Miss Elizabeth Fawcett; issue, 4 children, 3 living; when still a boy, worked on the Lundy estate; identified with the florists’ trade in Yorkshire, Eng., for 7 years; became an instructor in Lee’s Reformatory schools; in 1867, asst. of St. Clement’s Parish, Leeds, Yorkshire, for 2 years; in 1869, came to the U. S. and direct to Cleveland; removed to Tennessee, and engaged in the cotton business; returned to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gaston

Gaston, William; clergyman; born, Columbiana County, O., April 19, 1835; son of James W. and Rebecca Conke Gaston; A. B., Washington College, Pa., 1858; grad. Western Theological Seminary, 1861; (D. D., 1887, LL. D., 1892, Richmond College Ohio); married, Julia M. Cunningham, of Smith’s Ferry, Pa., May 4, 1855 (died March, 1896); second wife, Jennie L. Wise, of Washington, Pa., Aug. 2, 1898; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1861; pastor, Smith’s Ferry, Pa., 1861-1865; First Church, Bellaire, O., 1865-1880; North Church, Cleveland, 1880-1907; Emeretus, 1907; chaplain U. S. Christian Comma in Civil War, director University of Wooster, O.; Republican; Presbyterian; has traveled … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew W. Scobie

Scobie, Andrew W.; milk dealer; born, Cleveland, July 24, 1865; son of William and Agnes Scott Scobie; educated, Cleveland public schools and the Cleveland School of Art, 1883-1887; married, Cleveland, July 3, 1888, Rebecca E. Johnston; issue. two daughters and three sons; owner and proprietor The Hudson Farm Dairy.

Biographical Sketch of Ralph M. Drucker

Drucker, Ralph M.; business broker, born New York City, Jan. 11, 1876; son of Louis and Augusta Drucker; educated, Bronnell and Rockwell schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1900, Miss Carrie Reilly; director The Crooks-Whigam Co.; member The Cleveland Automobile and Automobile Country Clubs. Recreations: Motoring, Baseball and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Evan Henry Hopkins

Hopkins, Evan Henry; lawyer; born, Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 4, 1864; son of David J. and Mary Jeffreys Hopkins; A. B., Adelbert College, 1889; LL. B., Harvard, 1892; married, Frances P. M. Shain, of Cleveland, Dec. 27, 1892; admitted to bar, 1891; in practice at Cleveland since 1892; member law firm of Herrick & Hopkins; member faculty and registrar, 1892-1895, dean law dept., 1895-1910, Western Reserve University; member and sec’y Cleveland Public Library Board, 1892-1898; member Board Park Commissioners, Cleveland, 1900-1901; Presbyterian; Republican; contributor to legal publications; member University Club.

Biographical Sketch of Homer H. McKeehan

McKeehan, Homer H.; lawyer; born, Hillsboro, O., June 27, 1870; son of Milton and Sarah Foraker McKeehan; Ohio Wesleyan University, B. A.; married, Hillsboro, 0., Dec. 16, 1896, Nancy Spaeger; one daughter; member law firm Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKeehan & Andrews; member Union, Country, Mayfield, Euclid, and Athletic Clubs, and (I.K Fraternity).

Biographical Sketch of Edward Fild

Fild, Edward; milk dealer; born, Cleveland, July 18, 1887; son of Herman and Catherine Schnabel Fild; graduated from Orchard School and went to West High school two years; graduated from the Grammar School in 1901; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1905, Lauretta Corcoran; two children; succeeded his father, Herman Fild, who established the business in 1888; member Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League. Recreations: Bowling and Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roman W. Wascko

Wascko, Roman W.; florist; born, Germany, Dec. 3, 1887; son of Ernest and Emma Shmemgatzea Wascko; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 12, 1903; Mary Pallyblank; issue, four children; from 1892 worked for J. W. Wilson as florist, till 1901, for Lyman Essex, florist; in 1902 started in business for himself, continuing in one location; member P. H. C. and Florist Club.

Biographical Sketch of Jeremiah Jay Sullivan

Sullivan, Jeremiah Jay; banker; born, Fulton, Stark County, Nov. 16, 1844; educated, village schools; enlisted 3rd Ohio Battery, 1862; mustered out as sergeant, 1865; moved to Millersburg, 1866; engaged in general merchandise until 1878; elected state senator by Democratic party, 1879; served two terms; entered hardware business in Millersburg in 1883; re-elected state senator; national bank examiner 1887; came to Cleveland in 1889 and organized Central National Bank; served as treas., cashier, vice pres., pres., 1900; pres. Chamber of Commerce, 1893; member Union, Country, Roadside, Colonial, and Euclid Clubs; married, 1873, Selina J. Brown; issue, two daughters and one son.

