Genealogy of Garriot K. Broyles

Broyles, Bruhls, Broils,Broiles originated from northwestern Germany. There are two towns one of which is Bruhl along the west side of the Rhine River. The largest community has an 18th century castle called Augustburg. The archbishop of Cologne had created the town in 1285. The family Brohl had lived in the area as early as the 14th century as in 1332 one Brohl had received a coat of arms. Some of the Broyles family came to America in 1717 to Culpepper, Virginia. The first was John Broyles who had several sons who were the ancestors for many of the Broyles … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Wade

Henry Wade and his wife, Lucy Turner, lived in Culpepper Co., Va. They had Luke, Zackfifl, Henry, Andrew, John, Orinda, Polly, and Sally. Henry married Mary D. Waller, in 1810, and settled in Lincoln Co., Mo., in 1835. His children were William, Henry, John, Richard, Andrew, Martha, Judith, Lucy, Polly, and Margaret. William married Susan Sitton, of Lincoln County. Henry lives in California, unmarried. Richard died in that State. John married Levisa Wright. Andrew died in his youth. Martha was married first to Peter Shelton, and after his death to George Dyer. Judith married John Carter, and is now a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Pratt

Thomas Pratt, of Culpepper County, Virginia, married a Miss Smith, by whom he had Thomas B., Elizabeth, and Ann. His first wife died, and he was married the second time to Martha Terrell, by whom he had Jonathan, Milton W., Lucinda, Mary, and Martha. Mr. Pratt settled in Warren County in 1831, with all of his children except Thomas B., and most of them now reside in that county.

Biography of Rufus Benton Peery

Rufus Benton Peery. There appears on other pages of this publication a history of Midland College at Atchison. In this connection is found an appropriate place for some reference to the career of the president of that well known Kansas institution, Rufas Benton Peery, who after a long and distinguished service as a missionary and, minister of the Lutheran Church took the president’s chair in 1912. Mr. Peery is of old American stock and Revolutionary antecedents. He was born at Burkes Garden, Virginia, April 9, 1868. The Peerys originated in England and in 1741 three brothers, Thomas, William and Edward … Read more

Biography of Hon. Hilory Butler

HON. HILORY BUTLER. – Mr. Butler is the son of Roland and Luc Emery Butler. He was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, on March 31, 1819. He resided on his father’s farm, where he was born, until he was twenty-one years of age, when he came to Lexington, Missouri, with a neighbor’s family, and followed farming until 1852. In April of that year he started across the plains in company with his wife, with the train known as the Hays and Cowan train, and arrived in Portland in September of the same year. After spending the first winter in Portland, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Wright

Richard Wright, of Culpepper County, Va., was a soldier of the war of 1812. He married Ann Smith, of Virginia, and settled in Warren County, Mo., in 1822. In 1858 he removed to Lincoln County, where he died. His children were Elizabeth, Henry C., Susannah, Ann M., George W., and Francis M. Elizabeth married Marion Ross, who settled in Lincoln County. Henry C. is a physician. He settled in Warren County, and when the North Missouri Railroad was built he laid off a town on his farm, and called it Wright City. The place now numbers some five or six … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lawrence Long

Lawrence Long, of Culpepper Co., Va., settled in St. Louis Co., Mo., in 1797, and built a saw and grist mill. His children were Gabriel, John, William, James, Nicholas, Nancy, Sally, and Elizabeth. John married Rachel Zumwalt, by whom he had Lawrence and Andrew J. He died soon after, and in 1823 his widow and her two sons removed to Warren County, where she married Newton Howell. Lawrence married Malinda Hutchings, of St. Charles County. Andrew J. married Mary W. Preston of St. Charles County.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Graves

Thomas Graves, of Culpepper County, Va., was a soldier and Quartermaster in the revolutionary war. He married the widow Simms, by whom he had Thomas N., Elizabeth, Nancy, Lucy, and Waller. Thomas married Mary Mason., of Virginia, and in 1806 he removed, with his father and sisters Elizabeth and Nancy, to Barbour County, Ky., from whence in 1820, they came to Warren County, Mo. The names of Thomas children were James B., William M., Candice A., Henry B., and Lucy M. Mr. Graves was Judge of the County Court of both Montgomery and Warren counties. James B., his eldest son, … Read more

Biography of Capt. John Harper

Capt. John Harper was a native of Philadelphia; and followed the sea for many years after he was grown. In 1750 he settled in Alexandria, Va., where he died in his 87th year. He was married twice, and had twenty-nine children, eighteen sons and eleven daughters. Charles, the youngest son by his first wife, married Lucy Smither, who was of Scotch descent, and by her he had two children. He was married the second time to a Miss January, by whom he had nine children. The second son of his last wife, whose name was Charles B., was born in … Read more