Biography of James Foster Wells

JAMES FOSTER WELLS – In the Vaux, or Bank, or Bayeux, or de Vallibus family of France originated the De Welles family of Lincolnshire, barons by summons to Parliament. It is one of the most illustrious families known to history. The derivation is traced to the year 794, from which period its members held the highest rank personally and by royal intermarriages. It was founded in England after the Conquest by Harold de Vaux (a near connection of William the Conqueror) and his three sacs, Barons Hubert, Ranulph and Robert, who were all surnamed de Vallibus. The descent is through … Read more

Biography of Edward Franklin Warner

Edward Franklin Warner (1844-1911), a prominent dealer in farm implements and caretaker of a 300-acre ancestral farm in Cummington, Massachusetts, was born and died on the family homestead. He was the son of Franklin John Marvin and Vesta Wales (Reed) Warner. The Warner family, with roots in England, has had numerous distinguished members in both England and America. Edward, who was active in town affairs, married Ellen Lovell in 1869, and they had one daughter, Ethel Susie Warner, who was also deeply involved in community and church activities.

Biographical Sketch of Worchester Reed Warner

Warner, Worchester Reed; manufacturer; born, Cummington, Hampshire County, Mass., May 16, 1846; son of Franklin J. and Vesta Wales (Reed) Warner; educated, district school, Cummington; (D. Mech. Sc., Western University of Pennsylvania, 1897) ; married, Cleveland, Cornelia F. Blakemore, of Philadelphia, June 26, 1890; learned machinist’s trade at Boston and at Exeter, N. H.; with Pratt & Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn.; 1870-1880, and at same time pursued studies in astronomy, and other scientific branches, and experimented in telescope building as a recreation; in 1881, with Ambrose Swasey, established firm of Warner & Swasey, incorporated as The Warner & Swasey Co., … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Gardner

The family from which Charles L. Gardner came is one of very old New England ancestry, as his first forebear in this country was an early settler in Massachusetts, known as John Gardner, of Hingham, who settled and died in that town November 24, 1668. More than ten generations of Gardners have made New England their home, the family, of course, originating in England. Charles L. Gardner, noted as lawyer and legislator, aided in making the name illustrious. John Gardner, of Hingham, and his wife, Mary, were the parents of the second John Gardner (a), who was baptized July 18, … Read more