Biographical Sketch of Dr. Horace Powers

DR. HORACE POWERS, son of Urias Powers, born October 27, 1807; graduated at the Woodstock Medical College in 1832; settled at Morristown, VT; was high sheriff of Lamoille County in 1844 and 1845; represented his town in the Constitutional Convention in 1850; was a Senator in 1853 and 1854, and was director in the Lamoille County Bank.

Biographical Sketch of Asa Ryder

ASA RYDER, son of Jotham Ryder, studied medicine with Alexander Boyd, of Newport, graduated at the medical department at Hanover, and settled at Alstead, N. H., where, after two years of practice, he died.

Biography of Larnard Powers

Larnard Powers, for many years one of the leading farmers and most influential citizens of Cornish, was born at Croydon, N.H., April 20, 1808. His grandparents were Lemuel and Thankful (Leland) Powers, and his parents were Colonel Samuel and Chloe (Cooper) Powers. Colonel Powers was born at Northbridge in 1763, and was a soldier and officer of the Revolution. His family consisted of the following named children: Olive, Obed, Judith, Nancy, Chloe, Samuel, Ara, Lemuel, Solomon, Ithamar, Larnard, and Randilla. Olive, born in 1786, died in 1841, unmarried; Obed, born in 1788, married Cynthia Cummings, and had a family of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otis Gibson

OTIS GIBSON, Son of William, was born June 8, 1807; studied medicine, graduated at Woodstock, Vt., in 1830, and settled at Wellsboro, Pa.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Whipple

THOMAS WHIPPLE, son of Daniel Whipple, and greatgrandson of Moses Whipple, an intelligent farmer and practical surveyor, has long taken a deep interest in the cause of education, and for many years has had the general charge of the schools in Charlestown, N. H., his place of residence. He has a well educated family, some of them graduates at Meriden. He is a correct business man ; was a candidate for County Treasurer in 1856, receiving the full vote of his party.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Marsh Jr.

SAMUEL MARSH, Jr., was father of ELOM, one of the Vice-Presidents at the Celebration, a successful farmer at Westmoreland, N. H.,-of JOHN L. who moved to Jefferson County, N. Y., where he has been elected a Representative and exerted much influence, and ORREN who was educated at Norwich University and went to Oregon.

Biographical Sketch of Major Abijah Powers

MAJ. ABIJAH POWERS, son of Ezekiel Powers, one of the earliest settlers of the town, was a man instinctively inclined to leisure and social enjoyments. He was a Major in the war of 1812. He was well educated, and bad a ready judgment, and hence was enabled to fill the offices of Justice, Selectman and Representative with much credit to himself. He was the greatest story-teller the town ever produced, with the exception perhaps of his uncle, Abijah Hall, the father of Capt. Amasa Hall. With him, as with James and other members of the family, in his last days … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Pliny Hall

PLINY HALL, Son of Martin, and grandson of Capt. Edward Hall, was born Sept. 21, 1817. At the age of seven, on the death of his father, he went to live with his uncle Calvin Hall, and labored on the farm until he was twenty-one. In 1842 he entered the store of Ruel Durkee, Esq., where he was principal clerk for nine years, and was chief clerk to his successor for three years. He then returned to farming, which occupation he has since followed. He was appointed U. S. Assistant Census Marshal in 1850 ; was elected Representative in 1851 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Breck

HENRY BRECK, now eighty-one years of age, was a native of Boston. He came to Croydon in 1807, and was clerk in. the store at the Flat, owned by his brothers, William and. James. In 1815, he purchased their interest and continued. in trade there until 1818, when he removed to Four Corners,. where he continued in business until 1837, when he removed to Cornish Flat. On the death of his brother William, in 1848, he removed to Claremont, and settled on the” homestead” where he now lives. Mr. Breck took an active part in the erection of the Church … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Charles Rowell

HON. CHARLES ROWELL was born in 1785. He removed to Allenstown, NH, and served as selectman of his adopted town twenty-four years; representative to the Legislature four years; county treasurer two years; State Senator two years, and a justice of the peace from early manhood until his death, which occurred January 11, 1867.

Biographical Sketch of Bushrod Rice Gibson

BUSHROD RICE and GARDNER WINSLOW, sons of William Gibson, were both physicians. The former died at Pomfret, Vt., many years since; the latter entered the army as an officer, and was killed at Cold Harbor.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Stow

PETER STOW, a sterling farmer, married Deborah Nettleton, of Newport, and was the father of the Rev. Dr. Stow, of Boston, and Royal P. Stow, former Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives. While in town he held many important civil and military offices.

Biographical Sketch of Lucy B. Whipple

LUCY B. WHIPPLE, the youngest daughter of William, married Wm. W. George, of Canaan, N. H., a prominent business man and sheriff, and who has been a member of the Legislature for a number of years.

Biographical Sketch of Briant Brown

BRIANT BROWN was a social man. He came from Williston, Vt., and married Abigail, daughter of Capt. Edward Hall. He resided at the Flat, was Representative in 1827 and 1828, and was more or less engaged in public business. He died Feb. 18, 1854, aged 61 years.

Biographical Sketch of Elisabeth Rumble

ELISABETH RUMBLE, a spinster, was noted for her great age-a hundred years-and her many eccentricities. At the trout-brook she was the rival of the famous Isaak Walton.

Biographical Sketch of Josiah W. Powers

JOSIAH W. POWERS, son of the late Urias Powers, was born June 19, 1799. He entered Dartmouth College, but before completing the full course, he left and entered the Theological Institution at Andover, Mass., where he graduated. After being ordained, he preached at Kingston, Mass. and at Kennebunk, Me. In 1839 he accepted an agency of the American Bible Society, and soon after reaching Ohio, the field of his labor, was called to his rest.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Swinnerton

BENJAMIN SWINNERTON, one of the early settlers, once quite a favorite in town, was drowned at an early age while attempting to swim across the Connecticut River in company with an Indian.

Biographical Sketch of James P. Wheeler

JAMES P. WHEELER, Son of Morrill, and grandson of Col. Nathaniel Wheeler, a boy of uncommon courage and daring, was for eight months with Gen. Sickles as dispatch bearer. He was for a long time an inmate of the ” Libby Prison,” and shared with others in the famous ” black bean soup.” He re-enlisted and died a prisoner at Danville, Va.

Biographical Sketch of Josiah Ide

JOSIAH IDE, son of Daniel Ide, one of the early settlers, deserves a remembrance as one of the most worthy and respected farmers in town.

Biographical Sketch of Ruel Durkee

RUEL DURKEE, son of Rufus and Polly Whipple Durkee, and a descendant of Moses Whipple, Esq., was born in Croydon, July 14, 1807. He has ever resided in his native town. His early years were spent in obtaining an education in the common school, and in assisting to carry on a tannery. Later in life he has carried on extensive farming operations, besides attending to much other business. In addition to the management of his own private concerns, he has acted a conspicuous part in the affairs of the town, and in the politics of New Hampshire. His native shrewdness … Read more