Biography of C. F. Lutes

C. F. Lutes. The largest hand glass plant west of the Mississippi River is that of the Fredonia Window Glass Company, located at Fredonia, Kansas. The president and general manager of this enterprise, C. F. Lutes, had been connected with the glass industry ever since entering upon his career, and is a man of experience, resource and energy, who, since coming to Kansas in 1904, had occupied a position of importance among the business men of Fredonia. The success of the company with which he is identified, and its allied interests at Caney, Kansas and Okmulgee, Oklahoma, must be accredited … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lee Vosburgh

(III) Lee, son of Arnold and Olive (Coe) Vosburgh, was born in Hillsdale, Columbia county, New York, July 26, 1863. He attended the public schools in the town of Phelps, New York, removing there with his parents in 1871 ; two years later they removed to Clyde, New York, and after another two years returned to Phelps and located on their former farm. In 1892 Mr. Vosburgh took charge of this farm and it has since that time been under his sole management. The results which he has achieved in agriculture have been of an eminently satisfactory character, and he … Read more