McQueen, Wayne B. – Obituary

Funeral services for Wayne B. McQueen, 74 years old, a retired truck driver and Army veteran of World War I, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in Bible Church, 3745 East Pleasant Run East Parkway. Entombment will be in Washington Park East Mausoleum. A native of Columbus, Ind. and resident here 45 years, Mr. McQueen died Friday [October 18, 1968] in his home at 2601 North Butler Avenue. Friends may call after 9 a.m. today in the Moore and Kirk North East Chapel. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Hester Anna McQueen; a son, Eugene McQueen; five daughters, Mrs. Viola … Read more

Biography of Andrew Arnold

One of the old and substantial business houses of Topeka is that now conducted under the style of Arnold Drug Company, an establishment which had been operated by father and son. This business was founded nearly forty-seven years ago by the late Andrew Arnold, who same here as a poor young man and subsequently advanced to a substantial position in business circles and to a leading place in civic affairs. Andrew J. Arnold was born in 1845, at Columbus, the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, a son of Ephraim Arnold, whe was a pioneer of Indiana and prominent in … Read more

Biography of Frank Hubert Sherwood

Frank Hubert Sherwood was for many years a successful farmer in Elk County, but in recent years had been owner and had succeeded in developing a very strong independent telephone company at Grenola, and now gives his time and attention to the management of this exchange. Mr. Sherwood also enjoys the distinction of being the mayor of Grenola. The Sherwoods came originally from England, settling in Virginia in colonial days, and Mr. Sherwood’s grandfather, William Sherwood, was born in that state. He was an early settler in Southern Indiana, owned a farm in Bartholomew County, and died at Columbus in … Read more

Goehring, Laura Bonwell – Obituary

Mrs. Laura Alice Goehring, a resident of Ottumwa since 1879 and the oldest living member of the First Baptist Church here, died at 10:20 a.m. today [December 12, 1942] at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Swanson of 223 North Marion Street. Mrs. Goehring was born November 29, 1859, near Columbus, Ind., the daughter of Michael and Agnes Bonwell. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Ina Swanson, and one son, Harry Harker, both of Ottumwa. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Opal Harker, who died in 1888, and by one brother D. S. Bonwell, who … Read more