Biographical Sketch of Ivan T. Quick

Quick, Ivan T.; general insurance; born, Canada, April 5, 1888; son of Oscar and Clara Clark Quick; educated, Lincoln, Ill., Odd Fellows Orphan’s Home, eighth grade; clerk in wholesale grocery house in Aurora, Ill., in 1904; 1905, came to Cleveland; formed partnership of Quick & Hunter, in Pittsburgh, in 1906, failed; was then in the employ of the East Ohio Gas Co. for a year and a half; employed by The Paul E. Kroehle Co., merchandise brokers, in 1908; employed by The Manhattan Soap Co., of New York City, as salesman, in 1909; started in the insurance business in Cleveland, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of P. H. Roach

Roach, P. H.; florist; born, Cleveland, Feb. 27, 1866; son of Patrick and Elizabeth Harris Roach; educated, Cleveland Parochial School; two years with the Malleable Iron Works; janitor St. Edwards Church, for ten years; entered florist business, and has been in one location ever since starting; pres. and treas. of the company.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob B. Kohn

Kohn, Jacob B.; scrap metal; born, Cleveland, May 24, 1884; son of Adolph and Rose Koblitz Kohn; educated in Cleveland schools; from 1899 to 1906, traveled for the Koblitz-Kohn Co., scrap metal; taken into the company, 1906; 1912, sec’y and treas.; director Euclid Prospect Investment Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, B. P. O. E., B’ene B’rith.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Waller Deering

Deering, Robert Waller; university dean; born, Hogansville, Ga., June 27, 1865; son of Rev. John R. and Fannie (Covin) Deering; A. M., Vanderbilt University, 1885; A. M., Ph. D., University of Leipsiz, 1889; married Jessie Winn, of Mt. Sterling, Ky., Sept. 9, 1891; adj. prof. Germanic languages, Vanderbilt, 1890-1892; prof. Germanic languages since 1892, dean, Grad. Faculty, since 1893,. Western Reserve University. Editor: The Little Gipsy (translated from Cervantes La Jitanilla), 1891; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, 1894; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, spl. edit., 1900; Goethe’s Egmont, 1903; also monographs and reviews on philol. subjects.

Biographical Sketch of E. K. Gatch

Gatch, E. K.; cashier Graselli Chemical Co.; born, Milford, O., in 1865; common school and graduated from the High School of Milford, came to Cleveland in 1884; went to work for E. G. Graselli & Son, as office boy; promoted to shipping clerk, book-keeper and finally cashier; heavy stockholder in the company; member Y. M. C. A., Business Men’s Club, and Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Norris J. Clarke

Clarke, Norris J.; born, Cleveland, Aug. 29, 1880; son of Jay M. and Lena D. Clarke; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School; married, Sewickley, Pa., June 24, 1907, Katherine Pearson; two daughters, Kathleen and Marguerite; entered the employ of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1897, as office boy and worked at all office positions, becoming salesman in 1904, and mgr. of their Pittsburgh office from 1906 to 1911 when he accepted his present position; sec’y The Upson Nut Co.; pres. Searight Supply Co., and sec’y Union Nut & Bolt Co.; member Union and Athletic Clubs, of Cleveland, and the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Chard

Chard, William P.; real estate; born, Prince Albert, Ont., Oct. 28, 1846; son of James J. and Ann Parry Chard; very little education; obliged to go to work when 12 years of age; married, in 1892, to Miss Mary Hawkins; for 33 years an employee of the Lake Shore Railroad; now in the real estate business; treas. Brooklyn Building and Loan Ass’n; Republican; member of Council, one term, as alderman; when the board was established, member of fire committee in 2nd. District; deputy director of Public Works, for 4 years, under Robert E. McKisson; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Gaede

Gaede, John W.; manufacturer; born, Illinois, May 16, 1873; educated, common schools, Evergreen City Business College, Bloomington, Ill.; married, Cleveland, 1896, Sophia Bohn; issue, three daughters and one son, Esther, Ottillia, Lydia and David; for the past five years has been manufacturing hardware specialties, consisting of the following, saw vices, chain drills, hollow augers, saw sets, emery wheel dressers, bench vises, plane gauges, spoke pointers and spoke shaves; has recently started to make an improved iron plane, which is entirely new and the best plane ever produced; gen. mngr. Buckeye Saw Vice Co.; member Masonic Order, Woodmen of the World, … Read more