Biographical Sketch of William Kelly Morgan

William Kelly Morgan, engaged in the monument business in Muskogee, was born in Independence county, Arkansas, on the 2d of September, 1874. Having completed his public school education he devoted his attention to farming until 1908, manifesting at all times that spirit of industry which has characterized him in his later commercial pursuits. He brought his land under a high state of cultivation and carried on the work of the farm until 1908, when he became engaged in general merchandising at Colegate, Oklahoma, where he remained for two and a half years. On the expiration of that period he turned … Read more

Coal County Oklahoma Cemeteries

Rebecca Mitchell Proctor Grave Marker

Most of these Coal County Oklahoma cemeteries are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we provide the listing when it is only a partial listing. Hosted at Coal County OKGenWeb Archives Byrd’s Prairie Cemetery Cairo Cemetery Centrahoma Cemetery Coalgate Cemetery Globe Cemetery McCarty Cemetery Pine Cemetery Pleasant Grove Cemetery Hosted at Coal County OKGenWeb Byrds Prairie Cemetery Centrahoma Cemetery Coalgate Cemetery Lonestar Cemetery McCarty Cemetery Moore Cemetery Ninas Cemetery Nixon Cemetery Panther Creek Cemetery Plesant Grove Cemetery Wilson Cemetery Woodman Cemetery Hosted at Coal County Oklahoma ALHN Boiling Springs Cemetery Byrds Prairie Cemetery Cairo Cemetery Calvary … Read more

Slave Narrative of R. C. Smith

Person Interviewed: R. C. Smith Occupation: Prophet One morning in May I heard a poor rebel say; “The federal’s a home guard Dat called me from home…” I wish I was a merchant And could write a fine hand, I’d write my love a letter So she would understand. I wish I had a drink of brandy, And a drink of wine, To drink wid dat sweet gal How I wish dat she was mine. If I had a drink of brandy No longer would I roam, I’d drink it wid dat gal of mine Dat wishes me back home. … Read more